Another big improvement...this time a limestoner

A simple, positive post about a vast improvement in a stream's wild trout population turns into a group of guys getting pissed off because they don't know where the stream is :roll:
i sympathize with the OP for not wanting to name it.. i recall being chastised by certain members for telling a boy scout leader that wanted to take kids packing in and do a little C&R fishing. so i dropped the name (different stream).

good news for the fish that the stream in particular is thriving.. There is also a stream i like to fish in clinton county that the wild brown population has exploded.. but thats not from a PFBC study, thats just from frequent fishing and interaction on said stream.

finding wild browns in places that you'd typically find the leftover stockers

lets just have a round of applause for the fish here people :)
troutbert wrote:
What was the cause of the improvement?

^^THIS^^ is the question we all need to be asking!! And how we can apply it to other streams to help them improve as well.

The name of the creek doesn't really matter. Unless maybe you're a local that already knows/cares about it and are interested in the info. WHY it got better does matter.
joebamboo wrote:
For the most part, I'd say the majority of those who visit the site are fly fishers, and not the garden hackle throwers. Therefore, the need for "secrecy" is silly.

There are those on this site who seem to believe that because they research and "explore" hidden gems that they are somehow superior to those who do not. That those who chose to visit the site and enjoy reading others experiences on named streams are therefore not able to understand and/or appreciate the "essence of the flyfishing experience".

Fivewt, I'm with you on this issue.

Before I even got to the bottom of the post here I thought, I like where this guy is going with this. I have explored sooooo many streams, rivers, ditches, puddles and waterways in a number of states throughout my lifetime that I too could write a book and long, long posts with pictures and tell the tales and yarns. I have done so occasionally on here. If I post something and people disagree I just kinda snicker to myself. I know what works and where to go to make it work. Oh, I fire a shot over the bow of a ship now n then but its more to get the response and see if somebody really knows what their talking about or just blow'n smoke. Somebody made mention about who the OP is. I had/have no clue what this guy did for a living, and to tell you the truth. I don't know his name or screen name even now. That's how much it means to me. I knew there was someone on the site that was involved with the fish comish. But never really paid just too much attention to who it was. I enjoy this site for the fact that it really does help new guys out. But, in someways, I said someways. That might be about where it stops. Oh, sure there are stories told and pictures posted, friends made to one degree or another but in most cases things wind up in some kinda argument over this or that. You can almost see it forming on a thread like a storm front. Everybody has their own opinions on how to fish this situation or how to fix this problem or that with a section of water. I make a lot of things work for me that others just shake their head and say well your not supposed to do it that way or that won't work that way... Well, look. I'm make'n it work that way. I'm more than happy to share the areas and things I know with others. It was shared with me. Its been shared with all of us. Don't ever think for a second your fishing a section of water here in this area that hasn't been fished before and talked about if it holds fish. So, the crux of it all.... Why not name the stream? It has been done many other times in the past be it good conditions or bad. So what gives?
Barbless, perhaps you should go back and read some to the posts.

Those that say you should "put in the work to find these streams".

Just don't get the arrogance of those who think that only they know the locations of the "certain secret streams". In this day and age, it is very unlikely. But if it makes them feel superior, so be it.

Moving on to some other "Informative Posts".
I know how you guys treasure your gems. I guess I understood those little Brown Trout were gems as well....I don't mean to misuse the term.

What shall we call those "gem" sized wild browns? Is there a special term of endearment I should know?

How about sushi.
This is great. It's almost like "cabin fever" banter, yet it's summer... :-D
FiveWeight wrote:
KeithS wrote:
Isn't part of the interest in FF finding streams that produce? How about the satisfaction of locating a good population from your own work?
Mike is simply saying that there's another stream that's improved greatly. You're welcome to enjoy the search, and if you're good at the search, you've earned a good fishing trip.
Do you all need to be spoon fed?

This is a load of BS. None of these waterways are top secret. A very small % of people are out there planning on dumping bleach in the honey holes and netting up all the fish that float up down stream from all this stuff we post. There is no spot burning or anything even close to it. Anybody that fishes, and I'm not talking about the two week wonder crowd that just leaves trash all over the place. Knows where the waterways are that have good fishing. Sites like this are all about sharing knowledge and locations on where to go so you don't have to spend a lifetime running around play'n Davy Crockett Like they had to do 200 years ago. I know I like spending a months worth of income on fuel in a weekends time to search out a where's Waldo stream. Yes, finding your favorite spot where you have good fishing is always a neat thing. But, everybody knows where every single waterways is. And if your going to start an info thread on how well a waterway is doing. Then give some info on what it is and where it is. Or just don't start it in the first place. Or maybe its a new web game, sounds like? Is a spring creek? Limestone? And we're all wait'n around for thumbs up icon sign to be sent as we get warmer with our guesses. No don't need to be spoon fed in the least. That is not the point. I suppose it just boils down to people like knowing things that others do not and as the saying goes, Knowledge is power. Or at least when it come to keeping hidden what waterways are in better shape because of.....? Well, we may never know.

