Yellow Breeches Outfitters is Closed

And that was how many years ago Bamboozle?

I heard some of the details/backstory on these developments at the Somerset Show and I'm looking forward to having a well stocked fly shop just down the road again.

And mostly best of luck to Rowland, I imagine this is all for the better.
That was last March in the Bryn Mawr store and another underwhelming experience in Reading a few months after that.
I've had nothing but good experiences at TCO in Reading and Tony has always supported our TU Chapter.
I believe TCO will be an asset. I have been to Reading & State College and have found well inventoried shops and friendly, well-informed staff willing to share local stream data..
For the budget conscious angler like myself, their prices seem to always be full retail (aka no sales). I've had mostly positive experiences with the guys
Happily TCO failed miserably in Carlisle once so I doubt they will try again. At least I hope not.

Why don't you like TCO? I've never had any issues with their Reading and State College shops.
Bamboozle, was curious because I know it's been well over ten years, probably over 15 now, since TCO took over Cold Spring Anglers and tried to make a go of it. I've only been to the TCO in StateCollege once or twice, and that was this past summer, and came away with a favorable impression.
Bamboozle wrote:
firandfeather wrote:
TCO has bought the store. They are planning to re-open in 2016.

More bad news...

Totally disagree.

My experiences with TCO have been nothing but positive. If my local shop was struggling and TCO came in and took over I would not complain.
I've never had a problem in TCO. Been in the Reading shop a couple of times and always had a positive experience. My wife is in Reading once a week and I have had her stop in there quite a few times to pick things up for me and she has never had a bad thing to say about anyone there.
I would be willing to bet that most people who have "problems" with fly shops are cheapskates like myself. Go into any shop with money and reckless abandon on spending it and they will treat you like a King.

What was particularly disappointing about the Bryn Mawr experience was it was my first time in the shop since it was Eyler's where I had nothing but favorable experiences.

Added to that was I had my beginning fly-fishing nephew in tow at the time and this was his FIRST TIME EVER in a fly shop other than Cabela's. For reasons I don't want to get into I would have bought him anything he wanted that day, but the three A-holes working there pissed me off so much I walked out and vowed to never go back.

Even my nephew commented on their arrogance & ignorance.

To put it into perspective, after that we went to the Sporting Gentleman and my nephew found BARRY as charming as could be!!

Hey, if y'all have no issues with TCO by all means go there.

Maybe it's the only game in town for some folks (sadly the Reading store is not far from me either) or it's the only shop they ever been to. However I am old enough to have experienced many other shops to compare it to and in my book, I think they are WAY overrated both in inventory and customer service.

The good news is they could care less if I shop there or not and I have other options so nobody will go home hungry or frustrated. But I really wish Herb would come out of retirement...

Jack, it has nothing to do with being a cheapskate, it's about age and stupidity.

When I was a kid with no money, the shop owners/workers blew me off because I was a kid with no money.

Now that I am an old fart with lots of money, the people working in the shop are kids who blow me off because I am some old guy who probably likes outdated stuff like bamboo or fiberglass rods instead of the latest & greatest ultra fast $800 graphite stick.

Unfortunately those kids are too stupid to know that I have money and would spend it if they developed some sense of customer service.
I'm fortunate that I live really close to Marblehead and close enough to Sporting Gentleman. I do my best to support them both even though it means that I could save some money by buying online. I like both owners and staff. I'm in the market for a new 5wt reel for my new glass Rod and one of them will get some more money from me. They both stock different brands so it's between a Ross Animas or Gunnison or a Galvan Torque or Rush Lt. I can buy either online and get free backing and line of my choice, but I won't just to help support, though the perk would be nice.
Sometimes the shop staff are jerks and sometimes the customers are jerks.

The customers can go online and complain about the shops. The shops really can't do the same and complain about the customers if they like staying in business.
Shops can do the same and it appears many do so by not treating every customer as if they were special, even the jerks.

It's really not rocket science but a lot of retailers just don't get it.

I realize there is a fine line between a clerk being helpful versus annoying, but I can't believe the number of fly shops that make you feel like you are bothering them by being there.
But I really wish Herb would come out of retirement...

I don't, because you experienced your side of the coin with TCO, where as I experienced similar at his old shop before TCO took it over. Funny how that works...
Herb was miserable as they come but his wife was a peach as were the guys who worked there so I just ignored him. Funny thing was, in the last year or so he was as nice as could be.

What I miss is his inventory. He had far more stuff than YBO had since the days of Baltz and way more than TCO when they took over.
Bamboozle wrote:

It's really not rocket science but a lot of retailers just don't get it.

I've visited a lot of fly shops and my experience has been overwhelmingly positive. I am not rich and until the last few years I would be what most consider a "kid." There are are a few shops which I don't like because I think the staff are as dumb as bricks, but that has nothing to do with their willingness to provide help and trying to be friendly and pleasant towards their customers. Further more, the bad experiences I've had are due to a single employee and not those entire shop's staff.

So I do think that for the most part, fly shops do "get it." If they don't, they fail.

A couple years ago I went on a fshing trip with several other people. The opinions of the lodge we stayed at ranged from very pleased to somewhat upset. We all stayed in the same building, we all ate the same food, we all had the same guides. We ended up with different experiences due to our personalities and our expectations.
PennKev wrote:
Bamboozle wrote:

It's really not rocket science but a lot of retailers just don't get it.

I've visited a lot of fly shops and my experience has been overwhelmingly positive. I am not rich and until the last few years I would be what most consider a "kid." There are are a few shops which I don't like because I think the staff are as dumb as bricks, but that has nothing to do with their willingness to provide help and trying to be friendly and pleasant towards their customers. Further more, the bad experiences I've had are due to a single employee and not those entire shop's staff.

A couple years ago I went on a fshing trip with several other people. The opinions of the lodge we stayed at ranged from very pleased to somewhat upset. We all stayed in the same building, we all ate the same food, we all had the same guides. We ended up with different experiences due to our personalities and our expectations.

Great story! How true! :lol:
Went to Cold Spring Anglers twice. Needed flies and other items, probably totaling $100 or so. I was not there looking for free stream reports or fly selection advice. Herb was so rude I left the items on the counter and walked out, after telling him why I was not buying his merchandise. The 2nd time I went to use a gift card I won as a door prize at an outside event, I spent the exact amount of the card and never went back. I am not a budget conscious buyer and have been successful in my career which has involved customer service.

This is the exact opposite of any treatment I have received in TCO shops.