Cased Caddis Pattern?

Hmmmmm. Where have I heard this all before? Could it have been in a bait shop in New York where you told the owner that I tried to burn your place down?? Or was it the bait shop in Pa? Both? Funny how word travels up here. Hell, I even heard tell that I was banned from PAFF. There's been so much that I can't keep up. Worse yet, you believe your own stories.:-o

Robert, as I told you before, having been here to see 6 different fly shops go down the tubes over the years, I have no inclination or desire to set inside a fly shop during the best time of the year to hunt and fish. It just isn't in the cards. Never was. Not even worth looking into. Jealousy? Not quite. If I was jealous, there'd be a real fly shop setting on a 3 acre plot right on Rt 6 this very minute. Have you ever wondered why Kettle Creek Tackle Shop is usually only open on Saturdays during the winter? Here's a clue.....DEMAND. And with Pine Creek only getting about 30% of the fish that we used to stock 10 years ago, coupled with the swarms of kayack/raft hatches all summer long and the economy, demand isn't going to get better anytime soon.

how many forums have you been kick off, a few in this area I see.

Which forums might that be? This one where I'm still a member?

Potter County Fishing

Or this one where I deleted my account because of inactivity and it's deader than a doornail?

Tioga County Fishing

Or this one, which I've never been compelled to join?

Dirt Bag Posse

Tell us Mr Master. Which local forum have I been booted from?

In the meantime.....may I suggest Trazodone?
got no time for phonies..oh yeah there is no major here, hasn't been he lives near you now..
Funny you should bring up The Major and phonies in the same sentence. I've never met 2 bigger bullchit artists in my life. My first clue should have been the first March that you lived here, made a post here about the "Class A" stream that you had a field day on. Trouble was, those pictures of those "Class A" trout that had no fins were taken above the rest area on Route 6 on Long Run during the middle of March. Easy enough mistake to make. But not for a high rod like you.:oops:

got no time

You ain't got no time because you know that me and everybody else around here is on to you. Simple as that.:)
Robert, as I told you before, having been here to see 6 different fly shops go down the tubes over the years, I have no inclination or desire to set inside a fly shop during the best time of the year to hunt and fish. It just isn't in the cards. Never was. Not even worth looking into. Jealousy? Not quite. If I was jealous, there'd be a real fly shop setting on a 3 acre plot right on Rt 6 this very minute. Have you ever wondered why Kettle Creek Tackle Shop is usually only open on Saturdays during the winter? Here's a clue.....DEMAND.

funny I do a lot of buisness this time of year. plus tying demos. but during the seasons i go. i am not tied down here, and I will be here a long time. in fact getting ready to enlarge some what. been so good I went to florida for awhile. you have had a problem since day one. Don't know why Iwas always nice to you and gave you deals. guess some people are just miserable. good bye.
How many friggin' times are you gonna say goodbye? And don't forget, we're in Wellsboro several times each week. We see what goes on. Here it is a Saturday afernoon, and the counter is so full that you have time to argue here on PAFF. You are a legend in your own mind. If you ever need any help with the hordes of fly fishermen trying to break those doors down, send up a smoke signal:) time you run into town with 6 driving lights burning on that van, please make sure that you're not tailgating my off duty BIL. Those cops carry radios ya know.:)
You guys are cutting into my drinking time...:pint:

move it to the OT where all the other obnoxious people go to fight.
:lol: :lol:
You're right Tom. It's time to pick up where the Friday Jam left off:)
From another forum. Not my picture, pattern or recipe. But I wish it was:) This one looks like fun. The mono is for attaching split shot. I can't wait to try this one out:)

Hook: Tiemco 5262 size 10-16 or any 2X long standard nymph hook
Thread: Gray 8/0
Butt: Synthetic Caddis green
Legs: Mallard Flank
Body: Dark or Natural Hare's Ear with the taper reverse of most dries.
Tippett: 3X with over hand Knot [optinal] for attaching split shot, and yes I thought the same thing......... really. The trout just don't give a dang.

Cased Caddis


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This is just crazy how many cased caddis patterns there are. To me the only thing that really changes the most is the case, to me at least. Between PaFF, googleing Casec Caddis Pattern, & books. There are so many !

That's the first time i have ever seen one backwards Fetus.

I tie up 2 different ones, well if you want too count a BHPT than 3.

How many different cased caddis patterns do you carry streamside ?

Well, if you can count a copper john and a copper creeper as a cased caddis than i would carry 5.
WOW.........looks like i missed all the fun , it's just this kind of healthy exchange that keeps my interest up. I have just one question when it comes to cased caddis , If trout eat them why then , in all my years of fishing have i not SEEN them eating them? The local streams around here (Laurel highlands) are full of what the locals call "stickbugs" , cased caddis larvae , big uns , how come you never see a trout in the backwater , where they are inches thick at times , actively feeding on them? Now i'm not talking about some nocturnal , in stream drift or migration , those are moving , i'm talking about the slackwater piles of them i been wading through all my life , why have i never seen a trout eating them? They are there by the thousands and right out in the open and vulnerable but nothing seems to bother them in that phase , not birds , not watersnakes , not nothing , the camo (the case) only works on the casual passerby , if you stop and look , not only do you see them , they are moving and quite easy to see if you look. If trout eat cased caddis SHOW ME and i'm not from Missouri , some of the old bait fly rodders i knew used them , but they would clean the sticks off before they put them on a hook. Why don't we see trout actively feeding on cased caddis?
How many different cased caddis patterns do you carry streamside ?

I carry 4 specific cased caddis imitations, and I think I have 3 wet fly patterns that I carry that are probably taken as cased caddis. I think the bottom line is, with so many patterns available, that whatever pattern you have the most confidence in will be the one you fish most effectively. I generally don't fish outside of Tioga and Potter counties, and my patterns are geared for the streams that I fish here. Get me downstate, and the patterns that I fish here may not be as effective. I know that patterns that worked great on the Pocono streams aren't so hot up here. I think when it comes to cased caddis, one should adjust the colors and textures to mimic what's going on at the homewaters.
Osprey, they have been found in stomach samples, sometimes in good numbers, but like Festus says it could depend on the stream whether the trout take advantage.
I like that pattern you posted Festus... I love those simple ties. Now in reference to the mono... what would be the advantage of adding shot to that compared to a bead head or shot a few inches up on the tippet?

p.s. Can't we all just get along?????
I like that pattern you posted Festus... I love those simple ties. Now in reference to the mono... what would be the advantage of adding shot to that compared to a bead head or shot a few inches up on the tippet?

According to the guy that posted this pattern, the shot attached to the mono allows the fly to drift with the head in the upright position with the tail facing down. According to him and several others that fish this pattern, this is a more realistic posture. Whether that's true or not, I don't know. But I intend to find out later on today:)
Strawman! one of the oldest and best, cased caddis patterns
I hate to be redundant but let me ask , have any of you ever SEEN trout eating cased caddis? I don't mean the stuff in the stomachs i mean actually SEEN a trout eating them?
I have seen them taking the case off of the rocks and have caught trout with their stomach full of cases. I also have saved the cases and put hooks in them and have caught a lot of trout on them.

My understanding is that LaFontaine has.
I've seen them take the ones at the surface. I don't know if they were empty, or if the pupa was about to hatch straight from the case to the air.
I'm not saying they don't eat them but after 50 years of fishing and watching i've never seen them eating them which i think is a pretty good indication. The ones in our local streams are not attached to rocks , they are in the eddies and slackwater and if you look close there are tons of em and they move , slowly , but they move , at some point i would think i'd have seen a fish feeding on them but i never have. The adults now that's another story.