2015 North Central PA Jam 9/11-9/13



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
Okay the dates are set for the 2015 NCPA Summit, this year cheekily called, "The White Gloved Howdy Summit" (Slate Drakes to you common men).

As I said earlier this year, scheduling made it difficult to have this jam in October like last year. We won't have the gorgeous leaves that we had last year, but North Central PA should be green, cool, and beautiful in mid-September, and the Slate Drakes should be out in force.

My cabin is once again serving as the hub for this event, located on the summit of Denton Hill in Potter County. We do ask for a donation of $5 per night from guests, just to help cover annual expenses of the camp. Plenty of bed/sofa/floor/tent space on the property. Hot water, electric, and a great big table for group meals and good times! Food is communal. If you bring food or beer, it's fair game for all to enjoy. That's how we role. It's a weekend of fly fishing communal living!

This has proven to be a great even with a small, but wonderful group of guys showing up every year. I usually arrive Thursday AM (and others generally show up that early as well), and the fishing is a sun-up to sun-down event. We fish big waters, small waters, medium waters, but all w/in the setting of some of the most remote and untouched country in the State. The camp is w/in an hour's drive from countless fishing opportunities.

So with about 2.5 months to go, get it on the calendar, and let's start making some plans!
I should be able to swing this.
Yeah man I would love that. Been tryin' to get you up there for it for 3 years now.

Count me in.
I know where the Denton Hill Ski area is, but if someone whose been to the camp before ,can give me more specifics (in a pm)as to the location of the camp,I'd appreciate it.
I'll volunteer to bring hamburgers and buns for the group;just need a head count as we get close.(I'm assuming there's a grill)
Yeah as we get closer to the date, I"ll shoot you the "exact address" (when you get to the cabin, you'll understand why "exact address" is not really...exact).

PS-Thanks Jack for changing the title to this thread. I forgot to actually put in the title that this is the NCPA Summit.

One more time;

North Central PA Jam:

The best catching, the most interesting places to go, great folks, ***** accommodation, the unforgettable international gourmet kitchen.

Local craft brew mixed with fine local pickles juice – contest
New white/silver “carpet flies” from skybay
And: Jesus; He will be there, (don’t tell – He will sleep in the attic!)


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A white and silver carpet fly? Did you get a new rug!?

When I was up in April, the fly you passed around last year is still hanging up on the post under the clock haha!
Les you say that every year...MAKE IT HAPPEN, CAPTAIN! Plus, I got a new pipe I'm DYING to show you! An antique Bruken carved into a bull's head.

Also, I have found a great tobacco blend, "Presbyterian Mixture". Seemed suitable for me! I think you'll enjoy it.
I may have to consider this outing a bit more seriously since the fishing up north is holding up so well...so far.

Yo Sas

Funny thing about that. Presby is one of my faves. Coincidentally, I noticed I hadn't puffed it in a month and this am I started the day with a nice big bowl. I didn't get up early enough for Trikes, so I made do with Presby.
I told you, Jesus will be there

(this is Potter County)


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Uh..okay thanks for that Jared! I'm excited for the newer crowd to join us. Every year we have a few newer guys on board! But I'm lookin for the originals too!


where you guys at!? A little more than a month away for this shindig.
I talked to Bikerfish, Wetfly01 and Shakey last night. Shakey's on the fence, particularly because Jared is bringing Plastic Jesus along, but Wetfly01 and Biker are in.

Tell Jared to leave that flesh-colored Christ at home. It is offensive unless it glows in the dark.
That might be a good thing for Jared hopefully that is a glow in the dark Jesus. He’ll probably need the light and guidance to get off the water before it gets real dark. Ha Ha Ha. Inside joke from last year’s trip. Just messing with you Jared. Looking forward to the Jam this year.
That Glow-in-the-Dark JESUS might bring in the coyote and black bear for a Last Supper stream side

If I determine I am coming, hope to, I will bring full survival bug out bag, compass & maps. You never know where or who Wetfly will dump you off in the hills..."see you an hour after dark..." I normally have 3-4 lights on me when I know I am going to be fishing near sunset...Not really a concern when departing at 6:30 am. This time I will know better.

Good Times, Beautiful Locations, Awesome Company...
I mean...this was Kettle that you guys got dumped on right? The same Kettle that pretty much runs parallel to Rt 144!? haha!
Sas I'm still laughing too. Not sure Jared believed me when I told him a 200 black bear was following us upstream. Not having a light with me...I decided to press on. Jared was blinded by the mesmerizing rise rings. I punched thru to the road a half hour later. An empty road. Later, it was revealed that I needed to go another 150 yards to the walk out point.

We figured Jared still smelled of bacon grease from the morning cooking and that the bear caught up to him...but then we saw a strobing JESUS light coming from the woods.
Alright guys...time to roll call this sucker. Next month by this time I will be sitting on the cabin porch smoking Presbyterian Mixture waiting for you all to show up! Who is bringing what to eat?

So far we gots:


Anyone hear from Csoult or Turkey? DaveS? Is Artifishal still around? What about Dan (I forget his name on here, but he was there last year, lived close to First Fork if I remember correctly). Also, Brad from Potter...you gonna be in town?

Jack, I don't hope too much on this, but this whole thing started w/ you bringing up doing a jam in this area of the state some years ago...you'd still be MOST welcome! And Csoult helped me get the first one organized and off the ground, so Coty, I still consider this your jam too!
