3rd Annual Fish N Chips Event Thread, 7/26/14

Finalized Roster:

FoxGap239 - Coffee
Heritage Angler - Donuts
Delta Dog - Pasta Salad
Volksnurse - Soda and cooler
djs12354 - Grill and Sausage/Dawgs
J55tyger88 - Burgers
buffalo - Case of Water
CathyG - Paper goods
lv2nymph - Fruit on ice
FishinPhilly - Burger and Dawg rolls
mic - Apples and fixin's to grill em
jhedge - Condiments
GenCon - Homemade Potato Salad
OldLefty -Casting Demo
thebassman - chips and pretzels
Aducker - Shrimp
215fly - Philly Soft Pretzels
WildTigerTrout - Doritoes and other snack food
lestrout - Chocolate Chip Cookies
SBecker - Surprise us!!!!!!!!!

See you all Saturday!!!!!!!!
Hey, do you guys think we will need more prints? I can bring a cooler with some water and soda or Gatorade as well as my chips and pretzels if you want. Just thought I would ask. If you all think we are covered I can just bring the chips.
thebassman wrote:
Hey, do you guys think we will need more prints? I can bring a cooler with some water and soda or Gatorade as well as my chips and pretzels if you want. Just thought I would ask. If you all think we are covered I can just bring the chips.

It never hurts to have extra, you can always take it back home if we don't need it.
Hi, just saw this.
I remember stopping by last year, just for a bit, was nice to meet people and get some good info. Planning to stop by, let me know if there are specific needs for something i can bring, otherwise i'll bring cheese and crackers.
Looking forward to tomorrow. I'll be there before sun up. If anyone needs a ride from Scranton/Carbondale area let me know.
I went up there today to check out water and bugs. Water is in great shape and there were plenty of tricos. But it was cool last night (and forecast to be again tonight) and the bugs didn't even start hitting the water until around 10am. Should be great fishing but it just might be later. Early nymphing action was hot though.

See everyone tomorrow. Weather looks like a winner again, too!
You're making things sound real promising George, caint wait, hitting the road for gencon's place shortly. See you all there.
How many are we expecting? The 20 that are signed up or will we have more show up? Trying to see how many drinks to pack in the cooler. Bringing mexican coke but didn't know if I should throw more water in or just bring the coke?
We always have more show up but if you use 15 as your number we should be good. We always have leftovers.
Dave at the Heritage Fly Shop there has cold water and sodas for a buck.

Hey I'm on my way staying in Kutztown see you in the morning I will bring chips and salsa.
Maurice wrote:
Hey I'm on my way staying in Kutztown see you in the morning I will bring chips and salsa.

I think we just hit the big time! :)

Just finished loading the truck for a 5:30 am departure from the mall, where I'm meeting Dan.

See y'all down there!
So I just found out Carolyn and I can make it for a little bit tomorrow morning. We have a wedding in Connecticut on Sunday and I thought that was going to squash us going but Carolyn is ok not getting there till the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night so we will be there. I got some danish's and sticky buns to bring. Looking forward to it.
Hey I'm going to be bringing some awesome cupcakes tomorrow. What time is the early crew getting there? I'd like to get there whenever the first guys show up.
Murph if you want to get there when the early crew gets there you better leave now. The fox might have already started the engine he gets there that early.
Well if I leave now you guys aren't getting any cupcakes haha. It takes me less than an hour to get there so I can be there pretty much whenever. Having a time to shoot for would really help me out. Also, is there an estimated head count? I'm trying to figure out how many cakes I need.
What would you guys suggest throwing before the tricos starting swarming? A beetle with a zebra midge or als rat as a dropper or a small nymph? I usually only fish the trico hatch.....never really fished before it in the early morning.
i've read that size 22 olive scuds do well. I tried to tie one but it came out terrible. I still have to hone my skills and acquire more materials. Ill probably give the zebra midge and some green weenies a shot, both flies im told work well there.
I think this year's event was another success. Thanks to everyone who attended and for bringing enough food to have fed a small army!

A special thanks to Dave (djs12354) for cooking again this year, thanks also to Jack (lv2nymph) and Dave (OldLefty) for your demos and tutoring of the newbies. Also thanks to everyone who spent time on the water with the newbies. I KNOW they appreciate your talents and help.

It was great meeting everyone especially Maurice. As djs12354 said, we made the big time now, we had a moderator attend. lol

Thanks again and tight lines,
Fox -

Thanks for putting this event together. The coordination is time consuming and you do it all cheerfully (or at least you put a good face on it).

Thanks to everyone that attended and helped to make this event a success.

I had a ball shooting the breeze with everyone and enjoyed putting faces to names. I even managed to land a fish!