2015 PAFF Carpin' Jam - Saturday, July 18th - 7am at Rebers Bridge parking lot



Well-known member
Mar 14, 2012
Lancaster, PA
The carpin' contingency of the PAFF WWI (warm water insurgents) will descend on the Tulpehocken Creek on Saturday July 18, 2015. We will meet at the Rebers Bridge parking lot at 7:00 AM. The parking lot is near the intersection of Rebers Bridge Road and Pallisades Drive along the special regs section of the Tully. codym21 and myself will be facilitating the jam. I am putting out an open invitation to any carpin' newbies (any folks that always wanted to give this a try but just don't know where to go or how to start) as well as anybody else interested that may have some carpin' experience. Cody and I will do our best to get some guys into some carp on their flyrod. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and we will try to answer them as soon as we can. Please keep all communications about the jam on this thread so that anyone interested or following the thread can benefit from the information provided. If we can manage to get some people into some fish this will really be a lot of fun. Really tight lines!

Just a heads up to anybody considering coming. We may need to do a significant amount of walking to locate some fish in various areas.
I'm marking the calendar, sounds like fun!
dc410 wrote:
The carpin' contingency of the PAFF WWI (warm water insurgents) will descend on the Tulpehocken Creek on Saturday July 18, 2015. We will meet at the Rebers Bridge parking lot at 7:00 AM. The parking lot is near the intersection of Rebers Bridge Road and Pallisades Drive along the special regs section of the Tully. codym21 and myself will be facilitating the jam. I am putting out an open invitation to any carpin' newbies (any folks that always wanted to give this a try but just don't know where to go or how to start) as well as anybody else interested that may have some carpin' experience. Cody and I will do our best to get some guys into some carp on their flyrod. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and we will try to answer them as soon as we can. Please keep all communications about the jam on this thread so that anyone interested or following the thread can benefit from the information provided. If we can manage to get some people into some fish this will really be a lot of fun. Really tight lines!


Nice! > The Brown Water Division of the Warmwater Insurgents > PAFF WWI BWD

Oh and DC.....good luck getting Cody to arrive at 7! Maybe he can head up the tardy group... :lol:
dc410 wrote:
Just a heads up to anybody considering coming. We may need to do a significant amount of walking to locate some fish in various areas.

Not if my recent trips there are any indication. If it's wet, it will have carp in it.
Man, this is gonna be awesome. I doubt I can make it unfortunately. But if my plans change, I'll post something here!
Haha Afishinado ill be there,
Should be a good time and hopefully get some people on carp!
Possibly in....sounds like fun!
John, very cool idea. I have not tried carp yet. I may be able to make it.

It's great to see the interest in this from you guys. As we get closer to the date I will try to get a more confirmed roll call for the event. We have plenty of time at this point.

TimR - Hope to see you there. Should be a good time.

McSneek - Thanks for the scouting report. I know we will find some fish if conditions are ok. Just hoping we can connect with a few of them.

jay348 - Hope things change with your schedule, would like to get a chance fish with you.

Volks - Hope you can make it. I got your carpsickle fly wet this afternoon. Couldn't put it in front of a carp just yet but I'm sure I will shortly. I liked the action of your fly in the water.

GenCon - It would be great to see you again. Drag Tyger along if you can pull it off.

Here's a little carpin' primer. I stopped at a spot on the way home from work today that is loaded with carp. I couldn't close the deal on any of these fish all last season (fished it several times). Hooked up with this one right away this afternoon. What a difference a year makes! Some carp are really ugly and some are kind of purdy. I thought this one was kind of purdy. :-D I gotta tie up some more carp flies - bent another hook landing this one. I really think I'm addicted to this game.


