10ft 6wt or 7wt?

You'd need a head exam to hop in a dingy in lake Ontario. Basically a small / angry ocean.
When you finish your book "Dynamic Loching", I want a signed copy.

Is this an official "US Loching Team" qualifier?
SBecker wrote:
Ahahaha thanks for the laughs. Rare form for a 2am post show.

Right? And this one is at 3 am and still not on a rage.

Man I need a fridge full of beer.

7 wt. Don't be stupid. Also go talk to your forums of Loch fishing people. (seriously. is this happening in the US? )
geebee wrote:
jdaddy wrote:
SBecker wrote:
Again, thanks Geebee!

Afish, like he just mentioned, I will be in a sitting position in a drift boat or rowboat. With a boatmate and a rower. Tough to do a side arm cast in those situations.

I don't understand why you even asked the question.

i do - he's picking up a new style of fishing that is not common over here and he's keen to do it the same way its done overseas rather than how its done here....

kind of like those guys who back in the 80's waded out chest deep into a run with a 10ft 3wt to the panty bunched horror of the 8ft 6' 5wt crew - but 'why ?' they screamed.

and then someone told them it was something called czech nymphing and now we have czech, polish, french, European styles of nymphing and great books like Dynamic Nymphing by George Daniels.

to be honest, on the Loughs of Ireland those fishing the wind lanes and foam lines using drogues (where allowed) often use 11ft rods let alone 10's and i've seen and fished a 12' myself - dapping mayflies, but 10' is a nice compromise for all round boatwork.

btw Becker - you'll be very lucky if you have a rower, most UK comps you and your partner row yourselves. Its a very unusual form of competition where your drawn boatmate is competing against you but you have to help each other with drifts, marks and rowing.

best of luck, i hope to see a report or two.

I am sure you don't understand the question. He is asking a bunch of people (other than you being the clear expert) on "Loch fishing" (I guess that's what we are going to call lakes now, thanks brah) whether to get a 6 wt or a 7 wt. One weight difference. Jesus. It's not rocket science. I would suggest the line variance makes a bigger difference than whether the road is a 6 wt or 7 wt.
krayfish wrote:
You'd need a head exam to hop in a dingy in lake Ontario. Basically a small / angry ocean.

This is true. Evelyn and I were up there a couple years ago and she was shocked at the wave level. Frankly I was as well. It was rough.

*crazy great fishing though. captains on real boats had clients limited out in the first two hours. that's a short and killer day there. client has fishing of a life time and it took 2 hours to limit instead of 10 hours to hook up.
jdaddy wrote:
krayfish wrote:
You'd need a head exam to hop in a dingy in lake Ontario. Basically a small / angry ocean.

This is true. Evelyn and I were up there a couple years ago and she was shocked at the wave level. Frankly I was as well. It was rough.

*crazy great fishing though. captains on real boats had clients limited out in the first two hours. that's a short and killer day there. client has fishing of a life time and it took 2 hours to limit instead of 10 hours to hook up.

I was out on a 19 footer in 10' rollers years ago. I was sick before sunrise. That's a deep lake. Still managed one salmon even though I was green.
jdaddy wrote:I am sure you don't understand the question. He is asking a bunch of people (other than you being the clear expert) on "Loch fishing" (I guess that's what we are going to call lakes now, thanks brah)

loch style fishing is different to lake pond fishing - lake /pond fishing is typically done from a static position either anchored or not, and pinging casts into bank or structure or 'dredging' the depths with different sinking lines.

i'm no expert, its just the #1 way to fish large lakes/lochs/loughs in Europe.

You take it on a 6 or 7 weight. Providing that info could help Shane make a decision. I thank you in advance for your reply.
geebee wrote:
jdaddy wrote:I am sure you don't understand the question. He is asking a bunch of people (other than you being the clear expert) on "Loch fishing" (I guess that's what we are going to call lakes now, thanks brah)

loch style fishing is different to lake pond fishing - lake /pond fishing is typically done from a static position either anchored or not, and pinging casts into bank or structure or 'dredging' the depths with different sinking lines.

i'm no expert, its just the #1 way to fish large lakes/lochs/loughs in Europe.

If we ever hope to get rich by turning this whole endeavor into the next czech/polish/albanian nymphing fad, then we must settle on one name for a lake/loch/lough, otherwise trademarking costs alone are gonna sink our non-static unanchored boat, so to speak.
krayfish wrote:
You take it on a 6 or 7 weight. Providing that info could help Shane make a decision. I thank you in advance for your reply.

IIRC it was a 7. the 6000 grain Jim Teeny 24'/second sinking line made all the difference however.
If we ever hope to get rich by turning this whole endeavor into the next czech/polish/albanian nymphing fad, then we must settle on one name for a lake/loch/lough, otherwise trademarking costs alone are gonna sink our non-static unanchored boat, so to speak.

Good point . How about 'log' fishing ?

Then when you're fishing deep, you can be said to be 'dropping a log' ?

It needs to exude European sophistication, like a highschool kid in an Audi. The Axe Effect of Fly Fishing, if you will.

Lake is out. Too blue collar.

Lough makes you sound like some sort of sissy, c'mon, its got way too many vowels. You might as well be Welsh.

Loch Style. It just looks good. It drips in the attitude and demeanor of something above mere "lake fishing," although I do appreciate the technical nuances something called "stillwater;" it has a sort of poetic embellishment, though it just doesn't sound technical enough like Loch Style.

Modernised to Loch Stylee perhaps ?

Traditional but cutting edge..
I'll have a nice 20'x80' vinyl banner made. What are the dates?

I was going to try: "Troutmaster Comps presents the knock down / loch down". I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a better idea. They will be needing 12-15 volunteers with good penmanship and ruler experience.

I will have an art comp by tomorrow AM!
If you are doing that, got to establish time limits & ground rules.....

Max pencil length, carbon only (no lead), 30 min max, you can use no more than 2 pencils at a time, etc, etc. I wasn't going to enter your art comp because of losing my amateur status....but......I found out that turning "pro" gets me 25% off at Michaels and Ben Franklin. I'm in.
I love the beads at Michael's and the discount.

Didnt read the whole thread but saw you were fishing in ny... skanateles lake? That's a pretty popular fly fishing lake in the spring. I've never tried it, but want to this year. I
Moon, I believe it's Green lake in Fayetville ?

Which looks interesting - very deep, very steep sides, so few midges, bloodworms etc which forces the trout to look up.

It's one of the lakes that doesn't turnover - so no oxygen below 60ft deep.
