Your 2024 Fly Fishing Ambitions

COVID interrupted my decades long streak of week-long spells of the Rockies and sometimes California. I need to energize myself to get back to that. The spoiler in my drill is that I've worn out several ffishing buddies who would travel with me. I need to groom some new, younger ghillies.
2024 - I need to expand my fly fishing beyond the borders of Pennsylvania. While I have done some saltwater fishing in NC and NJ over the years, I really need to explore trout waters in other states. I have my eye on western North Carolina, New York State, and a bit further, the western states. Pennsylvania waters keep me plenty busy, but I know that expanding my horizons with trout fishing in other states will only make me appreciate what we have that much more.

Caddisfly - sorry to hear of your diagnosis and best wishes as you take on the big "C". Your situation serves as a stark reminder that we should all live to the fullest when we can, because we never know what tomorrow may bring. "Normal age" retirement for many people is the great paradox, because just when you have the time and money to enjoy the fruits of your labor, health issues rear their ugly head.
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1) get out 75+ times
2) fish 3+ new waters
3) donate more flies
4) build a fly rod
5) attend the jam and meet a bunch of you guys.
To fish more in general and use some of the new combos I bought last year but never got on the water...

Almost two years ago I had a total hip replacement. Before the surgery wading was a real challenge. After the surgery & PT things were really looking up until this summer when my knee on the OTHER leg started giving me trouble. That really curtailed my wading & fishing for the rest of 2024.

The good news based on a visit last week with the surgeon who did my hip is I am nowhere close to needing a knee replacement. PT for the knee starts next week and if that doesn't work, possibly a little arthroscopic procedure to clean things up and I should be fine.

Here's hopin'... ;)
I'm rooting for you.
get back into building rods. its just as much fun to catch fish on the ones you built as is with fly tying. still have my set up in the basement. just need to order some blanks and then find the time to sit down and take my time. other then that i always want to do more exploring/fishing on rivers i have not fished yet.
I had my share of goals, be it career goals, family goals, financial goals, pay off the houses goals, pay my kids college education goals, wedding goals, grandchildren goals and a host of other goals over my lifetime. With all those goals obtained my goal is to have no more goals. I have no goals left so I will get out and fish wherever I desire when I have nothing better to do and those days are growing more and more with each coming year. So I guess my fishing goal by proxy is to get another year older.
caddisflyer --

Be strong, fight hard. Hopefully you'll get things turned around and you'll get out on the water.
I would like to spend more time exploring some new turf and chasing native brookies on small mountain streams. It’s been quite a few years since I’ve done much of this kind of fishing and I definitely miss it. I’m planning on working on this starting this winter.

Would love to sneak up to the Cape for a few days chasing stripers in the bay and the surf. Longshot but you never know?

I want to locate some new local carpin’ beats.

Hoping to get up to the northern part of PA to fish the Kettle Creek - Hammersley Fork area.

My big trip of the year will be my 3rd trip in the past 5 years this summer to AK for Pacific Salmon on the fly (Silvers, Pinks, Sockeye, Chum) and possibly a few Halibut out in the salt. Obviously not on the fly - need more than a sinking line to get down to the bottom in 240’ of water! 😉

I hope you all have a prosperous, safe and healthy 2024!
Mine is to trout fish a little more (bass fishing is what I usually do). Can’t say I want to fish more since it’s usually 4-5 times a week from April to October. I do want to head back to Erie for steelhead again.

My goal was to get out as much as possible especially in May and June. After a lifetime of fulltime work I finally, at age 63, was looking at having the time and enough money to consider spending a month or more just fishing. It looked like everything was falling together for this spring. Unfortunately I am now facing stage 4 cancer and multiple surgeries and chemo etc. so it is going to be unlikely. So it goes. Live your life. You never know what's around the corner.
Wishing you the best caddisflyer. Prayers for you.
My goal was to get out as much as possible especially in May and June. After a lifetime of fulltime work I finally, at age 63, was looking at having the time and enough money to consider spending a month or more just fishing. It looked like everything was falling together for this spring. Unfortunately I am now facing stage 4 cancer and multiple surgeries and chemo etc. so it is going to be unlikely. So it goes. Live your life. You never know what's around the corner.
Hang in there! Everyone is pulling for you!
Reading everyone's thoughts and goals is always inspiring and gives an awakening to the realities of time. I am doing all the "right things".... working, coaching a travel soccer team, coaching a CYO basketball team, being a husband and father... but I neglected myself and what makes me happy, being alone on a stream and appreciating the time standing in a body of water and surrounded by the natural world. Time to get back to it.
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I plan to be more accepting of the techniques that other anglers use, and more tolerant of guys catching fish using methods that I don’t personally agree with or approve of. And more willing to share the water with other people recreating on public land…dog walkers, paddlers, float tubers, etc.

Errr, wait, no I’m not. Sorry all you spincasters, tightliners, dirty pinners and yakkers. If I run into any of you streamside in 2024 I’m still gonna let you have it like the guy fishing Penns wearing neoprene bootfoots in July. Bootfoots, so hot right now.
Reading everyone's thoughts and goals is always inspiring and gives an awakening to the realities of time. I am doing all the "right things".... working, coaching a travel soccer team, coaching a CYO basketball team, being a husband and father... but I neglected myself and what makes me happy, being alone on a stream and appreciating the time standing in a body of water and surrounded by the natural world. Time to get back to it.
I was inspired by your post. Coaching, being a husband and a father is way more rewarding than catching stupid little fish. I will never understand those who would rather fish over what your doing. Remember, the days are long but the years are short. Start enjoying every moment of being a coach, husband and father for you are currently living in what will become the good old days. F fishing for the time being, you got things right.
I was inspired by your post. Coaching, being a husband and a father is way more rewarding than catching stupid little fish. I will never understand those who would rather fish over what your doing. Remember, the days are long but the years are short. Start enjoying every moment of being a coach, husband and father for you are currently living in what will become the good old days. F fishing for the time being, you got things right.
I agree. My kids are grown now, we have great memories of baseball, softball, scouts, youth group, youth archery…… Some of those I stuck with past the point of my own kids being involved.

One goal my brother and I used to have was to catch a fish on a dry fly every month of the year. We did it a few years in a row. We discovered some very reliable midge hatches in dead of winter with rising fish.
I agree. My kids are grown now, we have great memories of baseball, softball, scouts, youth group, youth archery…… Some of those I stuck with past the point of my own kids being involved.

Sounds very familiar! I'm just kind of sorry that I wasn't able to immerse them in the wonderful world of fly-fishing. I think in the long run, chasing little fish, may have benefitted them and me more than a youth filled with soccer tournaments and high school basketball. Those days are gone, and I do miss them. Lots of great memories. Maybe there is still time. Anyone out there able to turn their kids into fly-fisherman, when they are older?
I was inspired by your post. Coaching, being a husband and a father is way more rewarding than catching stupid little fish. I will never understand those who would rather fish over what your doing. Remember, the days are long but the years are short. Start enjoying every moment of being a coach, husband and father for you are currently living in what will become the good old days. F fishing for the time being, you got things right.
No truer words have been written.
I picked up fly fishing 5 years ago when my kids moved into their own adulthood. I’d give anything to have that back.