INFLATABLE PFD's....seeking experienced input

I have a Mustang HIT inflatable for when I’m forced to wear one.(Who doesn’t love having the government make choices for them) It won’t inflate unless you’re in the water.

My boat is long enough that the seasonal requirement in PA doesn’t pertain to me, but the NY length requirement to be excluded is much larger.
Please note this document is not correct. See my previous reply for details. There is no PFBC legal requirement to wear inflatable PFD. The only legal requirement is to follow the USCG label. If the label states, "Must be worn" then the PFD must be worn, regardless of inflatable or not. If the label has no such statement then there is no legal requirement to wear an inflatable. Period. Read the label. Follow the label.
Something to keep in mind. I’m pretty sure the rules change when you switch to inflatable pfd’s.

I believe you cannot legally remove it while on the water.
You must wear it at all times while aboard your vessel. If you take it off, it no longer counts as a life jacket.
This is correct. Simply put, it’s because inflatables sink when not inflated. Or at least provide zero flotation when not inflated. Things that don’t float are generally bad things to throw to a drowning person. Inflatables do not meet USCG approval unless they are worn all the time so the catch all about USCG approval applies. Personally I don’t wear any so I’m not the experienced PFDer the OP is looking for. I consider my really big boat with high sides and safety rails my PFD. Now if I fished from the top of what amounts to a log floating down the river I would wear a real wearable PFD that floats all the time and not an inflatable.

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I have a Mustang HIT MD3183 which is automatic at least twice the cost of what you are describing.

I have one of these PFDs from Mustang Survival, and I also have a less expensive Cabela's model. I can wear the Mustang Survival model all day without issue, but the Cabela's model is uncomfortable.

I've had the M/S model for years. If I remember correctly, the less expensive versions rely on a dissolvable "pill", for lack of a better term, to cause automatic inflation. If the pill gets wet it dissolves, which somehow triggers inflation. The MD3183 uses a hydrostatic inflation system. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I believe it somehow detects water pressure to trigger inflation, so it will not accidentally inflate if splashed, rained on, etc.

My only real gripe with the M/S version is the cost of the rearm kit, which requires replacement every several years regardless of whether you set it off. I just took a quick peek on Google, and it looks like the kits are now running between $90 and $110. IIRC, the kits have a three or four year shelf life before needing to be replaced. I wouldn't be surprised if the listed expiration dates could be stretched out for more years, but would anyone really want to find out the hard way?

When I replace the inflator, I purposefully pull the ripcord to make sure the bladder is still in good shape. Also, every so often I inflate the bladder manually through the attached air tube and leave it sit over night to be certain there are no leaks.
I have a Mustang HIT MD3183 which is automatic at least twice the cost of what you are describing. This particular PFD is near the top of their line so it's over $200 but so are most fly rods, reels and other gear that WON'T save your life...
Mustang makes great stuff. On the boats I usually wear one these, which is bulkier than the inflatables but cheap at less than half the price, and as it’s mostly mesh not too uncomfortable.
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