Cased Caddis



Apr 17, 2010
Been tying a lot lately, and I decided to share my favorite cased caddis nymph. It's fairly simple and devastatingly effective.

Hook: 3xl curved nymph, TMC200R or similar, #8-16

Weight:.015 lead-free wire (I also tie these with a black tungsten bead)

Thread:brown or black 8/0

Abdomen:Hare's ear dubbing and tightly palmered and trimmed brown saddle hackle

Hot Spot: Insect Green dubbing

Hackle: black dyed Hungarian partridge

Head: black dubbing


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Question on case caddis...

Do fish really eat them? Dave Hughes indicates in one of his books that it is not likely. In the few stockers I have harvested over the years, I have seen stomach contents to indicate that they do eat cased caddis, if debris in a fish's stomach is any indication.

Do many of you have success with these patterns?

Finally, I am always amazed at how often a caddis case finds its way to the point of my hook!
Steve, i have had success with the cased caddis, so id imagine fish eat the real ones.
I've caught several trout on this fly, as well as smallmouths, carp, a channel cat and a variety of different panfish, so that's all the proof I needed that fish do eat cased caddis larva. I usually use this as an "anchor" fly with either a small PT, soft hackle or a green rockworm on a 10-16" dropper of 5x tied off the bend.
BelAirSteve- Trout do eat cased caddis. They eat a lot of non-food items for that matter. I've used stomach pumps before and the things I've found can be quite strange. This time of year on most Central PA streams trout will feast on cased caddis when the water is high. The higher water knocks the cases off the river bottom and sends them floating down stream. Just this past weekend I caught a bunch of fish on a cased caddis pattern on the Little J and Spruce Creek. They work year round for me. I've found all kinds of things in a trouts stomach from the usual stuff to cigarette butts.
stop throwing your butts in
I experimented with a cased caddis pattern over the winter. It is two glass beads, one black and on caddis green one with a turkey tail fiber as a case. If I ever find my camera I will take a pic and post it.

I concur with Tuna. Cased caddis do catch fish, especially on streams with significant grannom numbers.

An interesting story is that a few years ago when they removed the McCoy dam near milesburg, fish were absolutely slamming cased caddis imitations for 3 months downstream along Spring Creek and the LBE. The construction must have released so many, they became a very significant food source. Once I figured this out, I had some fall!
Bam swears by them, its all i heard for a week in montana