Young Fly Anglers



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
I have noticed a handful or more of young fly anglers joining our community. The thought occurred to me that it would be great if you guys wanted some assistance from more experienced anglers if we could set aside some time to cater to your interests.

For you young folks under say 18, you should consider asking your Dad or Mom or Uncle or Aunt to take you to the Jamboree we have every spring in Central PA. You could use some of the generous folks here to teach your chaperone how to fly fish and how to help you get out more often to perfect your skills.

The Jamboree is a weekend camping trip we take every spring on what I believe to be the most fertile streams in all of Pennsylvania. Several "minijams" are organized also throughout the year.

If you are under 18, but have a parent or relative that would take you along on one of these events, you might get a unique opportunity to get personal assistance from one of the many "experts" that populate our sport and this message board.

So, what I'm saying is you young folks who see these organized get-togethers shouldn't hesitate to find an adult who will take you and make arrangements and let others know you are coming. I am absolutely certain that one or more attendees will take you and your guardian "under their wing" and make sure the outing is worthwhile for both you and your parent/guardian.

Just sayin', is all.
I think my dad may come up from NC to take me to one. It would be sweet! My dad is a big fly fisherman but hasn't been able to in years due to his job. He and I would love to attend.But I doubt he could get leave (He is Army) for a couple days,which sucks.
If we have time I'll see if my dad can bring me up there. I want to go, but I don't really have much time for things...
Pay it forward absolutely
JackM wrote:
I have noticed a handful or more of young fly anglers joining our community. The thought occurred to me that it would be great if you guys wanted some assistance from more experienced anglers if we could set aside some time to cater to your interests.

The exact same thought occured to me this past winter. One of our "newbies" (goodeyesniper) had requested some help and/or someone to mentor him, and wanted to meet at the Little Lehigh. I thought it best to arrange an "Instructional Mini-Jam" (Newbie Jam) to help him, and any other members that needed some help. This was a lot more agreeable to me, rather than meeting someone that was underage, and having their guardian drop them off.

When I asked for PAFF member volunteer instructors for this event, the response was fast, and the instructors dependable. I didn't know how they'd react to being "put on the spot", but their knowledge and willingness to help others really shined. They were simply superb! They really demonstrated the camaraderie and helpfulness that are a PAFF trademark.

The response to this Newbie Jam was overwhelming - there were over 50 attendees, and even the PFBC took notice. This coming Spring, I'll be organizing another Newbie Jam, and I'll be inviting some additional guest speakers. The original idea of having our members do the instructing will remain, as I feel our members can, and have done, as good a job or better than any "celebrities" - our guys really know their stuff!

This time around, I'll be smart enough to make arrangements for a location where the weather won't be as much of a factor (jdaddy?), while still providing an opportunity to fish in the afternoon. I'd also like to be able to split the group into smaller groups, and assign an instructor to each sub-group for onstream instruction in the afternoon.

There's still plenty of time for suggestions/requests regarding this event - we still have a few Mini-Jams to go until we get to this one. :-D



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Ed, your event was great and probably factored into my thoughts on this yesterday. Just having an opportunity to take to the stream with a more experienced angler can be valuable. Probably because the Jamboree is such an adult party as well as fishing, we haven't many young folks attend and I didn't see a lot at the other mini-Jamborees either. I thought if they would recruit an adult to bring them out and fish along, participants in the mini-Jams would surely make room for them to join in some group outings.

If any of you young folks want to try steelheading, I would be happy to spend half a day with you and your parent or adult friend at the Steelhead mini-Jam in Erie this Fall showing you what little I have learned about the Erie Tribs over the past several years.

Other than THE Jam and the Steelhead Jam, I have not had a chance to attend any others to offer help.

Just throwing this out there.

Having attended a big jam, outside of the central factor, it seems to be less fishing and more socializing. Ed's educational venture, on the other hand, was downright perfect, and IiRC, someone on the west side ran the same sort of event.

Furthermore, Ed's been insturmental in setting up multiple smaller events for trico fishing, and these are also ideal for people to show up, especially because they're nominally held in the Lehigh Parkway and thus easy for non-fishing parents to find something to do, or observe their kids with those weird Internet people.

There's been talk and the occasional other such gathering, not to mention many of us are members of local Trout Unlimited, which often have fish-ins as well, another resource to be utilized.

gfen wrote:

....observe their kids with those weird Internet people.

