3rd Annual Fish N Chips Event Thread, 7/26/14

Dan (Moonbeam) and I will be there for 7 - 7:30 to do a little fishing before the event gets rolling. Have to check on my brother and see if he will be tagging along.

Just looked at the weather guess for Sat and they call for isolated T-Storms. We've been lucky with the weather in the past. Keeping my fingers crossed for this year's gathering.
it's still a week and a half away.

I'll be there and bringing something.
KeithS wrote:
it's still a week and a half away.

I'll be there and bringing something.

Yeah, brain farted on the date...
Still up in the air, wife may be hanging with friends down the shore. After 2 kids I learned not to **** off my wife that is 5 months pregnant. Not a battle I want to fight. Last minute decision here.
Hope you can make it, The more the merrier. I want to meet all the locals. Especially people who like to fish the same waters I do. May your wife have mercy via the fishing gods. haha

SNJChef wrote:
Still up in the air, wife may be hanging with friends down the shore. After 2 kids I learned not to **** off my wife that is 5 months pregnant. Not a battle I want to fight. Last minute decision here.
I plan on showing up, and hopefully early to get some fishing in. If there is anything you guys need me to bring let me know.
I looked back at last year's thread to see what people brought against what I have assigned so far this year. We could still use someone to bring snacks (chips, pretzels, doritoes, etc) also if anyone wants to bring some type of cookies, homemade or otherwise (we have a few guys with insatiable sweet tooths).

Please PM me to let me know. Those guys that are last minute decisions can PM me when they know in case we have people that can no longer attend and I'll need someone to bring what thye were assigned.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!
I can bring a few bags of chips/pretzels.

Updated Roster:

FoxGap239 - Coffee
Heritage Angler - Donuts
Delta Dog - Pasta Salad
Volksnurse - Soda and cooler
djs12354 - Grill and Sausage/Dawgs
J55tyger88 - Burgers
buffalo - Case of Water
CathyG - Paper goods
lv2nymph - Fruit on ice
FishinPhilly - Burger and Dawg rolls
mic - Apples and fixin's to grill em
jhedge - Condiments
GenCon - Homemade Potato Salad
OldLefty -Casting Demo
thebassman - chips and pretzels
You can add me to the list. I was'nt sure I could make it that's why I have waited so long to post anything. Old Lefty and I are riding together again. I am not sure what time we will arrive. More than likely around 7 to 730 am would be my best guess. Looking forward to seeing all you fine fellows, partaking of some good food and maybe catching a few trout. I had a great time last year. See you Saturday morning.
Good morning everyone. Weather forecasts look promising for Friday and Saturday although getting a little rain Friday to stain the water always helps so we'll see how it goes as the week progresses.

I have a couple of people who want to attend but before assigning them something I want to make sure everyone that said they were coming have had no last minute things pop up that will change them attending. If you have, please PM me so I can assign your item to another member.

Last thing I heard was that the tricos have started and are coming off nicely. Hopefully we can get the newbies into fish. I don't see a whole a lot of newbies on the list so let me offer an invitation to those considering coming but have not yet committed. This is a great opportunity to learn from people that have fished all over PA (and beyond in some cases) and can really help shorten your learning curve. Please consider joining us for a day of fun and fishing. Oh yeah, you do get to pick on me too!

Tricos were zippin around saturday morning. Decent clouds of them and fish were on them. This should be good fun Saturday. Looking forward to this event.
I'm looking forward to getting together and meeting those of you I've not met yet and bsing. See you there.
Like I said before I'll bring the bait!

^^hahaha. If you roll powerbait small enough will that pass as matching the trico egg being laid?
Updated Roster:

FoxGap239 - Coffee
Heritage Angler - Donuts
Delta Dog - Pasta Salad
Volksnurse - Soda and cooler
djs12354 - Grill and Sausage/Dawgs
J55tyger88 - Burgers
buffalo - Case of Water
CathyG - Paper goods
lv2nymph - Fruit on ice
FishinPhilly - Burger and Dawg rolls
mic - Apples and fixin's to grill em
jhedge - Condiments
GenCon - Homemade Potato Salad
OldLefty -Casting Demo
thebassman - chips and pretzels
Aducker - Shrimp
215fly - TBD
WildTigerTrout - TBD
Will try to come. Another dude wants to compare glass. Tell me what to bring.

I am going to try to finalize everything by tomorrow so people have plenty of time to get what they are bringing and don't have to worry about it at the last minute.

Here's a tentative schedule so that everyone can plan. This event is pretty informal so my times below are not at all set in stone.

5:30 - 7:00 - Early fishing
7:00 - 8:00 - Meet and greet with coffee and donuts
8:00 - 11:00 - Newbies fishing with experienced ff-er's
11:00 - 11:30 - Euro Nymphing demo by lv2nymph
11:30 - 12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - 1:00 - Casting demo by OldLefty
1:00 - whenever - Open fishing time

Updated Roster:

FoxGap239 - Coffee
Heritage Angler - Donuts
Delta Dog - Pasta Salad
Volksnurse - Soda and cooler
djs12354 - Grill and Sausage/Dawgs
J55tyger88 - Burgers
buffalo - Case of Water
CathyG - Paper goods
lv2nymph - Fruit on ice
FishinPhilly - Burger and Dawg rolls
mic - Apples and fixin's to grill em
jhedge - Condiments
GenCon - Homemade Potato Salad
OldLefty -Casting Demo
thebassman - chips and pretzels
Aducker - Shrimp
215fly - TBD
WildTigerTrout - TBD
lestrout - TBD

As I said yesterday to any newbies on the board, please consider joining us. It's free and it's going to be worth your drive up.

What I had in mind or was hoping to do was get together with anyone who has been wanting to try this method of nymphing with a demo then some in stream time as well so maybe it could be done a little earlier to allow more time on the water for those who would like some help with it. Just a thought George let me know what ya think.
lv2nymph wrote:
What I had in mind or was hoping to do was get together with anyone who has been wanting to try this method of nymphing with a demo then some in stream time as well so maybe it could be done a little earlier to allow more time on the water for those who would like some help with it. Just a thought George let me know what ya think.

No problem. My schedule is just an outline to follow. Let me know what time you'd prefer to start and I'll update accordingly.