Youghiegheny River JAM, June 11

Really everything hinges on the post game hangover
As there are no "Camping" reservations and the Lady I spoke to today said, some guys are coming in Thursday. If you are with the #YinzerJam #PAFF could you please leave a clue as to where you are camping ? I'll be in mid day Friday, that way we can secure the ruckus to a confined area.
DKile we may need some PAFF Flags lol
Depending on what time I get down there, aiming for 4pm, I'm probably going to walk down the trail and hit some spots down that way then head up to Lucky Dog. Anyone want to fish down that way? I've also never fished above the Casselman so I could be convinced to fish more that way.
Sid I'll be in Friday mid day. silver 4 door Jeep. Wont be floating Friday so i'm up for almost anything.
Have fun this weekend fellas. Looks like the river came down enough to wade. Hopefully the Yough actually gives up the goods. Be safe!
Is anyone meeting at Lucky Dogs?
Guys. Have canine issues this morning and will miss the float .
Catch up later. Good luck !!
I did recon float on Friday with DaveS. We did well. Fish weren't completely sold on eating cicadas.....yet. We took fish on top, nymphing a x on streamers. The rainbows in that river are morbidly obese. I'll add some pics shortly. Get out and join the guys.
some pics from 'recon float'


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Guess it's "football" season. Think maybe they're stuffed with cicadas?
Saturday definely boasted an up tick in cicadas interest. F- ing wind today was rediculas. More to come, but we are getting a few...
Some pics from Saturday. Half the fish caught took cicadas today.


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Nice. Hope the wind lays down for Sunday's float.
More pics

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Good looking pics Alby. Looks like it was a good time. I'll have to make the trek down there sometime and join you guys. Glad the cicadas showed up just in time for the weekend.

2019 should hit that area again with cicadas.
I want to recap the first Yough JAM, but first, a big Thank You to Dave Kile because I would have never met all these great folks who are now my fishing buddies.

I got to the "Paddlers Lane" campground Thursday afternoon/ evening to a chorus of cicadas. Quickly set up camp then off the a local establishment for Pens, wings, and the requisite libations.

Met Krayfish on Friday AM. I had already put the boat and gear in the water and was waiting when he arrived. It was a great day on the Yough. We boated close to twenty fish between us. Kray got a pig rainbow that I'd guess went four pounds and had him wrapped around a log, but we got him in with a little creative maneuvering. I nymphed up my largest bow, only to have him leap back out of the net. By nite fall we had consistently taken a number of fish on Iso emergers.

Saturday the group departed from the Lucky Dog about 9AM and it wasn't long before we were into fish on cicadas flies. The wind on Saturday blew like we were in Terra Del Fuego's "Rio Gallegos".
We had a bumper crop of rafter, kayakers and canoers. Literally. Bumping into us. At one point, as I tried to protect the rods I found myself pinned to a cluster of fishing poles by a nymph rig caught in the back of my shirt! Even more unlikely, was Sidthemuffinrunner, losing a nice fish because the #4 hook broke. AT THE EYE! Thanks Mustad.
Alby proved his mastery of the river by boating numerous fish. As we'd passed at every bend, it seemed he'd gotten another.

Sunday Sid and I floated Lucky Dog back to the campground. He hooked up two minutes into the float! Then again just below the confluence. The wind however showed even more muscle, and the recreational boaters showed even less respect. At one point a guy and his family passed me at less that a rod length, in a stretch of floatable water 150 yards wide. We did manage to find a pod of risers, slashing in a riffle amid the howling winds. We each landed one, but there were plenty of targets.

Thanks to Alby, Bruno, Charley, Bert, Norm, Sid, Wildcat, and of course Krayfish. Always enjoy your company on the water.
(But man it was great to crawl into my own bed last nite!)


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Thanks for letting me tag along on Friday and I'm sorry about dropping the net on that big bow escape. Once again, I owe ya but it will be tough to beat the last time I owed ya (streamer float avatar photo). Lol

Good seeing everyone again and we should make it a regular happening
I had a great time with old friends, and met a few new ones. Thanks for organizing the Yinzer Flotilla Jam.
Saturday during one of the upstream wind incidents, we witnessed an eagle swoop down to the river and scoop up a meal, I couldn't get my camera ready in time, and we were about 100 yards away. He landed in a tree about 75 yards downstream for lunch, and about 2 minutes later 2 crows showed up and chased the eagle off. I kept waiting for the eagle to turn around and tell 1 of the crows where to go, it didn't happen.
It mus have been a Philadelphia Eagle. They are so polite, don't you know.