Wild trout streams that get stocked question

I'm thinking I heard that part of Young Womans was possibly one of them. The problem I'm seeing though is that the majority of anglers primarily fish for stocked trout and are going to have very few options in Clinton County. As much as I don't like it, stocked trout control the majority of license sales and I don't see any way around that. If you take Bakers, Hyner, Young Womans, off the stocking list and local license sales in Clinton County are definitely going to drop. I know some people who only fish those streams and are nothing but meat hunters and without those streams being stocked their fishing days will be done. I personally don't mind that but I know the PFBC doesn't want to lose license sales.
Yea thats a problem PFBC made and is going to have to face. When a majority of the states ecologically important/high conservation value watersheds for Brook trout, hell benders and other native species are clustered around a few towns its either destroy the commonwealths most pristine ecosystems to pander to a few small towns or educate them, offer non native trout in those watersheds as meat, and be a resource manager. No easy way out of conditioning multiple generations to fish for domesticated equivalent of petting zoo fish. I agree with you that theres no win win for the people dependent on domesticated government trout social programs for food.
Baker IMO is one of the lowest hanging fruits out there, and should be (relatively) easy to just drop off the list without much complaint from the public. It’s difficult to stock, relatively difficult to access, and I can’t imagine it gets a high degree of angler usage given the access difficulties. There are very few other streams out there that are like it - essentially roadless, and stocked. That’s a clear and obvious resource IMO that’s better suited to the crowd that appreciates remote, wild Trout angling. (Even if at present the wild Trout population is only mediocre.)

Hyner and YWC are tougher sells. Hyner is in a very popular State Park that generates Spring time revenue around the stockings/opener.

YWC has been a historic s**tstorm when it’s been taken on and off the stocking list previously. I struggle to think both branches, above their confluence, are not Class A. They are probably, and certainly would be if stocking was ended. But, it’s a fairly large watershed with good public access, and hence the demand for stocking. A good compromise may be stocking only below the confluence of the branches as mentioned.

I agree all three shouldn’t be stocked, just identifying the hurdles. Baker is the easy first one to go for.
For people in the Renovo area, going to Kettle Creek and Kettle Creek Lake is not very far. For people in the Lock Haven area, Pine Creek is not very far. And the lower end of Young Womens Creek, from the confluence of the branches down through North Bend, is probably well below Class A, and probably will remain stocked. In the past I fished YWC on opening day and that lower end was very popular. There were big crowds, right there near the houses.
In my opinion getting to Pine Creek (its not stocked until after you get to Waterville) from Lock Haven really isn't what I'd (or a lot of other people) consider close. Lower Young Womans should continue to be stocked. Young Womans would be the only small stream in Clinton to get stocked and I know a lot of people only fish the small stocked streams so Kettle in Clinton wouldn't be an option for them.
Was racking my brain trying to think of streams that are roadless (or gated) for extended stretches, and stocked.

Baker Run, Clinton County
Stony Creek, Dauphin/Lebanon County
Gifford Run, Clearflied County.
Schrader Creek, Bradford County

I think it there are some in ANF, but not exactly sure on which ones.

West Branch Fishing Creek, Sullivan County, used to be one, but they recently regraded the road grade and now open the gate for Spring Turkey and Trout.

And I’m sure there are more out there, but point is, there aren’t many. These would all be easy transitions to full wild Trout management IMO.

Yough, Pine, Lehigh come to mind too, but I think they’re on the opposite end of the spectrum for advocating for ending stocking. Focus on the small, wild Trout streams first.
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Before saying Baker doesn't get fished and people do not drive up there I would encourage folks to pay a visit on opening day. You will be surprised.
Before saying Baker doesn't get fished and people do not drive up there I would encourage folks to pay a visit on opening day. You will be surprised.

I’ll trust your local knowledge on that, as I certainly wouldn’t fish it on opening day.

I would say see what the usage is on May 1. And base a decision off that. YWC and Hyner, for example, are still being fished pretty regularly then. I seriously doubt you’d run into anyone on Baker. Especially if you walked more than a half mile back that “road”.

