Your largest wild/native trout?

did you mount him or eat him?
Unfortunately I ate him and one I caught similar in size near the same place. I'm waiting for the right Brooke to do a nice mount.
shawn.. where did you catch that brown? Not trying to argue or anything, but it looks mighty pale to be a wild. Does have the red spots and nice adipose though... holdover maybe?
They get pretty pale when they die. It very well could be wild.
I've gotten some bigger, but their wildness was questionable. This guy was 23 when I caught him, on top on a wet (a Maurice) that hadn't soaked up any water yet and was still floating. I had missed him on both an otter's soft egg and a green weenie , but he was still actively feeding, so I tied on a wet. I got frustrated because I couldn't pull it under, then he came right up to the top and slurped it up. Add to it that it was a fairly warm October morning and the sun was just coming up while I was kneeling in high wet grass and I'd say I'll never forget that fish. Good times!



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That's a beautiful fish, MattBoyer

They look so cool in the fall.
Steve the class A section of Bobbs Creek. When I caught him I had no camera or stringer. So I hid him in the tall grass until I was done fishing. When I came back two get him, his color faded to a white. You could see all the grass markings on the fish. It looked like somebody made a copy of the grass and printed it on the fish. *********THAT 23" FISH IS ONE GREAT CATCH!! WOW!!*********
Here is a closer look(click on the link)
They're all great fish. But I'm still in awe of Fredrick's fish. That thing is like a dinosaur....
I havnt been fly fishing that long but my biggest wild fish is a 16" brown outta the bushkill in easton. Caught a 15 incher first in a riffle during the 95 degree heat this summer, then within 2 casts i had him
This year has been so crummy so far. Might as well re-live the glory days of last year as I caught multiple largest wilds of all three species.
First up is the brookies:
11 3/4.
12 3/4 in the winter. Very pale but very much wild.

15 inches

20 inches.
22 1/4. Atlantisbouy and J-man were with this day. Rare to catch a big wild when company is with.
26 inches. My largest Pa trout not from Erie.

The browns:
22 1/4. Second photo is for some folks who thought her fins were beat up and questioned she was wild. Her fins where as perfect as the rest of her.
24 3/4. Possibly my most impressive catch ever, caught from waters known to have some of the wariest trout that swim.
Gonna be hard to top last year, if not impossible how the year has started out.
But it wont be for lack of tryin'. :)
Dang. Now that I re-read it, thats a first rate brag.
Man I need to fish.
Squaretail once again confirms that he catches more large wild fish than most anyone else. Awesome pics. This whole thread is a brag. You just have more to brag about!

Afish, Brian, fred, and I finally put the measuring tape on my old TFO this weekend while looking at the pic I posted. 13".
Jay, I figured it was at least that big. Awesome fish none the less.

Squaretail - I've only had the privilege of fishing with you briefly in Erie a few years ago and after all that (even though I've seen all those pics before) I may be a bit intimidated to do it again lol.

BTW, I remember the thread when you caught that big brown and go back to gawk at it every once in a while. From where you caught it, it is def a fish of a lifetime.

I was hoping to get a fish at the JAM to post on here, but he snapped me off...
(even though I've seen all those pics before)

I had to add the middle brookie and middle rainbow to my Photobucket account today to post them. If theres not some kind of story or tale to go with a fish, I usually dont go through the bother to post them.
Dont be intimidated. Heres my secrets:
1.) Get to the water.
2.) Remember what you experience there.
4.) Never underestimate their intelligence. Their brain may be the size of a pea, but they only have to think about food, danger, and mating. So they're actually pretty darn smart at those three things.
ryguyfi wrote:

I was hoping to get a fish at the JAM to post on here, but he snapped me off...

Wanted to ask you at the jam but forgot..... What size tippet was it or did it break at the knot?
I was fishing 5x. It's quite possible it was a wind knot that broke, but there was no evidence of that. It was a pretty quick break off too, which makes me think that. I don't usually have fish break me off due to playing them incorrectly. But then again, I don't catch too many big fish minus steelhead (and I've landed them on 5x). I saw the fish rise several times, and it was def a good sized fish.
This is the largest wild brookie for which I have a photo and the pool from whence he came. He was taken in NEPA in Oct 2008 on a Stewart's black spider, as usual.


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