Carp Swap 2015

Thanks DC, yeah that would be cool to see,. I really enjoyed this swap. A carp jam would be a good time too
codym21 wrote:
Hey Jay I don't think your fly works 🙂
I missed another one on it too
Nice ty

Solid work!

I have yet to see a carp this year, but I haven't been out much. I love the idea though...keep posting up the success pics. Hopefully I'll have something to contribute sooner than later!

Frequent Tyer's Lafontaine Bristle Leech scored today! I stung another one with it but didn't get a solid hook set. The bristle leech has some really awesome movement in the water with the crosscut rabbit strip.

This one wasn't a very big fish but it sure was a feisty 18 incher. Sometimes I think that the fish in the 18-22" range put up a much better battle than some of the larger carp. Lots of fun. Thanks, Mike!


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dc410 wrote:
Sometimes I think that the fish in the 18-22" range put up a much better battle than some of the larger carp. Lots of fun. Thanks, Mike!

Ever get into a 20+ pounder? If so, you might need to find another spot to fish for them becuase you're missing out on a great fight. The big ones I've caught provided battles akin to steelhead. My biggest carp took me into my backing 7 times before it finally came in. I've caught quite a few in the 15-20lb range and have never thought the under 10 pounders fought better.

Can't say that I ever had for sure. I don't have anything with me to measure the weight, so how would I know? I'm not arguing the fact that a really big carp is a great fight. They sure are! I was pointing out that some of the fish that I've caught in the smaller size class have battled extremely hard. Yesterday was one of those fish. I've been taken into the backing a few times but in the areas where I generally fish if I allow a fish to take it into the backing too many times I am guaranteed to lose that battle by being wrapped into debris. I usually use heavy enough terminal tackle to be at least able to turn them if need be to avoid be wrapped up. Turning a big fish with side pressure reduces the length of the fight as well. Good luck with your carpin'!
So I mailed my fly to NickR to replace the one he would of received from me in the fly swap. And Nick just informed me the other day that the fly I mailed to him was stolen also :-o
I went out this AM for a little carpin'. Figured I'd give another one of the 2015 carp swap flies a shot. Tyger's tie - McTage's carp stew got the nod. Conditions were tough this morning with a steady breeze and most of the feeding carp being set up under streamside vegetation. I was set up watching two feeding carp directly under a very low hanging box elder branch and was patiently waiting for one to move out from under it so I could get a shot at it. As I was waiting a very large carp came toward me from the opposite direction in open water. Without hesitation a somewhat modified roll cast put the fly in the zone. He turned and came right at the fly. The leader twitched and the game was on! This was a really good fish. It took the initial run straight away from me. I slowed him down a bit by tightening the drag a click or two. The second run went hard to my right and directly toward a decent size pile of woody debris. I couldn't stop him or turn him and it went deep into the debris. There was no way to get it out. The big carp flat out won that battle. He may have won the battle but I wasn't about to leave it win the war. I waded through the silt and into the brush and followed my 1x tippet and successfully retrieved Tyger's fly. The McTage's carp stew fly will spur on another battle on another day. You did your homework on that one. That's an awesome McTage pattern. Thanks, Tyger!
Thats a great story John. Very cool.

This makes me happy. Im glad you tried the pattern out. This was a great swap and having the fly report afterwards is really cool!
I agree, Tyger. I think that feedback on the field testing of swap flies adds another whole level to the fly swap itself. Anyway, I knew this wouldn't take long but I closed the deal on one early this morning with the McTage's carp stew fly (the same one that I retrieved from the brush pile on Saturday AM). It wasn't a very long fish but it was a chunky one and put up a pretty good battle. He didn't even think twice about eating the carp stew fly. The McTage's carp stew fly has earned a spot in my carp box. I will definitely be tying some more of them up for the future. Thanks, again.

This was a totally new spot that I fished this morning. I knew there were a fair amount of carp there from scouting it back in March. There is also a really big white Koi in there that someone must have dumped in. I can't wait to battle with him, after I give it a rest for a bit I'll be back after him. :-D



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Very cool John, congrats!

Carp Swap Update. Three more 2015 carp swap patterns produced this morning. Drumat26's Mellow Yellow, Jeremy's Crazy Carper and NickR's Hydra all brought fish to the net during this mornings carpin' outing.

Here is a scouting report for Fred's Foxee Minnow. I hooked two fish today with Fred's fly. The second one was a good one and took me directly into a brush pile. The Foxee Minnow fly was sacrificed in that battle. Here is my summary: this is a great pattern. If you can put the Foxee Minnow within 2 feet of the mouth of a carp without it knowing that you are there (and it doesn't matter what level of the water column they are holding in) they are probably going to eat it!

I also lost my original of iceyguide's Mike's Fuzzy Niblet this morning trying to take the next to impossible shot a huge fish. Well, I did prove that is was impossible this morning but nothing ventured - nothing gained. I have been having a load of fun with all of these flies - they are all really great patterns. Get out there and fish 'em, the carpin' is definitely ramping up.


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That sounds like a lot of fun john. Gen con and I will have to get the canoe out and give it a try.
Thanks jay3480. Your fly works.


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^Very nice Ice! I agree, that top pic is great.
Awesome! Glad guys are out there catching some fish. Hoping to get out myself here soon and try some of these flies out!