Every stocked stream is fished on opening day. Everyone goes to their historic spot. A handful of guys losing their “honey hole” for opening day doesn’t necessarily translate into strong angler usage overall however. Most people (including myself) look at that stream on a map and assume it’s not stocked, strictly from a logistics standpoint. I was shocked when researching it to find it was.
Its a good thing...Bakers will no longer be stocked. Its like fishing in your bath tub. Hopefully wild brookies can retake that stream.
Has it been decided that Bakers Run will no longer be stocked? Where are you guys getting information about streams that are proposed for stocking to be ended?

I hope they do end stocking on Bakers Run. I agree that it would benefit the brookie population.
Has it been decided that Bakers Run will no longer be stocked? Where are you guys getting information about streams that are proposed for stocking to be ended?

I hope they do end stocking on Bakers Run. I agree that it would benefit the brookie population.
There were biologists along for the one stocking this year. I don't think anything is 100% official though. I just know the ones who always fish it are making other plans for next year. My dad fishes it with the neighbor. As for the opening day they have a big cook out fish fry and everything up Bakers. Its a large family affair up there.
Most people (including myself) look at that stream on a map and assume it’s not stocked, strictly from a logistics standpoint. I was shocked when researching it to find it was.
That's one of those streams that's pretty much off the beaten path, I was also very surprised to hear it was a stocked stream.
That rail trail is drivable above the gate (not open to the public except on occasion) so I’m certain the use that. There are many places where the trail is a short walk to the creek.

Cold Spring Road is also driveable in a vehicle with good ground clearance and a brave operator...

...been there, done that on visits to the old resort and fishing trips. :oops:

As far as a brookie population in Stony, neither it or any of its tributaries are on the current Natural Reproduction List however I have caught a brookie or two in the vicinity of the the old dam but they were very, very, very few & far between.

I got this fish in Section 2, a decent distance away from any tribs on the maps. I'll let the "PAFF experts" judge if it is wild or a nice looking stocker:


To be honest the fishing in Section 2 well into the season is hardly worth the drive or hike unless you like to check out old ruins. I don't even care for Section 3.

That might explain why I haven't gone back to Stony in over 15 years. ;)
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Access problems, usually posting or poor parking, lead to removal from the trout stocking program with the exception of stream sections or parts thereof recognized by AFM’s as popular (good angler use) walk-in fisheries as long as the walk-in stretches are not heavily posted. There are even a few of these in SE Pa. Poor or risky/dangerous access for stocking usually due to deteriorating road conditions or increasingly heavy traffic on narrow roads are the only other typical problems that I can think of, aside from chronic pollution, that will a lead to removal from the STW list.
For people in the Renovo area, going to Kettle Creek and Kettle Creek Lake is not very far. For people in the Lock Haven area, Pine Creek is not very far. And the lower end of Young Womens Creek, from the confluence of the branches down through North Bend, is probably well below Class A, and probably will remain stocked. In the past I fished YWC on opening day and that lower end was very popular. There were big crowds, right there near the houses.
I just fished YWC headwaters the other day and drove down along the stream on the way out. I saw 1 guy fishing on a Sunday the whole way from county line rd down to north bend.
Gold Mine Road is also driveable in a vehicle with good ground clearance and a brave operator...

...been there, done that on visits to the old resort and fishing trips. :oops:

As far as a brookie population in Stony, neither it or any of its tributaries are on the current Natural Reproduction List however I have caught a brookie or two in the vicinity of the the old dam but they were very, very, very few & far between.

I got this fish in Section 2, a decent distance away from any tribs on the maps. I'll let the "PAFF experts" judge if it is wild or a nice looking stocker:

View attachment 1641230225

To be honest the fishing in Section 2 well into the season is hardly worth the drive or hike unless you like to check out old ruins. I don't even care for Section 3.

