Youghiegheny River JAM, June 11

+1 on the Lucky Dog. Great burgers.
My guess is your looking at June for better fishing. It takes a couple of weeks to get them active and for the fish to get on them. At least that was 2008 central PA experience.
My son and I might come down from Somerset. We just got a Scadden raft and would love some tips on floating the Yough. We've kayaked it a bunch and did a guided float trip but never fished it on our own. Let me know when you get details.

Paddler's Lane in Confluence is another good campground. You can launch right from the campground too.

Welcome Kirk. We'll be posting more details as the date approaches. Right now it looks like there will be floats on Saturday and Sunday, and folks are welcome to join us for one or both. Hopefully there will be some excess seating capacity on some the boats and we can recruit some passengers who have never had the opportunity to to float this lovely river.
Sounds good.

Have you floated it yet this year? We were supposed to last weekend but the weather changed that.

If I come, can I bring a banjo?
hey Kirk,

I floated April 23. Not a lot of fish, but a couple big boys on streamers. It's been too high in flow to float lately.

Jack can't even play a banjo...

Please to and act out my favorite scene from Deliverance.
Banjo music aside...

Flows continue to be quite strong on the Yough. Currently 3540CFS on the Ohiopyle gage. That's about where its been for this past month, but I am hopeful flows taper off going into June.

I will likely be staying over the entire weekend, possibly at the Paddlers lane campground. More info as we approach the date.
Finally something on this side of the state. I'm interested in this and hopefully can make it.
It is confirmed I'm out. I've got to take my daughter to a concert in Baltimore.
Mental note...use daughter as an excuse to attend Beyoncé concert.
My sister lives in eighty four and has been seeing tons of cicadas for about 4-5 days. You guys are going to hit it just right with them on the Yough if they are hatching there too. Have a great time!
Just an FYI for anyone who will be in the area. Fish-for-free days in Maryland are June 4, 11, and July 4 this year. There is some excellent trout fishing in Western Maryland in close proximity to Confluence Pa where we will be hosting this Jam.
I don't post on here often, but I would love to join you guys for this Jam. I fish the Yough a lot and love every bit of it, regardless of how tough it can be.
The Yough is finally coming back in it's banks. The flow is in the neighborhood of 2000 CFS below Confluence. That is certainly a floatable level, though it wades better at half that flow. We are about two weeks out, so it's looking good barring more torrential rain.

Sid, please do plan on joining us. I'd love to trade stories from the Yough with you.
Cicadas were in full force yesterday at Linden Hall Golf club!!!!!!!!!!
Just outside a week and flows are looking good. Reports continue to trickle in concerning cicadas. I'll be doing reconnaissance shortly.

Check back for more info.

Hopefully it doesn't blowout for the weekend with these big storms moving through. Eyes on the gage.
We were working in the Melcroft area of Fayette County yesterday (June 2nd) in the Indian Creek watershed and we heard the cicadas, although we didn't see any.