Any info on upper delaware? 4/23/15

Ok i typed the wrong thing. I am going to the west branch. I will be starting at Bally Eddy and ending up at Hales Eddy. Not really familiar with the area to much. But have a basic understanding. I plan on being on the water at 530am. Hoping to catch a morning hatch. Anyone know what will be hatching?
Ok, that helps. On the water at 5am will equal a hatch of nothing (most likely). You may find a handful of garbage feeders cleaning up the previous nights spinners. If you wait until a little later, you should see the small summer sulphurs, a few caddis, maybe some olives or isos. Later in the day the stenos and isos will be more prevalent. As standard on the a pool with rising fish, you'll see a bug you never expected. In a pool with no rising fish.....the guy in the next pool has hatches galore.

Since you've only fished up there a few times, be careful at these flows. I'm guessing that any additional rain will cause flows to jump up and reduce visibility as Ocagua will likely dump chocolate milk into the system. If that's the case, Stilesville will be your only clear water and you'll have to join the 40 other guys jockeying for a rising fish.

With that said, a big bump in the flow or reduction in the flow means toss everything I said out the window. As a general rule, the closer to you get to the dams the cleaner the water will be in the event of heavy rains. Each branch has a feeder that dirties the water in the first couple of miles. Many times, the upper east is a good alternative. Keep an eye on the flows and the radar. I'll be doing the same as I hope to get there and fish Sunday and Monday. I intend to fish an entirely different section as I don't care for the crowds on the west.

I prefer to fish the bk. However I have a friend who claims he must catch big trout. And the West branch is the only section he wants to fish now. Do you have any recommendations other than the wb where he can still catch a 20inch plus trout other than on the wb? I don't care much for crowds either.
Anywhere on the Willowemoc / Beaverkill system from near Liberty all the way to East Branch (35 miles) ....East Branch (nearly 30 miles)....West Branch (15 miles) and the first 5-7 of the Main. They all hold fish over 20". Just need to know where and when to find them. If you look just at stats, WB is more fish per mile but Main seems to hold bigger average fish. I've caught plenty around 20-21" on the BK over the years. If you find flowing water with a temp of 66 or it. Pretty sure you'll have a legit chance at a 18"-21" fish if you do. When it gets stained, they let you walk right up on them. EB, WB, BK or Main.....just get your stuff in the water and have at it. It ain't like fishing around here. You can catch a 23" fish in the main and catch the same fish 35 miles up river 4 months later. They move all over in that system. You got almost 90 miles of water to choose from with good temps. You want to fish the same pools time and time again, that's your choice. Explore
My brother and are planning on spending 4 days up there late next week through the weekend, we're thiking about changing plans with the widespread heavy rain event predicted this weekend. I would think this much rain (1-2+ inches forecast) over already saturated ground would blow out most of the river system for a few days, especially if thw reservoirs start spilling, but I really don't know for sure. What do you guys think?
If you plan on fishing the west branch - it very well will be a better float fishery than wade fishery next weekend - over the fourth. I think if cannonsville starts to spill - it is at 97% - release goes to 1500cfs. Then add in trib influence. Streamer time.
Well, the last batch of rain seemed to move through but doesn't appear that it hit that area very much at all. Accuweather put this special warning up: rain Saturday afternoon through Saturday evening can lead to flooding. Doesn't sound promising.

Last time I checked, Pepacton was over 99% capacity and Cannonsville was 97%. If they get the 1.5"-2" of rain forecast, the lakes will begin to spill and feeders will add lots of volume and turbidity. Predicting rainfall and what the riverkeeper might do is futile. Just have to see how it shakes out.

Fish can and will be caught in water with virtually zero visibility. Last week a forum member took 12 fish in water colored like chocolate milk. I've done the same on #18-#20 sulphur emergers when a storm has blown out the river. I have no idea how they can even see it but they do. What would be dangerous is waiding an unfamiliar section with zero visibility. Unless you know where you can step like the back of your hand, you'll want to bring dry change of clothes or wear a preserver.

If it's less than an inch, it should clear in under 48 hours. If it's 2" of rain, it could be blown for 3-4 days. Cross your fingers and we'll find out soon enough.

