


Apr 17, 2010
Was a little bored this morning, and getting a little tired of the flame war involving a certain member(which I choose not to get involved with) on this forum, I decided to give a few of our most popular nymphs a classic dry fly makeover...what do you guys think?

*edit* the Hare's ear has grizzly hackle, which didn't show up well with my white background...sorry.


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  • HE_dry.jpg
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nice wish the pic was better. try putting a dark back ground up and have light from all sides
Well, this one came out a little better...


  • HE_dry2.jpg
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very nice for sure,
I like the top tie in the first photo. Suggestion: split the tails and make them a little longer for upright support. Just my 2 cents.
open to any suggestions that you guys would like to see, already trying to work out a zug bug...
Here's my Zug Bug, I was a little worried about the peacock sword tail, but it floated fine in my test glass...seriously, if you have any nymphs you'd like me to try giving a classic dry makeover to, post 'em here and I'll give it a shot.


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And, a Prince Nymph dry...the tail is the softer boits from the backside of a gray mallard quill, lighter and a little softer than goose boits for better floatability...admittedly a stretch, as a coachman is essentially a dry prince nymph, but oh well, I wanted a new challenge. Sorry to be hijacking the forum with so many posts, but I'm a little proud of these. Also, to anyone who buys into the theory that all the young folks are only into the newest and hottest patterns, I'm only 23, and I absolutely love tying classic and traditional flies, and while I can tie woven bodies, articulated synthetic streamers and comparaduns, I can also tie married wing wet flies, quill winged dry flies , classic catskill dries, and I'm currently working on getting up my chops to give a try at full dress salmon flies, so some of us young folks still do embrace the traditional aspect of fly tying.


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