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I'm planning to attend.
John, Thats an awesome idea for a jam!
Id love to be there, but Ill be on vacation. Total bummer...
I am hoping I can make it. The last time I fished the Tully was about 20 years ago when I was a newbie. Well I am still pretty much a newbie - kids and life put me into a 17 year layoff from FF. Anyway, on that day I was watching a fish sipping the Tricos under a low hanging branch. I made the best cast of my life up to that point and gently dropped my Trico spinner just above my fish right in his lane. I waited, holding my breath, looking for the take. A soft slurp and it was fish on! I held pressure on as my "big brownie" headed toward my side of the stream. I was able to lead him away from a deeper pool and suddenly the fish was in the air, completely out of the water. What the....that's no trout! Well 5 minutes' battle later and in my net was a 20 inch carp! Not what I was going after but it sure was some fun fishing, or rather, catching. I never knew that carp would sip flies from the surface or jump for that matter.
As I said, that was the last time I fished the Tully so I suppose it is only appropriate that my next trip there should be to intentionally fish for carp.
A couple of questions. What is the recommended rod weight and what flies and sizes? Also, what leader/tippet? I do tie my own leaders.
Thanks and hope I can make it and meet you guys.
Im sure DC will add to this but I prefer a 7wt rod for most of my carpin. I will use an 8wt on the susky but manly the 7wt for everything else. You can get away with a 5 or 6 but its not ideal.

Flies you want to match the forage,just like you would do with trout. So if there are crayfish I will fish small crayfish Flies if there are damsel fly nymphs I will damsel fly patterns and so on. This is not to say that that some flies and colors work better or try just something that is an attractor pattern. Most carp flies ride hook up to prevent snagging. I usually wont go to big with carp flies usually around 4, 6 or 8s but everyone has a preference .

Leaders. I for the most time will fish a 9ft 2-3x leader. Occasionally if I fish a place that I know sees bowfishing ( which sucks) I will go to a longer leader.

Pick the right targets. Find fish that are actively feeding if you can, the ones with the tails up and nose down. Work these fish over a fish that is sunning. Not saying a sunning fish isnt worth it but feeding fish are much easier to catch and you will increase your odds if you target feeding fish vs sunning fish.

Oh Polarized sunglasses are a must

Look up some of the threads on here for carp by doing a search.
I hope that makes sense ive been studying for 10 hours today
Hey DEPete53. Welcome to PAFF. Cody provided some very good information in the above post.

As far as flies go. Go to the PAFF Fly Tying forum and near the top find the "Carp Swap 2015" thread. Go to page 9, post #129 where jay348 posted photos of the carp flies tied in the swap. I've been field testing these patterns for the past month or so and smashing some carp on them. The participants tied some awesome carp flies! I usually like about a size 6 hook and you can't go wrong with something in the color of brown, olive or rust tied with materials that move or breath in the water.

I use a 9' 8WT outfit. I don't own a 7 WT or I would probably use it for carp. I've caught carp on my 5 WT so don't shy away if you don't have a heavier outfit but a really big fish will obviously be quite a challenge on a 5 WT.

I also tie my own leaders. My carp leaders consist of a 3' butt section of 40 lb. Maxima Chameleon, 3' mid section of 20 lb., and a 3' tippet anywhere from 0X - 3X. I usually use 1X. I may tie up a few extra carp leaders and bring them along if anybody needs help in that area. Double surgeon knots between all of my connections. I like to use the section of Maxima because it stretches a bit and offers a sort of built in shock absorber which can be a help when battling a really heavy fish. I inspect and replace my tippet fairly frequently as carp leaders can get beat up pretty quickly after a few lengthy battles with some good size fish. The quality of your knots is also an important detail to stay focused on. Hope you can join us on July 18th.
Woo Hoo. Just went from possibly to probably. I could sure used some tutelage...
In! I started fishing for carp last year while in Idaho and am itching to get tight to some again.
i need to go to this... i want to learn cap on fly really bad... dc410 can you please pm me better directions?? i am not sure where to go.
Would've liked to have made this, but unfortunately will be out of town. Someone take lots of photos.