2010 Fly Swap

the boy and i went down to the mailbox last saturday. the only thing in there was my flies. i told the boy that my flies arrived and i showed him what they were. he wanted to carry them up to the house as i always let him do with the mail. when we got inside i had a chat with the wife for a quick second. i lost track of the boy so i went back to his room. there he was, with his scooby doo fishing pole wanted to try out the new flies. thats what you get with a 2 1/2 year old.

flies look great
redrockgrizzly wrote:
i lost track of the boy so i went back to his room. there he was, with his scooby doo fishing pole wanted to try out the new flies. thats what you get with a 2 1/2 year old.

Actually, with most two and a half year olds, I think you end up with a mouthful of flies and a trip to the doctor. :)

Better the Scooby Doo rod, eh?
Would anyone mind if I post pics of the flies? Just might encourage others to participate in the future.
BelAirSteve wrote:
Would anyone mind if I post pics of the flies? Just might encourage others to participate in the future.

I think its a great Idea.......... I tied the full motion crayfish

BelAirSteve wrote:
Would anyone mind if I post pics of the flies? Just might encourage others to participate in the future.

Good idea. I tied the twisted herl rubber legged dragon (aka the black thing with the red legs)
i tied the yellow streamer with the badger colored tail
Thanks for doin' that BAS...

I did the steeler popper
You guys are awesome! No I really mean awesome. Just got my flies and I am really blown away. I really admire just such a wonderful talent you have in putting these flies together.

The big bass bugs, streamers and nymphs are very much apprciated.

I would like to make a blog post about this. I will look through the thread, but if have any stories or background about your fly please let me know so I can include it in my post.

Again thank you so much and Bruno for getting the flies to me.

Belairsteve are you done with the fly photos yet ?
All I want to know is when is the next one?
Thanks for heading this up. I'm sure I speak for the mods in saying a big "thanks" for sharing your flies with us. I'm a bass guy so will definitely have lots of use for the excellent flies.
Thanks again.
So Fredrick busted my b***s a little bit via PM, so I committed to posting photos to this thread by the end of the week. It's not very pretty, but I found that using a piece of craft foam as a background makes it easier to focus with my D40.