2013 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jamboree 12/21/13 10AM - 6PM

  • Thread starter Heritage-Angler
  • Start date
Ok, FT, put me down for the warm water poppers. I'll try to have a full range of example and step by step demo. I might even be able to put together a few for any of the youth guest to do them selves. See you guys there!!
Are we able to just go and look and learn?
Seeing as Dave R. has decided on the green drake nymph and in keeping with my desire to do a Pocono regional tie with the added benefit of incorporating several basic techniques for the guys starting out, I will tie one of my go to NE flies , the Henryville Special. See ya all there! Chris
JVenezia wrote:
Are we able to just go and look and learn?
Absolutely! That's one of the main purposes of this event. Come and learn all you can. You will get to see some great tyers in action, ask questions, and meet some of the other people on the forum.
Looks like we got the snow out of the way this weekend, so hopefully we will have reasonable weather on Saturday. I'll update the list later today, but the lineup is very good. Still room to sign up if we have any last minute folks that want to demo a fly.
With just a few days to go we have a total of 16 tyers signed up. That is a near perfect number at 15 mins or so per demo. A few more won't hurt, so feel free to jump in if you're sitting on the fence. also please keep in mind that we need an audience, so anyone can attend to watch the show.
WildTigerTrout let us know if you settled on a pattern.

Updated tyer's list:

SBecker – Hackle Stacker
Eunanhendron - Demo winged wet flies, salmon flies and streamers
Volksnurse – Wicked foam beetle
Frequenttyer – Orange stimulator
Jay348 - Sculpin
Dc410 - Sparrow Nymph
Martin0206 - CDC Iso emerger
Foxgap239 - Comparadun 
Mooney4 / Riverwalck guide – Warm water poppers
Odizz17 - Fish Skull articulated streamer or golden stone nymph
Blueheron - Henryville Special
OldLefty – Green Drake articulated nymph
Ben - Pink Tag
WildTigerTrout – TBD
Delta_Dog - Shannon's Streamer
CrazyGrady – Winged wet fly?
Since a Comparadun should not take me 15 minutes to tie and explain, if it is okay with the organizers, I will tie 2 versions. I will tie a size 16 BWO standard deer hair wing and a size 20 BWO with the CDC wing.

See you all Saturday. Weather looks like it will cooperate at least as far as snow is concerned.
Foxgap239 wrote:
Since a Comparadun should not take me 15 minutes to tie and explain, if it is okay with the organizers, I will tie 2 versions. I will tie a size 16 BWO standard deer hair wing and a size 20 BWO with the CDC wing.

Two well proven fish catchers, as I've witnessed often.

Sounds great to me!

One thing I DO ask of the tyers is that they keep careful track of their hooks, The hall at the Nature Center is carpeted, and we don't want to leave any hooks behind.

Also, if anyone wants to bring any flyfishing related items to be donated to the raffle, it'd be appreciated. The tickets are only a buck a piece, so we have to sell a pile of them to make a nice donation to the Nature Center. 100% of the proceeds of the raffle will be given to the Nature Center as a "thank you" for letting us use their beautiful facility.

I hope they have the geothermal cooling system going, gonna be 50 degrees.
Hey Ed, I have a few things that one of the website advertisers, "my local fly shop" The Sporting Gentleman was gracious to give me for the Jam. They're a newer advertiser and great people. I'll have them with me.
Sorry I can't make it fellas...I'll be chasing redfish and snook down South! Have fun and learn lots!
mooney4 wrote:
Hey Ed, I have a few things that one of the website advertisers, "my local fly shop" The Sporting Gentleman was gracious to give me for the Jam. They're a newer advertiser and great people. I'll have them with me.

This doesn't surprise me at all.

Barry, Christine, Mary, and crew are some of the classiest people in the flyfishing business. You're very fortunate to have one of the best fly shops in PA close by.

Geez, I really have to pay them a visit...
gaeronf wrote:
Sorry I can't make it fellas...I'll be chasing redfish and snook down South! Have fun and learn lots!

What a brat! Have fun and BE CAREFUL. Remember H.A.'s #1 rule of fishing. ;-)
"What a brat! Have fun and BE CAREFUL. Remember H.A.'s #1 rule of fishing."

Is it a private secret, or can you share ? You knew someone would ask.
WTT doesn't have his computer operating right now. He has decided on tying a "WTT's bead head pheasant tail flashback" if that's o.k.
KeithS wrote:
"What a brat! Have fun and BE CAREFUL. Remember H.A.'s #1 rule of fishing."

Is it a private secret, or can you share ? You knew someone would ask.

Don't fish places where there are fish that can eat you.
Got room for one more ? If yes you can put me down for Quill Body Nymph.
I call dibs on sitting next to the Pole. If anybody wants to see European type nymphs watch Walter aka Valdi. Tyes some killer nymphs.
Valdi wrote:
Got room for one more ? If yes you can put me down for Quill Body Nymph.
Absolutely! Looking forward to seeing that nymph!
Just two days to go! Setup starts at 9:00 am. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Updated tyer's list:

SBecker – Hackle Stacker
Eunanhendron - Demo winged wet flies, salmon flies and streamers
Volksnurse – Wicked foam beetle
Frequenttyer – Orange stimulator
Jay348 - Sculpin
Dc410 - Sparrow Nymph
Martin0206 - CDC Iso emerger
Foxgap239 – Comparadun x 2
Mooney4 / Riverwalck guide – Warm water poppers
Odizz17 - Fish Skull articulated streamer or golden stone nymph
Blueheron - Henryville Special
OldLefty – Green Drake articulated nymph
Ben - Pink Tag
WildTigerTrout – WTT's bead head pheasant tail flashback
Delta_Dog - Shannon's Streamer
CrazyGrady – Winged wet fly?
Valdi – Quill Body Nymph