3/20/10 Lehigh Valley Tying/fishing "Mini Jam"

Thanks to all had a great time.... I didnt get a chance to say that as my tip broke on my Sage rod just before starting to fish. Had a great time and im sure I'll see you guys again....

Have to send back the rod and probably find a backup. This was my 5wt and I hope sage can fix it.
You folks sure couldn't have picked a better day. Looks like a great time was had🙂
Looks like it was great time I just could not make it my previous engagement ran longer then expected but I will not miss the next one!!

I recognize afishinado,Jay,Fred,Dave R. anyone else care to identify themselves?


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Hope you don't expect me to remember. :roll:

I know all but three for sure - almost all by first name. (Gotcha Ian!) Name tags would be cool, and they should have both real names, and forum names. You could not know any of these guys and know who Frederick is. His picture was on a milk carton I saw earlier that day. :-D Frederick ROCKS!!!

Then there's [d]Westlvv Westvrl Westly Westvlee[/d] Rob. Can't forget him, but still can't say his forum name.

Chief was cool. Quiet, but really smart guy.

RRR had me reminiscing about days gone by - his home stream is one of my favorites from way back when.

One thing about PAFF get togethers is a constant for me - I've yet to meet a PAFF member I didn't like. Every last one has been someone I'd fish with, and that's the highest compliment I can give.
numero uno (that means Number One) checking in here...learned a lot, thanks Dave.

#17 here.

I concur, thanks Dave for the tying instruction and HA for setting this up.

I feel that I wan't social enough at this event, but hope to see some of you at the Jam and I will make up for it . Good idea with #'s I'm 2 but I'm second to none :lol:
#12, hiding behind Afishinado.
# 4 here

Thanks for the great instruction, great weather and of course the fish that you tied for me to catch.

The Planner (HA) did an excellant job.

#11.Tom C also known as "AFISHN".
Ed:Thanks for a great job organizing this bunch of misfits.....the challenge is about the same as teaching a cat to'sit" 🙂
#15 - thanks a lot guys. Very nice meeting each of you. Thanks for your efforts in weather department . . . worked out nicely. If you could get the gods to stop the rain this week that would be just swell!
#xx, not pictured. That's what I get for being late. Heh.

If you're "second to none" and you're beside me, I guess that makes me....."NONE." I don't mind that at all. Now, I can go incognito ;-)

Thanks to everyone who was willing and able to attend. I had a great time, as well!!

Dave R.
gfen wrote:
#xx, not pictured. That's what I get for being late. Heh.

Can't let this slide. I also have to compliment you on the spectacular results of your diet. This will do wonders for your health, and ensure that you'll be around for me to pick on for MANY years to come. Nice job, buddy. 😎


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Ok, after going back through this thread, I am reasonably confident to take a shot at this.

1. govtmule
2. Frederick
3. ChrisB
4. Chief
5. RRR
6. Old Lefty
7. Harry
8. LJ - ooops - JayL ;-)
9. whheff
10. joeypm
11. Afishn
12. ian-brown
13. afishinado
14. blueheron
15. jdaddy
16. Westvleteren12 (had to look it up) :roll:
17. CLSports

afish - instead of a pat on the back, I'd settle for an "in person" demonstration of your leader furling. Sounds like a good topic to cover at the next mini-jam.....