That might explain why I haven't gone back to Stony in over 15 years. ;)

I think you mean Cold Spring Rd. That goes up and over from FIG into the old resort/dam area, and is a pretty rough track in spots. Gold Mine Rd. is paved, popular with motorcyclists, and gives you access to the far eastern end of Stony Valley, in the Evening Branch watershed, which drains out to the east into Lebanon Reservoir.

As far as wild Brookies in Stony, they are fairly common in Rausch Creek below the diversion well and down into Stony past the confluence with Rausch a bit, but then they peter out. The other tribs coming down off the mountain from the north aren’t limed and have very low PH’s. Like 4-ish. I’ve poked around in them, but they seemed dead. Once you get down further into Dauphin County my experience is it’s all stockers.

FWIW I think that is a wild Brookie.
I just fished YWC headwaters the other day and drove down along the stream on the way out. I saw 1 guy fishing on a Sunday the whole way from county line rd down to north bend.
The lower end is the typical stockie situation. Very heavy fishing on opening weekend, but then it quickly drops off to almost no fishing.

I think the special regs area had more people fishing it back when it was Class A.
Gold Mine Road is also driveable in a vehicle with good ground clearance and a brave operator...

...been there, done that on visits to the old resort and fishing trips. :oops:

As far as a brookie population in Stony, neither it or any of its tributaries are on the current Natural Reproduction List however I have caught a brookie or two in the vicinity of the the old dam but they were very, very, very few & far between.

I got this fish in Section 2, a decent distance away from any tribs on the maps. I'll let the "PAFF experts" judge if it is wild or a nice looking stocker:

View attachment 1641230225

To be honest the fishing in Section 2 well into the season is hardly worth the drive or hike unless you like to check out old ruins. I don't even care for Section 3.

That might explain why I haven't gone back to Stony in over 15 years. ;)
Looks like a wildie to me.
I think you mean Cold Spring Rd. That goes up and over from FIG into the old resort/dam area, and is a pretty rough track in spots. Gold Mine Rd. is paved, popular with motorcyclists, and gives you access to the far eastern end of Stony Valley, in the Evening Branch watershed, which drains out to the east into Lebanon Reservoir.

As far as wild Brookies in Stony, they are fairly common in Rausch Creek below the diversion well and down into Stony past the confluence with Rausch a bit, but then they peter out. The other tribs coming down off the mountain from the north aren’t limed and have very low PH’s. Like 4-ish. I’ve poked around in them, but they seemed dead. Once you get down further into Dauphin County my experience is it’s all stockers.

FWIW I think that is a wild Brookie.

I got my golds & colds mixed up... Yes you are correct, I MEANT Cold Spring Road. (I fixed my error...)(y)

Cold Spring Road is a mess heading down to the former reservoir but the signs you see in FIG heading to Cold Springs Road about the "tank firing ranges" are as disconcerting the signs I've seen warning about "unexploded ordinance" in and around Tobyhanna Army Depot... :eek:

BTW - I've also fished the Evening Branch and haven't been back there either... ;)

In regards to Rausch, it seems odd to me if there are Brookies there (and I'm not saying there aren't) Rausch isn't on the 2023 Natural Reproduction List (nor is Stony) and neither has going back to at least 2011. However lesser other streams in Dauphin are listed.
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Cold Spring Road is also driveable in a vehicle with good ground clearance and a brave operator...

...been there, done that on visits to the old resort and fishing trips. :oops:

As far as a brookie population in Stony, neither it or any of its tributaries are on the current Natural Reproduction List however I have caught a brookie or two in the vicinity of the the old dam but they were very, very, very few & far between.

I got this fish in Section 2, a decent distance away from any tribs on the maps. I'll let the "PAFF experts" judge if it is wild or a nice looking stocker:

View attachment 1641230225

To be honest the fishing in Section 2 well into the season is hardly worth the drive or hike unless you like to check out old ruins. I don't even care for Section 3.

