9/23 - Early Sunday AM Valley

My preference is to split up in groups of two or three and piggy back holes or take turns.
I'll be there abt 6 - 6:30

EProf PM'd me the mapquest location to at least use as a the meeting spot. I keep my mouth shut as not to spot burn/Sbrn etiquette/etc so I am going to PM 2 VC vets (already have EP's vote) and if one more says good ... I'll reconfirm the meeting spot w/ a PM to everyone unless someone says its fine to post it here

My list of in's or possible in's are


If I missed you or want to join feel free to ad ur name

oy gevalt .. I feel like a crazy confused Fox trying to put this thing together :)
Add Shakey, I am only going because of him. I owe him a meet up in his territory. Lol j/k I look forward to seeing all you knuckleheads.
AndyP wrote:
I guess I'll go to Pickering ...

All the SB that happens because of this site to Valley should keep everybody else away, right?
will be there at 6am. Might hit pats steaks on the way
Ill pick up coffee from dunkin for everyone.

No handout for EP only :lol: :lol:
SNJChef wrote:
will be there at 6am. Might hit pats steaks on the way

Damn Pats at 6am sounds amazing. Lol
PM's sent. Looks like btwn 6 and 7 am is the time

If I missed anyone give me a heads up

Pecks .. sorry but I have no clue who Shakey is so forward him the location
You don't know Shakey? Damn, he is a legend.
will be there at 6am. Might hit pats steaks on the way
SNJ wrote

will be there at 6am. Might hit pats steaks on the way

Ever see the movie Groundhog Day?
I believe he is just trying to rub it in. Lol
EProf .. couple of guys PM's me per the google map you sent me and I forwarded it.

Not my house (doc) but a lil confusion.
Add Fadeaway. He'll spook more fish than all of us combined!!!!! I'll be there between 6:00 and 6:30.....A.M.
This is really turning into a mini jam, I hope we are not stepping on each others toes. Fishing is going to be tough if its crawling with ppl.
This is really turning into a mini jam, I hope we are not stepping on each others toes. Fishing is going to be tough if its crawling with ppl.

Been there once .. decent size stream, no?
Spot burn.....I wouldn't post the location, but will also bet we will be the only people in this more than public spot. The myth that this stream gets pounded doesn't happen here or on some of the other sections we'll probably have to send some of us with so many guys.
There's plenty of water. We'll just have to split up. Who wants Fadeaway?????
I call not it!