3rd Annual Fish N Chips Event Thread, 7/26/14

Thanks Fox for a great event, always good to meet people and learn stuff. Look forward to next year.

Great time. Thanks to fox for the hard work, Lefty for a fantastic casting demo, Dave for cooking the goodies (and all of you for bringing it!)

Special thanks to volksnurse for all of the time advice and for giving my brother a fly patch and a bunch of flies to work with and instruction for their use as hes even newer to it all than I.

I managed to land 2 bows today. Quite a successful event!
This was wonderfully organized and the sausages and goodies were yummy. It was great weather, and seeing familiar faces and meeting new folks are rewarding. Old Lefty's demos and commentary are always first class.
YES!!! Had a great time today! Jack (lv2nymph) was an awesome instructor on the ways of euro nymphing. Brought one bow in doing this and stung a few more. It was a great day on the water even if the Trico hatch was not so great.

Thanks to the Fox for organizing it and everyone who brought something. It really was a great day and glad to put some faces to screen names!
As always a great time. The food was good and the company was better. Thanks to George for organizing it and showing us how to catch suckers Ha! It was great to see old faces and new ones. Just remember you guys "YOU GOT TO SET THAT HOOK" "That felt like a fish". LOL.
Yeah, what a wonderful event. So nice to meet everyone again for the first time. LOL. My first time at the LL and I am 0-fer. Try again in the morning...unless the rains send me somewhere dry. Tried Saucon...which BTW is not even close to the Saucony which is where I camped. Some big carp outside my tent I may go for in am.

No good there either. Some fish rising under the highway bridge. New water always baffles me the first time.

Well a good way to spend a day today gang. i had a blast!
Well done on all the food too. I almost didn't cook tonight I was still full. But I did and realized I left my buns there...and I wasn't even supposed to bring them. LOL! Had to wrap my burgers tonight in lettuce with onions and tomatoes inside. Not bad!

Thumbs Up!
Sounds like a great time had by all. George and the guys deserve a lot of credit for getting the whole thing together.

Oh and.....Happy 60th, Mo! did you guys get Mo a cake?.....like this one?V


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Many thanks to Fox and all those that contributed to make this a fun day. It was great to see old friends again, and meet a few new ones as well.

Sorry I had to cut out so early, but duty called...

Happy Birthday to Mo - he sure doesn't look 60! Glad you could make it out this way.

Here's a few pics from the day:


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I am pretty sure Maurice is NOT 60.
Thank you all. My newbes got a lot out of all the help. I think I will have some new fishing partners for the future, and someone to pass my equipment on to.

A great day!
Ooops. I forgot to give Heritage the photo of my first euro nymphing trout. I call this one....Eyes Wide Shut!


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I had a blast. It was really good to see all you guys.

Had a great time on the water with Steve, I feel like he got a handle on all of the different things you need to mind during the drift in short order. You're going to do great! It was good to see everyone again and to meet some new people, I look forward to getting out with everyone again. So much food almost didn't have to eat dinner. Mike and Mary Ann were fantastic hosts and what a cook our Gencon is. I had such a good time at their place, left kinda tired. Singing, dancing and drinking until 2am will do that to ya. Who knew we could harmonize that good? Lol.
Jack we had a blast as well. I am not sure my neighbors thought we harmonized as much as we thought we did. Oh well too bad for them.

We should have worn nametags with our usernames. I chatted with some people whose usernames i forget. I suck with names. Next get together im bringing some.
Fish, this was suggested before and was shot down like a duck on opening day. Good thought though... Maybe you'll have better luck with it.
FishInPhilly wrote:
We should have worn nametags with our usernames. I chatted with some people whose usernames i forget. I suck with names. Next get together im bringing some.

I kindof enjoy meeting everyone for the first time over and over aqain...i think old age will be a smooth transition into senility.

And the BDay is 52, BTW
Happy b-day there big M
Haha ill just bring them and wear one.most would instinctively do the same without thinking.

lv2nymph wrote:
Fish, this was suggested before and was shot down like a duck on opening day. Good thought though... Maybe you'll have better luck with it.
I'm glad I was able to attend the event. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed meeting with everyone.