Are you ready ? The fall run is almost upon us .........

The one guy I fish with has several VS reels and curses them more than anything. THe drag is super strong but not smooth and they lay the line down horrible. When we are done fishing for the day he has to put on a heavy metal lure and bomb a cast then very methodiaclly lay the line down.
I am fairly new to fly fishing but, have been hitting the surf and freshwater with a spinning rod for a while, although I've never fished during the fall run so would love to pop 2 cherries at once - catch a striper on a fly rod!

I would love to tag along with the more experienced guys during the run this year so if anyone is willing to take on a newb the next time out I'd be more than thrilled.

I am heading to Sandy Hook on the 3rd with another PAFF member (marcq) but, would love to get out during the week if possible as well. Weekends are tough with all the family activities so its easier, believe it or not, to get out during the week.
Fred pm sent an to anyone else who want to fish Friday afternoon/night let me know.
Fished jetty country tonight and left with the skunk. As soon as I got on the water a guy tells me I missed a gator bluefish blitz by ten minutes and the fish just vanished afterwards. So I brought out big blue and fished for about thirty before I wet my line I seen a guy catch a short on a plug no fish to be seen in the area after that. I left and checked out six different Jettys with no fish or bait to be seen . Out of desperation I decided to go back to the place that I knew some fish were at least present and fished a little north and hit this submerged part of a jetty and BAM fish on fought it for two minutes trying to find a way to land it and then fish OFF . I got the fish on Joe"s silicone mullet . Thxs Joe
Seems that I always get that from everyone when I go down. Should of been here yesterday. That fly is what I got a few blues on to a few weeks ago. Switched it up cause I didn't want to destroy it.
If Sandy takes the course that most are predicting it will probably screw things up for a while.
Fredrick wrote:
...a guy tells me I missed a gator bluefish blitz by ten minutes...
Terrible news.

Fredrick wrote:
...I got the fish on Joe"s silicone mullet . Thxs Joe. Thxs Joe
Awesome news! Great to hear they're working out for you guys.
iceyguides wrote:
If Sandy takes the course that most are predicting it will probably screw things up for a while.

shhhhhhh...don't speak such things!
jay348 wrote:
iceyguides wrote:
If Sandy takes the course that most are predicting it will probably screw things up for a while.

shhhhhhh...don't speak such things!

You are not supposed to talk about she who must be named
If you guys are out right now I hope things are lining up for you...

I'm thinking of heading out tomorrow morning to try to get in on this peanut action...
I've also gotten the "should have been here yesterday" on my last few trips...hopefully tomorrow is more like "yesterday"
Fred, I'm not seeing a picture.
Had a report from a boat angler on Monday. He saw anglers fishing from jetties somewhere north of Belmar, but indicated that despite his observation it was his impression that the beaches were closed.
Last year was the best fall striper run in recent memory, but yeah Mike, most of the NJ shore, at least the northern half, is pretty much done. Let the folks hit by Sandy try to piece things together.
