I read the petition.
So the petition made it all about brown trout. IMO, that's a mistake.
But the opposition to it in the conservation community was because it was all about brown trout. IMO, also a mistake.
And I'm just shaking my head. The brown trout people say the smaller, cold water streams are nursery waters. The brook trout people say they are brook trout habitat. Ok. I understand the disagreement. I understand where these "camps" could butt heads in management practice. But in what was actually suggested, you don't butt heads!!!! The waters in discussion have wild trout in them. Browns, brookies, whatever. And the suggestion is to end stocking on them. Are we not in agreement on that point? Should not we shake hands and get that done, and then resume butting heads over what's next?
Brook trout people, instead of shooting it down, how about a suggestion to change the wording? Maybe point out that brookies are our state fish, and the focus of conservation, and ask them to amend it to protect wild trout in general. In the justification make BOTH arguments. It could benefit wild brown trout populations as well as native brook trout populations.
And brown trout people, if the brook trout camp came back with such a suggestion, in exchange for their support, why would there be any opposition to including their purpose as well in your position?
There's a place to disagree. But when both sides want exactly the same thing, to stop stocking on a stream important to wild trout, ummmm.