Wild Trout Streams



Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Lititz, Pa
I was looking at the list of officially proposed and being considered for wild trout designation. Why were there many well known class A streams on the list of being considered? Aren't they already on the list? Also streams like Treaster Run was on the list , but Havice was not on either list? The officially proposed list looked to have lesser known streams on it.
What you are seeing are probably new sections proposed for addition to the Class A list.

So, if a stream already had its section 2 on the Class A list, maybe this time its proposed to add section 3.

The reason Havice is not on the list is probably the most obvious likely reason: when surveyed, the population was below Class A.

That makes sense about the sections. The list was a wild trout list, not class a but did check of the streams that were class A. The weird thing was that these supposed new streams or sections had a majority that were class A. Just seems odd that many of these new streams were class A. You would thing the new ones would be little known streams due to low trout populations.
If you're name dropping Havice and Treaster specifically I'm guessing that you're a MiffCo boy. But anyways....troutbert probably nailed it. Adding new sections of older well known class A's. Also, I've seen streams on proposed lists, streams that met class A designations, and then on future lists have vanished and never became listed as Class A. So who knows..