VC, I agree. Only issue on weekend of the 4th is knucklehead traffic. Had a canoe knock a fish off my line (aka snap my leader) as they rowed over the middle of my leader. You just have to be patient enough to weather the canoe / kayak storm. Usually only lasts a couple of hours.
So again, i really want to go up and fish the west branch on Satuday. But with the impeding weather I don't know if it will be a good idea. Any Insight for me from people who live or fish the west branch a lot? Thanks
You're asking someone to predict rainfall totals, predict the dam release and how much flow / color the feeders will add. Its impossible. You can ask a person living "in" the river....won't help. Roll the dice or wait until a different time. Taking rain out of the equation.....flows can go from 150 to 1500 with no warning or explanation. Vice versa applies as well. Add the rain storm and all bets are off. If I had $10 for every trip that got blown out or flows shut off, could have bought my driftboat in cash.

Will it be fishable first half of Saturday, most likely. Will it be miserable rain / wind mid day Saturday into Sunday morning? You bet. Will it get real muddy? 99% yes. Definitely not prime conditions but fish can still be caught. Probably toast until mid week. Pick another week or go knowing you'll probably get shiit on. Just sayin
No way of knowing. If wade fishing was my only option I would probably skip it, but if you have a boat I would go. Last weekend I fished Saturday and Sunday. Saturday flow was like 650 with pretty good visibility. Had fish rising at dark. Saturday night got a good shot of rain, river went to like 1500 and was the color of chocolate milk. I almost didn't fish Sunday because it was so off color. Glad I decided to go. Had a great day on streamers and even had a few risers that we hooked up with on 18 sulpher emergers.
Looks too iffy for me. Maiden voyage on the SS Kramer will have to wait until mid week. Good luck to anyone heading up Saturday.
At one time I thought I read that one inch of rain in the cannonsville watershed - equates to 5% storage at cannonsville. And I think that if cannonsville gets to 100% release goes to 1500cfs this time of year - accroding to the FFMP. As Stimy said - better to be floater capable than just limited to the wade only angler option.
The weather report for Hancock, NY is for 2+ inches of rain on Saturday into Sunday. I would make other plans since it's a long drive up there to try to fish in such iffy conditions.
vcregular wrote:
At one time I thought I read that one inch of rain in the cannonsville watershed - equates to 5% storage at cannonsville. And I think that if cannonsville gets to 100% release goes to 1500cfs this time of year - accroding to the FFMP. As Stimy said - better to be floater capable than just limited to the wade only angler option.

Taking the opposite view point - lower water usually means better dry fly fishing. And that would be my preference anytime.

So, if the water's high - floaters can have their fun. If it's too low to float, you can still wade fish. And what's so bad about that?
I was suppose to fish there Sunday through Wed am.
I'm changing my plans and flounder fishing instead..used to live up there n my educated guess is its a pass for at least 3 days
It doesn't seem like the delaware system got as much rain as forecast, rainfall maps show around 1/2" - 1" or so. Better than where I live, medium sized rivers are around flood stage right now. West above dam is still rising slowly, well see what happens there. I'm thinkin about Rollin the dice and going this Thursday through sunday, what do you guys think?
This storm is a great example of how you can't predict what you'll get up there. I can't believe they got away again with very little impact to flows. There should be a t-storm or two between now and Thursday. That's where you'll really see the quick spike in flows and dirty water. They run through the system much quicker on WB than on EB on Main.

Fishable this weekend? Absolutely but remember that the d-bag brigade of kayaks and canoes will be out in force. They'll run into you because it's the only time they ever float and can't control their craft. I'm heading up Wednesday - Friday...may stay Saturday if it's great fishing.I'll be fishing with Big Bass and Kramer the fishing dog. If you see a white Stealthcraft go buy with the dog in my avatar riding in the back seat, say hello.
a slightly unrelated question - when do the leaves start to turn up there ?


We've done a get together in the last week of September / first week of October a couple times. All depends on how dry its been and overnight temps. I think we've hit it pretty close to peak in the first couple days of October.
Reserved a campsite at guestward ho thursday-saturday, was gonna stay at oquaga sp but they were all booked up. I've read mixed reviews of that place, hopefully it's not too rowdy over the 4th. I'm not really sure what to expect overall, this wil be my second time there, first was about 6 weeks ago. I'm pretty well covered for nymphs, tying mostly sulphurs and olives for on top and in the film. Also tying up some long dry fly leaders, 15 ft 6x ir so. Hope the fishing is at least better than what I had my first trip there, we'll see. Kray, I'll give you a shout if I see u drifting by...