Do y'all not realize yet that these surveys typically get posted on the PFBC site under Biologist Reports shortly after they're completed, compiled and published? I suspect if some of y'all spent half as much time doing a little research on that site as you do here whining about the post you'd probably know what stream it is and exactly where the survey sections were. It was a simple, brief post about some good news regarding notable population improvement on a wild trout stream and some of you are crying and complaining like a spoiled 5yr old. Good Lord.
I think Mike should make a thread like this once a week.

Fourth of July is over but the fireworks are still going on in here ;)
What difference does it make? There will be no trout east of the Mississippi in 90 years.
RyanR wrote:
Do y'all not realize yet that these surveys typically get posted on the PFBC site under Biologist Reports shortly after they're completed, compiled and published?

Actually, VERY few do.

If they did there would be hundreds more under the Biologist Reports.
1fish wrote:
What difference does it make? There will be no trout east of the Mississippi in 90 years.

So we can rope 'em and smoke 'em now before they're all gone. Gotta take advantage of the resource and utilize it while we still have time!!!!!
streamerguy wrote:
RyanR wrote:
Do y'all not realize yet that these surveys typically get posted on the PFBC site under Biologist Reports shortly after they're completed, compiled and published?

Actually, VERY few do.

If they did there would be hundreds more under the Biologist Reports.

Actually, if it's a stream with notable angler access, it tends to be on there. That was more my point, that and to poke fun at all the whining the original post generated.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
What shall we call those "gem" sized wild browns? Is there a special term of endearment I should know?

"Gem-Eaters"? - Just throwing my vote out there since I don't think we've officially coined a term yet.

1fish wrote:
What difference does it make? There will be no trout east of the Mississippi in 90 years.

I do not live in Pennsylvania, but my brother does. I buy a PA license every year, fish the Central PA streams, and the Southeast streams. I also spend a lot of time reading this board. I was shocked to see two camps, split down the middle on this issue. My observations are as follows:
  1. I believe the OP (Mike) posted the results of the stream improvement study in the spirit of letting a conservationist minded group of people hear some good news for a change.
  2. When I read the report, the thought of "What stream is it?" never entered my mind. I just considered it good news and was prepared to move on. I assumed some of the local guys would respond with things like "Great to hear" or "Thanks for the update Mike." I don't understand the venom.
  3. And the cure for cancer analogy is silly - there is no moral equivalency. The argument could be made for using it to prove a point, but put forth some effort and come up with something better.
  4. For me, this falls into the category of "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."
Finally, a question for the critics of not naming the stream - do you REALLY find no value in a positive report like this?
streamerguy wrote:
troutbert wrote:
What was the cause of the improvement?

^^THIS^^ is the question we all need to be asking!! And how we can apply it to other streams to help them improve as well.

The name of the creek doesn't really matter. Unless maybe you're a local that already knows/cares about it and are interested in the info. WHY it got better does matter.

Mike might yet answer this question. The OP was only posted yesterday. I hope that he will.

Many people are interested in improving trout populations in damaged streams. Many things have been attempted that did not work, which is frustrating.

So, what DOES work is very valuable information.

joebamboo wrote:

There are those on this site who seem to believe that because they research and "explore" hidden gems that they are somehow superior to those who do not.

I don't think I am superior, I know I am. :-D

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

We all know that those of us who use bamboo rods are the true superior ones.;-)

BelAirSteve wrote:
I do not live in Pennsylvania, but my brother does. I buy a PA license every year, fish the Central PA streams, and the Southeast streams. I also spend a lot of time reading this board. I was shocked to see two camps, split down the middle on this issue. My observations are as follows:
  1. I believe the OP (Mike) posted the results of the stream improvement study in the spirit of letting a conservationist minded group of people hear some good news for a change.
  2. When I read the report, the thought of "What stream is it?" never entered my mind. I just considered it good news and was prepared to move on. I assumed some of the local guys would respond with things like "Great to hear" or "Thanks for the update Mike." I don't understand the venom.
  3. And the cure for cancer analogy is silly - there is no moral equivalency. The argument could be made for using it to prove a point, but put forth some effort and come up with something better.
  4. For me, this falls into the category of "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."
Finally, a question for the critics of not naming the stream - do you REALLY find no value in a positive report like this?

Exactly right, man. It all comes down to some folks on here not really caring about watershed improvement unless it benefits their fishing outings.

I'm not gonna lie. I'm curious to the stream. In fact, I will probably PM Mike and ask him! I have no shame in being spoon fed hahaha! But I am encouraged to hear of another improving stream in my area, and I don't need to know the name or location for that information to lift my spirits. Cold, clean water is a good thing, whether you can go and catch the fish or not.
Beautiful weather we are having out there