Don't make me post that Jerry Fudd picture. :-o

So far, besides the Catskill Mini Jam, possibly another Trico Mini Jam, and the Steelhead Mini Jam, there's gonna be one heck of a Flytying Mini Jam.

I did a casting program for the folks at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center, and being the opportunist that I am, I obtained permission to use their awesome new facility for a tying Jam. Their lab facility will be perfect for this! I'm gonna invite some tyers from the International Tying Symposium in Somerset to attend, but the real draw is gonna be our own PAFF tyers.

We could start off by having someone teach basic techniques, and then move on from there.

My thoughts on this at the moment would be to make a post and have our members sign up/pick a fly that they'd like to teach, and have them do a demo on how to tie it.

I'm looking at December sometime for this - it would fit in between things nicely, and provide some relief for the winter shack nasties.

I'd attend a beginner jam just to relearn a lot of stuff! This is a great idear.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Don't make me post that Jerry Fudd picture. :-o

So far, besides the Catskill Mini Jam, possibly another Trico Mini Jam, and the Steelhead Mini Jam, there's gonna be one heck of a Flytying Mini Jam.

I did a casting program for the folks at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center, and being the opportunist that I am, I obtained permission to use their awesome new facility for a tying Jam. Their lab facility will be perfect for this! I'm gonna invite some tyers from the International Tying Symposium in Somerset to attend, but the real draw is gonna be our own PAFF tyers.

We could start off by having someone teach basic techniques, and then move on from there.

My thoughts on this at the moment would be to make a post and have our members sign up/pick a fly that they'd like to teach, and have them do a demo on how to tie it.

I'm looking at December sometime for this - it would fit in between things nicely, and provide some relief for the winter shack nasties.


This fall I actually might be tying there! Hopefully I will be the first 14 year old to have his own booth :p And I would certainly try to go to the tying jam since I am not going to have wrestling this year...

Sounds like a good idea, I would attend!

One of the things I enjoyed over the years, Is trying to help someone who is new at the game.


I would be more than happy to show some beginner patterns. I tie a lot of nymphs and some drys. Let me know how I can help.

I would like to help again too. When you are ready let me know and I could do some CZ nymphs or any other help you may need.

I dont really consider myself as a beginner, but I would gladly show up depending on the date, ether to help or just hang out. I could do something about approaching water/ covering all of it effectively.
So the message seems quite clear:

If you are a young teenager and could benefit from getting a chance to fish along with a more experienced angler, arrange for an adult to take you to one of these get-togethers, and there will be no shortage of folks willing and eager to welcome you and help you out.
gfen wrote:

Having attended a big jam, outside of the central factor, it seems to be less fishing and more socializing. Ed's educational venture, on the other hand, was downright perfect, and IiRC, someone on the west side ran the same sort of event.

That was put on by yours truly. The water was blown out in the spring (go figure that) but we had about 15 people show up anyway to do some tying, knots, equipment and casting demos. It was very successful and those who attended had a great time. I'm by no means an expert but I look forward to having it again next year.

I'll also put on the steelhead JAM for our 3rd consecutive year if I have the time (which I'll make some time). So those who are in the western part of the state in this age class are more than welcome to contact me to get someone to mentor them or attend such events throughout the year.
If you want to do a fall gathering, I'm in. I can help with casting, tying or any place where my limited experience can be useful.

I'm slightly offended by the phrase "Catskill mini-jam". It's a major JAM and a hoot-nanny of a gathering. Getting 18 guys to fish that far from home isn't as easy as I thought! :)
krayfish wrote:
I'm slightly offended by the phrase "Catskill mini-jam". It's a major JAM and a hoot-nanny of a gathering. Getting 18 guys to fish that far from home isn't as easy as I thought! :)

In deference to "The Jam" (as in the original), somewhere along the line all the other gatherings became known as Mini Jams. Any multi-day event doesn't deserve to be called a "Mini-Jam", IMHO.

If anyone can pull off an event like this successfully, it'd be you, kray. I got a brief glimpse into what it takes to organize "The Jam", and was amazed at the amount of work Jack put into it. That doesn't even count the amount of time the other mods added....

Take a tip from ryguyfi (he does the Steelhead Jam every year) - donuts. Bring donuts. The better the donuts, the more people are willing to overlook crappy fishing conditions, or planning oversights. Ryan is a freakin' genius. ;-)
Noted. Donuts it will be. LOL