Young Fly Anglers

Make sure you bring the Donuts from home though nobody wants them crappy Hancock donuts. I tried to eat at the Circle Jerk E again Sunday and guess what? Sick again!
These are the pocket aces of donuts. Nothing beats them....

I think the 25 people at the steelhead JAM last year caught about 10 fish combined, but for some reason everyone was happy. Must have been the donuts.
RowJimmy wrote:
Make sure you bring the Donuts from home though nobody wants them crappy Hancock donuts. I tried to eat at the Circle Jerk E again Sunday and guess what? Sick again!

Andy is gonna smack you if you keep defaming his girls.

Ed, per our discussion, I think we could get something set up on the Tully. Might be November before it cools down though! LOL!
If we go back about 4 years, we were lucky to have 20-25 people in attendance at the Annual Spring Jamboree. In the last several years, the board and the events have really blossomed, and I think it is great.

I always have demeaned the other jamborees by insisting on calling them "mini-jams," but that is some selfish proprietary instinct that shows itself, and I will drop that qualification if it offends others. To me, THE Jam will always be extra special because it was my true introduction to many of the fine people on this board in the early days and because it has brought so many others into enduring friendships related to fly fishing.

I am wishing great success to all these alternative gatherings would love to see each of them become annual events.
JackM wrote:
If we go back about 4 years, we were lucky to have 20-25 people in attendance at the Annual Spring Jamboree. In the last several years, the board and the events have really blossomed, and I think it is great.

I always have demeaned the other jamborees by insisting on calling them "mini-jams," but that is some selfish proprietary instinct that shows itself, and I will drop that qualification if it offends others. To me, THE Jam will always be extra special because it was my true introduction to many of the fine people on this board in the early days and because it has brought so many others into enduring friendships related to fly fishing.

I am wishing great success to all these alternative gatherings would love to see each of them become annual events.

I can't see anything at all wrong with calling these "mini-jams". That's what they are and I don't think it is derogatory. They are smaller, shorter period of time and usually regionally specific where are the jam is longer, centrally located and has the highest attendance. The only offense I have seen taken is when people talk about the JAM. That seems to put some people over the top. LOL.
jdaddy wrote:
The only offense I have seen taken is when people talk about the JAM. That seems to put some people over the top. LOL.

Why would they be offended by the word JAM. It is after all, the JAM. I mean, its a JAM, right? Who doesn't like the JAM?! Hasn't he even been to a large portion of the JAMs (or is that JAMS?). To quote Biz Markee, JAM, JAM, jiggity-JAM, lemme lemme tell ya who I am!


Anyways, mini-jams they are, because they are not the original, which is the JAM, regardless of size and attendence.

I know there is a few members on this site that still visit fisherie forums, however, even though there is an erie jam, if any of you are interested in signing up for the onefly event, stroll over to the board. it is a good time aside from the mass of camo and some of the overgrown whining about consumption of booze.

not trying to cut in on any of this sites jams, but the prizes for the one fly are worth signing up and proceeds from the event go to good measures; landowner baskets. they are also doing auctions for project healing waters. It would be nice to see this site contribute in some ways to the better of our sport to further educate the masses on the good sides we seldom see amidst all the banter.

I'm not a great tier, nor in any position time wise to devote time to such endeavors, just food for thought if anyone has some free time they would like to devote to a good thing.
"It would be nice to see this site contribute in some ways to the better of our sport to further educate the masses on the good sides we seldom see amidst all the banter."

Actually through social norms and opinions expressed on PAFF, I think that the contributors here do a lot already to enhance the level of knowledge and stewardship of resources of all readers. It is also very entertaining at times.
I appreciate the one fly event. I've never joined it though. But the "fisherie" site makes me want to throw my computer against a wall every time I log on. I just can't take all the lies and misinformation.

this site is nothing in terms of entertainment compared to what fisherie USED to be. I've also noticed, half here, the eastern fellows, know diddly about steelhead fishing and think it's all about standing beside hundreds of guys. Point being, yes, a lot is done, but there is always more that could be done.

Landowner appreciations baskets, auctions... I see none of that going down. Those guys might be turning into huntingpa inbreds, but at least they are making an effort and giving away their levi's.
Steve most of the fisherie regulars fish Erie regularly, and it is easy for them to focus an effort on their personal fishery.

We cannot even begin to hand out fruit baskets to the thousands of landowners on whose property we might be permitted to fish all across the state.

In addition, the overall will to help educate other anglers is almost completely absent on there. About the only education you can get is if you happen to post a picture of a steelhead with your fingers within 3 inches of the gills, hundreds of folks will rudely and promptly tell you what a barbarian you are. If you can hack that abuse, you might be encouraged to keep your fingers away from the gills next time you take a photo.

Any event that benefits a charitable purpose is worthy of praise, but I think it is a mistake to make that comparison with our community, since we do not revolve around a small distinct set of streams, but rather have members spread across the entire Commonwealth, fishing hundreds if not thousands of streams. Many of our members are as deeply involved in conservation and stream volunteerism in their own neck of the woods as the active volunteers in the fisherie community.
stevehalupka wrote:

this site is nothing in terms of entertainment compared to what fisherie USED to be. I've also noticed, half here, the eastern fellows, know diddly about steelhead fishing and think it's all about standing beside hundreds of guys. Point being, yes, a lot is done, but there is always more that could be done.

Landowner appreciations baskets, auctions... I see none of that going down. Those guys might be turning into huntingpa inbreds, but at least they are making an effort and giving away their levi's.

Yo! Easterners know ALL about Erie steelhead fishing!....a bunch of half drunk Yinzers, huddled together shoulder to shoulder flossing stocked, non-native fish in a drainage ditch with bobbers and junk flies.... ;-) ;-) ;-)....JUST KIDDING!

Hey, if you want to do something to help the fishery or the landowners, DO SOMETHING!...don't complain that OTHERS are doing nothing. As Jack wrote, there many members on this site are spending a lot of their time and/or money on all types of fishing and conservation projects in PA.
SteveHalupka wrote
Those guys [FishErie] might be turning into huntingpa inbreds...

You managed to insult two online communities with half a sentence.
How, or why did this thread take this turn?

Alby- Then the other half of the sentence finished insulting this online community.
BPS wrote:
How, or why did this thread take this turn?

Because PAFF doesn't do enough being a free resource for people to gather, talk, share and even sometimes meet face to face, so it must be bad. Matter of fact, the very topic of this thread, younger anglers taking a chance to come to some of the various gatherings to pick the brains of the more experienced clearly isn't doing a lick of good for the community at large and we should be ashamed of our leech-like drain on the good nature of the vast angling community.

Henceforth, I know I'm gonna pick daisies and hand them out to everyone with a house on a stream I fish, coz I larned that landowners want flowers.
Steelheader in a 'beginner forum'.... imagine that!
Just don't pick them from the landowners flower gardens. Lol

This site has helped me a bunch even though I only met 2 members and one was jdaddy and the other was from Minnesota. Lol
blow things out of proportion much?

jack, the flower baskets are a smidge of what I'm referring to. Healing waters, the disables veterans things

to whomever posted for me to go do it, if you would have read my post, I stated I just don't have the time.

I'll be the first to say this forum delivers in terms of education... but there are surely some over at fisherie that are willing to help. People just get sick of the rehash threads that could be answered through the search feature.


aside from your little crew on here, do you have ANY friends?