A few fish from 2020--2021



Feb 12, 2013
It has been a while since I have visited and realized it was time to share some of the beautiful catches from the past 2 years. I have rarely been able to fish but still have been thrilled to encounter some great trout.

The Jet Black Catfish (#8) I chased around the creek and scooped up with my net.

The #1 fish was caught by my Son Tanner. His best to date.

#2 is a bruiser I have caught in 2 different streams.

#5 is a Letort fish which is never easy to accomplish.

#16 is a bow that has held over a few years. I almost never encounter bow.

#17-18 are the same fish.

#21 shows I do fish in the daylight..!

#22 & 24 are Migratory fish that travel long distances. They have traits that make them quite different than the locals.


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Gorgeous fish! You are a master at finding the big ones.
Not sure what is more impressive, the fish or your ability to post them. Probably easier to locate and catch than post their pictures.

Great job, and some super fish. Congrats to your son on a real beauty. That will be tough to top but I sure hope he does.

I look forward to Night_Stalker's end of the year pictorial summary every year !!

Now all I need is Salmonoid to post one of his epic novella's capturing one of his camping trips and the year is complete.
He does exist!!!
Great fish, as always! You get the job done.