A Couple Wulff Flies



Dec 10, 2010
A couple days ago on the "Favorite Small Stream flies" thread, a few people picked the royal wulff as there favorite. It reminded me that I haven't fish with the wulff flies for a long time, I went and got my dry fly box with the old flies and looked at them, I figured they were about 35 years old. I don't think I should trust them, they might break off when I set the hook so I tied some new ones today. A Grizzly Wulff on the left, and Royal Wulff on the right.

With the high, fast water conditions, this is the ideal time to use them if you are going to use dry flies. They sit high in the riffles and get the fish's attension quickly and are easy to see.

The ones in the pics. are standard recipe except the Royal Wulff has a devided poly wing instead of calf tail on #12 hook.


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Original Wulff used bucktail for everything, calf tail came later. He also preferred to tie it in one single wing, not split.

I've done poly, but doesn't look as pretty as calf tail, and its one of the prettiest flies out there.

They're one of my favourites, though.
gfen wrote:

Original Wulff used bucktail for everything, calf tail came later. He also preferred to tie it in one single wing, not split.

I don't know what the original is, but I have three books, the two oldest McLeans Encyclooedia 1964, Orvis 1978, call for deer body hair and calf tail, Umqua 1998 call for bucktail. If bucktail is the origanal than the origanal is inferior. Make a leTort Hopper out of bucktail and one out of deer body hair and see witch one you like the most. If I were tying wet flies I'd use the bucktail. 9 out of 10 trout don't know bucktail from deer body hair anyway.
buffalo7 wrote:
I don't know what the original is, but I have three books, the two oldest McLeans Encyclooedia 1964, Orvis 1978, call for deer body hair and calf tail, Umqua 1998 call for bucktail.

Lee Wulff states, unequivocally, that the original versions used bucktail the whole way through in his own writing.

Pretty sure the guy who's name is on it supercedes anyone else's opinion.

As to superior, I agree, calf tail is far easier to work with than anything else for the body, although try snowshoe rabbit for the wing and tails.
gfen wrote:
buffalo7 wrote:
I don't know what the original is, but I have three books, the two oldest McLeans Encyclooedia 1964, Orvis 1978, call for deer body hair and calf tail, Umqua 1998 call for bucktail.

Lee Wulff states, unequivocally, that the original versions used bucktail the whole way through in his own writing.

Pretty sure the guy who's name is on it supercedes anyone else's opinion.

As to superior, I agree, calf tail is far easier to work with than anything else for the body, although try snowshoe rabbit for the wing and tails.

I never argued about what the original is, if you say it's with bucktail than I believe you, but I also was never cocerned about witch one is origanal, the superior part is the deer body hair witch has better floatation.

I tie my flies for fishing, and make modifications if it will work better, as far as the poly its easier to fan out for visability.
buffalo7 wrote:
I never argued about what the original is, if you say it's with bucktail than I believe you, but I also was never cocerned about witch one is origanal, the superior part is the deer body hair witch has better floatation.

I tie my flies for fishing, and make modifications if it will work better, as far as the poly its easier to fan out for visability.

Buffalo, I'm confused. Your wings are poly or calf tail? Where did you use deer body hair?
FrequentTyer wrote:

Buffalo, I'm confused. Your wings are poly or calf tail? Where did you use deer body hair?

The wings are poly and the tail is deer body hair on the Royal Wolf, The tail and wings are deer body hair on the the Grizzly wolf.
buffalo7 wrote:
The wings are poly and the tail is deer body hair on the Royal Wolf, The tail and wings are deer body hair on the the Grizzly wolf.

Got it, thanks. Nice flies!
What i was taught by the origanator himself was calftail wing and bucktail for the tail. later we made the switch to calf body for wing and moose body for tail. works the best.
I love all of the Wulff Ties, extremely beautiful flies, with high buoyancy and effectiveness at the same time.