Annual Spring Jamboree - May 17-19, 2013 - Seven Mountains Campground

This will be my first Jam. Classes end on the 15th and just as long as no crazy *** storms roll through during that time, I will be able to make it. Now, where to stay?
SBecker wrote:
This will be my first Jam. Classes end on the 15th and just as long as no crazy *** storms roll through during that time, I will be able to make it. Now, where to stay?

Well you answered your own question.....stay home. Crazy *** storms are integral to the Jmaboree. But if you come don't forget to bring your rubbers.
Closest motel is where? Prof won't camp
look in milroy, just down the mountain from the campground.
And anything in State College or surrounds is close. It is really a better experience in my opinion to stay at the CG and may be safer if you will have more than a few beers over the course of the evening, but if you don't mind driving 20 minutes after the campfire and 20 minutes in the morning, you can fully participate in all "activities" centered at the CG.
Me and the Prof...."All In" 2 bed cabin reserved.


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I'll believe it when I see might get cold ;-)
This will be my first JAM. Looking forward to it.
I'm booked and ready.........
I'll be heading up, will be my first jam.
We may need a man of the cloth to bless us Friday night just as the weekend starts this year. From what I can see from those people that have already said the're in it looks to be one of the biggest collection of misfit's assembled in quite a long time.

Can wait to to talk about Obama, gun control, unions, Andy Reid, Flyer vs Penguins, and more about Obama. What could possibly go wrong? I'll bring the popcorn!!

Sbecker there is about a 50% chance it will rain a lot 1-5 days before May 17th and another 50% chance it will rain a lot from May 17-19. It is central PA in mid-may.
let it rain, the jam is a gathering of fly fishers, but at least for me, the fishing takes a backseat to the socializing and fun. sure, we do make it to a crick, and sure, we do catch some fish, but even if we didn't, I wouldn't care.
O when I say bad storms, I mean more about damaging winds and hail. I could care less if it rains. lol Now, even if we get those storms a couple days before the Jam I should be good to go. It is the ones that happen two weeks ahead of time that F me. Then again...I don't mind the work.
Yes, but some of us more then others.
That would be my avatar
When this event finally cracked the 25 person barrier, I was looking around the pavilion and was taken aback by the diversity of persons present: doctors, lawyers, engineers, carpenters, musicians and everything in between. The only common denominator was fly fishing enthusiasm. It was truly inspirational.
dkile I agree, my first experience was the steelhead jam and it was a great one. Just getting into fly fishing this year and I am looking forward to the spring jam. All the guys I met at the steelhead jam were very accomodating and patient with my newbieness and I am very greatful for that, cant wait. Norm
Anyone gunna be there Thursday afternoon? Idratherbephishin,LeftyCraig and i will be up Thursday.