30" Browns

Longbow wrote:
I fished Valley Creek earlier this week and caught two 8-9" wild browns. There were a couple cruisers in a slow section well over 20 and one that was easily in the mid 20s. I know I didn't spook one and drifted some caddis by him to no avail. Wondering whether they might be catchable if I were to go back at night and throw a mouse? What do you guys think? I really want a big brownie.

Sure, why not? Give it a try. There's no harm in trying, unless it is a place where you aren't allowed to fish after dark. You've accomplished the first task in catching a big fish, which is to find a big fish.
I can fish it at night I believe. It's outside the park. I may go back this evening and explore some more water. My 11 year old is itching to go.

We just got back from CO and had some great fishing on dry flies. Both got 4 species on the same day. One day I landed a 24" rainbow on a stimulator and had two even bigger break my tippet. Guide told us how they catch the big browns out there and it was at night with a mouse fly. Ever since I heard that story, I want to try it bad here in PA. I'm just getting back into fly fishing after many years of not. Got the bug bad.



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I have been fly fishing for fifty years and have never landed a non lake run trout of any species of 30" or greater. My personal best in all those years was a 27" brown caught in June of 2002 on a streamer. I have caught hundreds, if not thousands of 20" - 21" trout on dry flies, but only a few dozen 21+ to 23", and only two larger. One 24" and another 24.25". However both of those fish were caught on dries and 5X tippet so I consider them to be very good fish.

In the waters that I fish, the Western Catskills, I just don't believe 30" and bigger fish exist in any real numbers where you can go out and target them. I once saw a blurb and picture in FFM where a 31" brown trout was caught on the WB of the Delaware. I once met a guy who only fished streamers on full sinking lines who told me he had caught three 32" browns on the main stem. He had no pictures to prove it and for me to believe any claim of a 30" trout not caught in any tributaries of the Great Lakes you are going to have to show me a photograph with the fish up against the rod or a ruler.
"Speaking of 30 inch browns, this guy got pretty close in the letort. Kind of hard tell exactly how long they were when they get shriveled up like that, but definitely a decent fish."

That trout may be 26" which is kind of hard to believe but it sure is one skinny trout.

Between all of the branches up there, I think there may be a few (very few) that would touch 30" on the tape measure but I think there are some. The rumor was going around last spring that a Phillies pitcher caught a 32" brown in front of the dream catcher property. No pics though so I'm skeptical.
krayfish2 wrote:

Between all of the branches up there, I think there may be a few (very few) that would touch 30" on the tape measure but I think there are some. The rumor was going around last spring that a Phillies pitcher caught a 32" brown in front of the dream catcher property. No pics though so I'm skeptical.

That's the only trophy any Phillie will get for a looong time...

" I think there may be a few (very few) that would touch 30" on the tape measure but I think there are some."

I agree there are likely more than a handful of honest 30" trout but I'd think most will be found in the main in those long and deep pools. I know guys who target walleyes and they get fish to 11# and maybe more but I never hear of one landing a 30" trout. I've seen huge stripers on the main 30" - 36" so I guess it is possible there are a few monster trout. Get out you 7" crank baits and get out on the river around dark and start throwing.
Lost one tonight that would go over 24", took the fly but I pulled the fly out of that maw of a mouth. he had a whole 5" fly in there. had caught a few smaller fish before that. brute came out of a nice big hole fish all the time on pine. be going back next week after the tourist leave. that's 3 browns spotted this year over 24" or bigger here.
If it cracks 30".....post a pic. It's gotta happen sooner or later.
Did anybody else notice the golden trout entry from the link in this post?. #207.
Speaking of 30 inch browns, this guy got pretty close in the letort. Kind of hard tell exactly how long they were when they get shriveled up like that, but definitely a decent fish.
Says it was caught in Trindle?
Has that been stocked again?
Stalker, I could swear thats the feller we spoke of.
Well, if you step on it's tail fin and pull on it's jaw real hard you might just have a 30" after all.
If a picture comes up on here of a 30" brown, it'll happen in the next few months. Big browns hitting the tribs in the fall of both the great lakes and the big river systems.
Reading through this entire thread, saw the post about the sea runs on long island. There really arent many caught at all. And if they are, they are caught on bait. Ever since the closure of the hatchery in the famed Connetquot River, the sea run return hasnt been nearly as good. My godfather back in the early 2000's would fish the connetquot in early february and see BIG sea run bows. Were talking fish in the up 20's and im sure the 30 inch mark. Ive caught a few sea runs but they were all before i got the fly fishing bug. I actually heard recently from a buddy who lost a fish that he said was every bit of 12-13 lbs on a spawn sack in tidal waters. Huge brown he said bit him right off as he was reaching to get it out. Jersey has a much better sea run fishery then long island does, and if people do get sea runs on long island since they are rare no one will speak of where and when they caught them.- Kev

Cody racks up wins (often multiple) in the contest every year. Fallfish, Sucker, Rock Bass, etc. Not a person I know, but I believe I have met before. My friend does know him from living in Boiling Springs. (Locals...they all look alike!!!) Whooo Hoooo. Get me some pellet pigs...

A golden caught in Trindle is possible. The lower section is devoid of fish for the most part...despite 2009 Fish Commission Biology Reports (and other anglers saying they can still catch wilds...). I have caught a Golden in the vicinity of the stream (18.25") and have seen them 4" in the Hogestown, which is upstream and stocked at its lower section. As you know...the stream, spring fed, goes under ground about a mile from its mouth. It resumes back in town.

The one I mention catching would have migrated to the spot (from Hogestown, Mechanicsburg Sports Club Stocking) through the Conodo, encountered Trindle's out flow and stayed for the cold water (currently low 60s). Then someone decided to keep it, Angler or Eagle. Pretty sure it was an angler.

My opinion would be a that the contest entry was caught in the Trindle Run...but in the upper part of the stream. Mechanicsburg Sports Club stocks in town and has a hatchery there. The fish was most likely caught along Mulberry Drive (from under a bridge) or in the hatchery...they are a quarter mile apart...about the same. You can fish right up to the hatchery.

Wow...here we go again with Sea Runs


You are correct about the most likely location...but I believe the thread was pondering non-great lake fish...just sayin
Hunting sea-run browns is not exactly like hunting for unicorns, but are a real shot in the dark.

Finding these beasts in PA streams is possible, but one my spend decades or their whole life trying.

Great Lake Run brown of that size are common, but reading the OP, I think for him and many it's more about the hunt than the catch.
Night Stalker, I also mentioned the tribs to the large river systems around PA. PA has just begun it's brown trout program in Erie and I expect to see some mid to upper 20's in there, but some of the big rivers across PA will have the large browns hitting their smaller tribs in the next few months to spawn and that's the best opportunity all year round to catch them IMO on the fly.
sandfly wrote:
Lost one tonight that would go over 24", took the fly but I pulled the fly out of that maw of a mouth. he had a whole 5" fly in there. had caught a few smaller fish before that. brute came out of a nice big hole fish all the time on pine. be going back next week after the tourist leave. that's 3 browns spotted this year over 24" or bigger here.

I want photos. Don't tell me your forgot the camera or you dropped it in the water. :)
Brad if I get one I will have pics..
So are rocks/branches and they can put up a good fight as well.