Are you ready ? The fall run is almost upon us .........

Just in case anyone is still looking for a line for the jam

No spin rods this Sunday BTW
No need for them. I couldn't ask for better looking conditions. Wind gonna be 5 to 10 mph, incoming tide. It should be good.
Good luck guys post a report. I was planning of heading out myself tomorrow but I got hung up on fatherly duties plus my line for my two hand rod still hasn't come in yet it was due to be in on Friday.
Got to the water about 545 am. We fished further back in sandy hook. The tide was low and water was alittle off. Nothing there. Went to the hook next and fish the bay side as you enter. A strong western wind chased away. Then we made it to the beach around mounmoth county. Water was still alittle discolored. About 200 yards out we saw bait getting destroyed by something. I check it on SOL and someone said they were albies. Didn't see and boat guy get anything. The fish never made it close to the beach. Went and fished a jetty as a last resort but nothing would take. It was good to get out with another guy from the forum. Hope to do it again soon.

marcq wrote:
About 200 yards out we saw bait getting destroyed by something. I check it on SOL and someone said they were albies. Didn't see and boat guy get anything. The fish never made it close to the beach.

No kidding!? No wonder we didn't see anything caught. Shame those boats didn't push em we could have picked one off w/ flies! It was slow out there but a good morning regardless.
Sorry to hear about your luck guys that storm must of pushed the fish out .

I think the big thing that hurt us was the off shore wind. Pushed the bait off the beach.
marcq wrote:
Just got back from a scary last minute night in the surf. Got 8 blues ranging from 10 to 18 pound. Some true gators. Had to go up and grab the 10 wt after I got taken deep into my backing then broke off. The mullet are still around. Found a small pod with fish blowing them up. Sometime I think I rather catch nigh blues then bass after tonight. All up in north jersey. Followed the fish out along the jetty.

I went to grab a fish and a wave came up and got me. Waders filled and took me under. I was under for only a few seconds but it felt like 15 seconds managed to stand and get in. Happy to say only lost my cheap stripping basket. Another angler came and helped me out. At that point it was time to call it a night. First time it has ever happened to me. Grabbed my gear and left with my tail between my legs.

Lesson learned never go out on jetties alone and be really careful. I think it time to invest into a wetsuit or something more conducive for fishing on jetties and a waterproof phone case. The fish and bait are here time to start hitting the beaches more seriously.

Did you have a wading belt on? A must when fishing jetties also korkers. I know how you feel have had my fair share of close calls fishing jetties including trashing my knee before ending up in the water, than needing a brace from my groin to ankle for 6 wks. I also wear a dry top and have completly went swimming with very liitle water inside if any.
Got my new line set up in the mail today the running line is ridge 30 lb int with a Sci Anglers Skagit Extreme head 480 gr. int with several tips . I practiced a little today and came close to casting the whole line a few times. My average cast was about 110' so far :-D
ahhh. I am starting to think for beach fishing a two- hander is the way to go. Was @ the hook a few years ago and a guy there was bombing casts into a NE wind with a simple spey cast. I was unhooking surf candies from my head....
The best days I've ever had in the salt are when the fish are at your feet. No need for hero casts. In fact I can't think of one time hero casts would have made or breaked the day. Now if a two hander can huck line like metal with a spin outfit, then I might re-consider.

Being able to punch line under the NE wind with a double hull with some sort grain line is where it is at. That is the key.
no doubt my casting leaves something to be desired, and an improvement in technique would be a better investment than another rod ( did I just say that?). The two- handed rod just seemed to be much easier to make a long cast especially in tough wind conditions. Fly was in the water longer. i will agree that when fish are in close, which does happen often in NJ ( especially @ SH) the single handed rod is probably better.
Switch rods are almost like fishing from a boat. So the fish dont really count. Haha
marcq wrote:
Switch rods are almost like fishing from a boat. So the fish dont really count. Haha

My new beulah is not a switch rod it doesn't double as a spey rod .
So the fish count .

.........................Just Saying......................................
What model Van Staal did you get for that pole?{matchtype}&mr:ad=19135901591&mr:adType=pla&mr:filter=43600702871&mr:keyword={keyword}

How 'bout a cast net to go with it?{keyword}&mr:adType=pla&mr:match={matchtype}
Easy Tom you don't want to give people the wrong impression about me ;-)
I was waiting to see how long it would take you to respond fred. It deffently has its place in the surf. I'm thinking of building one but I can't find a 10 wt blank at a reasonable price. As of now I can get away with my single hand. Just got to watch the weather.

Always get a kick out of those guys with the VS. unless your truly wet suiting I feel there is no need. I'll be fine with my penn reels. I would never pay over 700 bucks for any reel unless it was a mako fly reel or one of those sweet abel reels.
