2013 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree 12/21/13 10AM - 6PM

  • Thread starter Heritage-Angler
  • Start date
We're good to go.

We can get into the hall at 8:30 to set up the tables and chairs, and that gives the tyers an hour to get their tying stuff ready. They should be ready to start tying at 10AM sharp.

We'll have coffee and donuts to start out. Feel free to bring any food or drinks you'd like to have other than that. We'll also have spring water on ice available throughout the day. Mrs Delta Dog is sending a tray of her famous cookies along.

Any spectators are welcome, and additional demo tyers can just show up last minute if you want to. You can even show up any time during the day, and we'll fit you in to the rotation of tyers.

Hokendauqua TU will be there to do the beginner instruction. If you know of anyone that could benefit from some quality tying instruction, bring 'em!

Dinner is at 6:30PM at Riverwalck Saloon. They don't take reservations anymore, but please mention you're with paflyfish when you get there so they can seat us in the same section.

Looking forward to a fun and educational day!

I was just thinking about Mrs D Dogs cookies!! Ed you just made my day!
mooney4 wrote:
I was just thinking about Mrs D Dogs cookies!!

O.M.G. - The chocolate ones with the mint chips.........

I can promise there won't be any leftovers on those. :)
I had a good time today at the Jam. Nice to see people face to face again and pick up some more knowledge for the next time I can sit at the bench.

Mike, I am definitely going to try my hand at those stimulator patterns. If mine come out one third as nice as yours, I'll be pleased.

Thanks to all the tiers who demonstrated their ties and shared their skills.

Had a great time today thanks to all involved! And thanks for the tying kit.... I know what I'll be doing tomorrow :)
It was nice meeting all of you guys today. Congrats on the tying kit, Jhedge. I'm kinda bummed i missed the raffle drawing!
Thanks to all for another successful event.

We made a sizable donation to the Lehigh Gap Nature Center through the results of the raffle - thanks to all who contributed prizes!

This year, we had TWO complete tying kits donated, and through discussion with those who got them donated, it was decided to pick the winners, rather than have them go to members who already had tying setups - this was likely if done through the raffle.

The winners of the tying kits were Stagger Lee, and jhedge. I'm sure those kits will be put to good use, and we'll surely witness Stagger's progress on the tying forum. ;-)

In addition to the members that donated raffle prizes, I'd like to thank one of our site sponsors - The Sporting Gentleman - for their generous donations. They donated literally hundreds of dollars worth of prizes for this event. Please show your appreciation for their generosity by supporting this first class fly shop!

I'd also like to thank J.Stockard for their donation of a gift certificate as well. This is the second year they've come through for us in supporting this event.

All in all, it was a great time, and promoted camaraderie, and sharing of information and skills among the attendees.

I'll post a slide show of the event and the flies tied as soon as I get it done.

Sounds like another great get-together! Kudos to those who donated to support the Nature Center.

Lookin forward to the pics......
One of the really cool side stories of this event is the story of a very special young man.

Two years ago at the tying jam, one of our member's sons was given a box full of tying equipment and supplies by our own Krayfish. It was a very generous thing to do, and clearly showed the goodwill and desire to help that is typical of our members here on PAFF. This young man also received some great beginner's instruction at the Jam from the guys at Hokendauqua TU. He tied his first ever flies that day!

Last year, that young man (Ben Fedeli - his Dad is "Hack" on our forum) showed us some of the flies he had tied in the past year, and gave them to some of us. They were tied really well! He also was the recipient of SkyBlue's generosity, when Rick gave him the awesome tying bench csoult donated to the event, and that Rick had won in the raffle.

This year,Ben felt confident enough in his new found skills to do a demo tie at the Jam - his own tie, the "Pink Tag".

And so, we here at PAFF have helped get a fine young man into what looks like a lifelong adventure in flyfishing/flytying. Kudos to his Dad Paul (Hack) for supporting his new found skills, and raising a polite young man that is enjoying the outdoors, and not spending all his time playing video games.

The guys at Hokendauqua TU are most impressed with Ben's progress! Looking at the VP of Hokendauqua TU as Ben tied, I saw a bit of tears in his eyes.

Way to be, Ben!

Here's his demo fly:


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Here's the slideshow....

Very nice, Ed. A big thanks for putting the whole thing together. Also, thumbs up to all the guys that took the time to demonstrate their tying skills and share their knowledge. Some great ties in those photos.
Ed like Afish said, thank you for putting this together. Looked like a nice event and thank you for sharing the pictures.

PM sent.
Thanks Ed and Mike,
I almost didn't come because of a tight schedule but I gotta say that I enjoyed the whole day. I appreciate you putting this together. I have been trying for years to get my tying club to do an informal hang out but it gets bogged down in commitee, I'm happy to meet up with the PAFF boys anytime. Merry Christmas to you all.
Thanks again to Ed and Mike for a very well planned event. After 30+ years of fly tying I have really enjoyed the last two Fly Tying Jams and always seem to pick up plenty of new ideas, tips and new patterns to try at these get togethers. Valdi's quill body nymph really has my wheels turning. What an awesome looking pattern! Crazy Grady's winged wet flies were a real nice throwback to some proven traditional wet fly patterns. I can't wait to swing some of them this Spring.

Murph, it was real nice meeting you, glad you could make the event. Thanks again for the pheasant feathers. After getting home and checking them out closer, you picked some great feathers. They will be put to good use.
Thanks to ALL of the tyers. Ed and Mike, thanks for organizing this event. I've never met a more encouraging, inspiring, and generous group of guys. It was a great time.
Eunan, thanks your help and the feathers you spotted me and the wax. Also, thanks to the sponsors for the raffle donations. I'm sure glad I WON a box of Sporting Gentleman mints.
Ben, keep it up, Buddy. You may be the most encouraging tyer of them all. Hack, you better be proud. You're a lucky man.
Had a great time and loved hanging out with everybody. It was awesome to sit and just talk with the left handed gentleman and discuss the past techniques. I dunno about everybody else, but there is sure one fly that truly stands out. I am sure that tyer is really proud.
This was just my third year participating in the Tying Jam and I have to say that its always a great learning experience. There always seems to be a few patterns that really get you excited to go home and give them a try. Thanks BlueHeron, for that Henryville Special. Thats gonna go in my box. If you didn't make it to the Jam, you really have to make it a point to come next year. I've fished with Delta Dog a number of times and this year I was really excited to watch him tie the Shannons minnow pattern. I know this fly drives the fish crazy!! I've used it before with Delta. I can't wait to give it a try again.
Finally I really want to thank Ed (Heritage) and Mike for donating their time to putting together another great day!! Thanks to all that tied and donated items to chance off. I personally thank the great people at The Sporting Gentleman (my home fly shop). If your in the Delco SE Pa area you should take some time and visit the shop.
Tied up a wooly bugger with my new kit yesterday! Can't wait to tie some more. Thanks again!


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jhedge wrote:
Tied up a wooly bugger with my new kit yesterday! Can't wait to tie some more.

Look at you!

Somehow, I knew you'd be good at tying. ;-)

The fish are gonna hate you for this.
dc410 wrote:
Valdi's quill body nymph really has my wheels turning. What an awesome looking pattern!


I tied up a handful last night and I'm sold.

Huge thanks to everyone who made this thing happen...HA and frequenttyer, all of the demonstrators, and the donors for the raffle.

It was a blast as usual, although I am bummed I couldn't indulge in the bbq. Can't wait to do it again!
