Another big improvement...this time a limestoner

jdaddy wrote:
JackM wrote:
Let him who has not posted an uninteresting thread throw the first stone.

You must have a bucket full of rocks then because IMO JackM posts are the end all be all of informative posts. Likely the most interesting man in the world, particularly live in person.

Careful, if Jack were to stop short suddenly I fear your whole head, not just your lips, might end up in his arse! :lol: ;-)
I throw no stones, maybe mud once in a while.
This has been a thoroughly enjoyable read. It's like a cabin fever spot burning thread in the middle of summer. Awesomeness for sure.
FarmerDave wrote:
It's Shut Your Pie Hole Creek. :p

Lol!!! A classic!
+ 1 Mike

I am always happy to hear about streams improving.

I don't want to know where the stream is. I have plenty of decent streams to fish, and every so often I fish new water that is either productive or not so much.

Most importantly I enjoy fishing and exploring. If I go out looking for trout and instead it becomes a long hike with a fishing rod in hand, fine by me. Its just another nice day to be out in the nature.

JLWaders: "I am always happy to hear about streams improving.

I don't want to know where the stream is. I have plenty of decent streams to fish, and every so often I fish new water that is either productive or not so much.

Most importantly I enjoy fishing and exploring. If I go out looking for trout and instead it becomes a long hike with a fishing rod in hand, fine by me. Its just another nice day to be out in the nature."

+1. Great that Mike posts here, and I like to hear about improving streams. Moreover, I'd much rather hear about why a stream may have improved - could be something that affects other streams - than what stream it is.

Literally just got back from taking my girlfriends kid fishing. Caught his first small mouth on a spin rod.

He is now straight back to playing azn wii fizhing resort.

He did say that catching a real fish was more fun, so we have that.

Officially Derailed.
Well, I kinda want to know, but not because I want to fish it. More because I'm interested in figuring out WHY it's improved, and knowing what stream it is can help you figure that out, or at least take educated guesses at it.