Christening New Boo



Jul 15, 2015

With a new P.H. Young Perfectionist in hand for the past few months, I was able to hit the home waters on Fishing Creek near Benton PA. It was to be the first chance on good water to test the rod, having had an earlier go on the Tully, however the water did not cooperate. it must have been karma I reckon, since what better place than home waters to christen a new rod anyway?

Even more fitting was the 1st fish on the new 7 1/2' 4wt coming to an LTD tied in BWO. It was quite the exclamation point to a rod I had planned for many years, as I watched that little rainbow rise and sip in the little #16 fly. The feeling of satisfaction felt as the rod bowed in my hand was a moment I will carry forward.

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Christening a PH Young Perfectionist
Sweet rod taper for sure and a knock-out for looks. Congrats on your new rod..
The perfectionist is of my all time favorites. Many think of it as a small stream rod due to it's diminutive size, but it can handle a wide range of situations.
Yep, if you stroll thru the PA Fly Fishing museum, you'll see a good number of Perfectionists in the cases, mostly strung up with a 5wt, great taper. I started out fishing my quad version with a 4, but found I like it better with a light 5wt, Sylk 5WF in this case. One of my favorite goto rods, nice job on the build.