Your largest wild/native trout?

24.5" of wild brownie goodness from the deep hole next to the Southside Bowling Alley in Scranton, PA. I had to skim the used condoms and cigarette butts off the foam line before I fished the pool. It took a Branks' Blade Streamer in October.

I really pissed off the 2 guys fishing worms and Rapala's next to me. They drove all the way from Newton, NJ just to fish the Lacky. When I brought the fish to hand they said; "I thought flyfishing was just for fags" I retorted, "No, they built Newark especially for you ***-bags."

Wow what a bunch of douschebags
D-bags from Jersey? Must have been The Situation
Here's my biggest wild brookie, about 11in. It kinda looks like a stocked fish, but I caught it in a small unstocked stream.


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not sure how to count this one, caught him out of Big Spring just below the ditch back in the 90's. Not willing to say he's 100% wild, always thought there was chance of being a hatchery escapee.


This one I'm sure is wild, caught this year from Big Spring, 19-20".


This brookie, also from Big Spring many moons ago is probably my biggest native char, estimate 14".


Biggest brown, 19-20" from a 'brookie' stream, have tussled with similar sized browns on the Letort, but have yet to bring one to hand there.

....hopefully this year can be my first year to ever catch a wild trout.
This fish was caught this year, so far my biggest wild fish for 2011.



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Caught my largest wild brown yesterday on Falling Springs, 13=14 inches. Also, caught my first wild bow. Actually, caught 2 of them, and if you laid them together, they might have been 7 inches in total :)
SBecker wrote:
Caught my largest wild brown yesterday on Falling Springs, 13=14 inches. Also, caught my first wild bow. Actually, caught 2 of them, and if you laid them together, they might have been 7 inches in total :)

How to sneak up on 4" bows by Larissa.


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You should point out that the reason salt water guys on skiffs poled over flats where sky blue shirts is well, it matches the blue sky.

However, when rolling around tick infested grass, generally one chooses a more apropriate colour.
Gary, such you have never fished fsb, you would not know that most of it is meadow fishing. Atleast the spots that I have fished are meadows. Reason behind my blue shirt. Daddio took me to a new section that was in the woods. All I know is I landed 6 in the woods, which I feel is pretty damn good in my mind for a spooky wild trout stream. The picture in question is me stalking a very big wild bow that was impossible to approach. Surrounded by overhanging bushes. I was able to get my fly on him without spooking him until my retrieve. It was probably my biggest accomplishment yesterday and I did not even hook him.
All I know is I landed 6 in the woods, which I feel is pretty damn good in my mind for a spooky wild trout stream.

That is really good for any of the big 3 limestone springs. Great Job and need to crawl or lay down like that at times. Sounds like you are doing most everything right. Getting your fly to a large trout on those streams without spooking them is the hardest part. So Kudos on that too. Maybe next time he will take!


That brown is a beauty. Of the 3 trout I still favor brookies but browns like that.......well its a tie. :p
Becker, I agree with Gary that the shirt color was less than optimal. Having said that, I believe staying out of the vision of the trout all together is a better option than trying to blend in. Additionally, I believe that the unnatural movements of a fisherman is much more likely to spook a fish than the color of his shirt.

You did a good job getting down and presenting to the fish without spooking him. Much better than the streamer attempts. LOL. Good thing is that I think you probably picked up a couple of things yesterday that will carry over to other streams.
I agree that my shirt color was not perfect for the situation. I was under the impression a light blue shirt was good for meadow fishing and was the reason I actually wore it. If its not, then that's something else I learned. I learned plenty yesterday and had a great time. Next time is the Letort.
Today I was fishing a fairly open brookie stream with walking path that runs all along the stream. A little bit of foot traffic here and there but not too bad. So there was this group of about 6-7 people walking their dogs and one guy said hi to me and 2 girls literally jumped and said "I didn't even see him there". Mission accomplished!
I don't think I ever posted this wild brook.. i have caught it a few times. It's been in the same holding pattern on a wild bow stream for 3 years now, and each year, gets bigger.

this was last spring:


also, from reorganizing my photobucket albums, my links all broke...

... that stupid wild bow everyone is sick of seeing haha. really nothing special for a limestoner, but a freestoner, the fish of a lifetime. Def. a breeder.




came out of the same stretch at this one for the doubters

That little bow is beautiful!!
Well...I have finally caught more than one wild trout....and so far this is the biggest.

Just caught this bruiser this morning on a small cumberland valley limestoner. Definitely my personal best wild fish - I'm guessing somewhere between 18-20".



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