2010 Fly Swap

Drunken excel escapades - sorry guys. I filtered incorrectly
Were be my flies ?????????????
Were be my flies ?????????????

I got mine today. Looking real good except for the one that smells like it was dipped in Lowenbrau.
i still didnt get mine
I went fishing with mine the other day. I kicked some serious trout butt with them to. The one that smelled like Lowenbrau was most effective. Damned trout have no class.:)
I didn't get mine either HuntinFool. It looks like we're neighbors, so maybe the post office is just slow. Festus, did you really get your box? Your Lowenbrau comment confused me :-?
i didnt get mine either.
I'm just busting your stones. I ain't even in the fly swap.:)
i didnt get mine yet either but who knows with the mount oliver post office or anyhting government run now a days
The postman passed me by again today. Did anyone get anything?
I got mine Saturday...of course, I live right across the river, so they should hit me pretty quick. I'm guessing you will see them in a day or so.

Nice ties everyone!!!!
Got 'em! Like Christmas morning....thanks everyone. How about everyone post what they tied?
Everyone. Got my flies today. Thanks, some great ties in there!

Got mine on Saturday. Can't wait to try a few of them out on crappies this week!
Nothing here yet I'm sure Bruno is going to sit on them for a while before he mails them to me :cool:
got mine i dont remember what day it was but it wasnt long ago

great ties everyone
I got them sometime this weekend; I saw them for the first time Sunday night. Nice flies everyone :-D
Flies Received
Mine arrived today. Very nice ties guys. I appreciate the effort that went into them and can't wait to fish em :-D
A big thanks to Bruno for hosting!