That might explain why I haven't gone back to Stony in over 15 years. ;)
My GGrandfather had a sawmill somewhere around the gated area on Stony. I believe it was about 1/4 mile below the gate. This was sometime in the 1930’s. My grandfather ran it for him. The family (my grandparents, my dad, his twin brother and the older brother) lived there for a winter or 2. I had my 90 year old uncle down there 5 years ago. Unfortunately, he was unable to remember exactly where the 2 story house and sawmill were specifically located. I have my suspicions but will never know for sure. He told me that those winters were the coldest of his life!
I’ve never caught any wild brookies in that area but I have suspicions that some still are there.
I got my golds & colds mixed up... Yes you are correct, I MEANT Cold Spring Road. (I fixed my error...)(y)

Cold Spring Road is a mess heading down to the former reservoir but the signs you see in FIG heading to Cold Springs Road about the "tank firing ranges" are as disconcerting the signs I've seen warning about "unexploded ordinance" in and around Tobyhanna Army Depot... :eek:

BTW - I've also fished the Evening Branch and haven't been back there either... ;)

In regards to Rausch, it seems odd to me if there are Brookies there (and I'm not saying there aren't) Rausch isn't on the 2023 Natural Reproduction List (nor is Stony) and neither has going back to at least 2011. However lesser other streams in Dauphin are listed.

Rausch probably needs to be surveyed, or was, and is sitting on a list somewhere within the PFBC waiting for approval to be listed. It definitely has Brookies. I haven’t fished it in a few years. But I probably fished it a half dozen times or so in the early to mid 2010’s. It had Brookies then. Up to the diversion well. They’d sit right in the pool below it. It’s dead above still.

Had a weird encounter there a few years ago on New Year’s Day with a guy dressed in a white t shirt, cotton sweatpants, and high top basketball sneakers. No backpack, jacket, or other gear, and you’re like 3.5 miles from a road in there. It was above freezing that day, but not by much, and there was snow on the ground. Maybe he was just out for a jog, but he didn’t respond when I said hi and asked how he was doing. Gave me a weird vibe. Was with my wife and we double timed it back to the Gold Mine Rd. gate, with him following us about 1/4 mile behind. We warned a ground of women walking their dogs about a mile in. They turned around and hiked back out with us. After we all left there were no more vehicles in the parking lot, and I could no longer see him back behind us on the trail. Have no clue where he came from or what he was doing. Haven’t been back since.
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I got my golds & colds mixed up... Yes you are correct, I MEANT Cold Spring Road. (I fixed my error...)(y)

Cold Spring Road is a mess heading down to the former reservoir but the signs you see in FIG heading to Cold Springs Road about the "tank firing ranges" are as disconcerting the signs I've seen warning about "unexploded ordinance" in and around Tobyhanna Army Depot... :eek:

BTW - I've also fished the Evening Branch and haven't been back there either... ;)

In regards to Rausch, it seems odd to me if there are Brookies there (and I'm not saying there aren't) Rausch isn't on the 2023 Natural Reproduction List (nor is Stony) and neither has going back to at least 2011. However lesser other streams in Dauphin are listed.
Here’s one from one of those lesser other streams.


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My GGrandfather had a sawmill somewhere around the gated area on Stony. I believe it was about 1/4 mile below the gate. This was sometime in the 1930’s. My grandfather ran it for him. The family (my grandparents, my dad, his twin brother and the older brother) lived there for a winter or 2. I had my 90 year old uncle down there 5 years ago. Unfortunately, he was unable to remember exactly where the 2 story house and sawmill were specifically located. I have my suspicions but will never know for sure. He told me that those winters were the coldest of his life!
I’ve never caught any wild brookies in that area but I have suspicions that some still are there.

FWIW - Stony WAS dammed in the middle area way back when, pretty much where the old Ellendale Reading RR station used to be which was a short distance downstream from the White Spring Station.

White Spring Station was the furthest east station on the line that could be accessed from the road known today as Ellendale Road. I also THINK where the road ended is where the SGL gate is today.

So if you look at a current Google satellite map I THINK the small "pond" you see just north of the creek at that location MAY be a remnant of the dam pool and just MIGHT have been where your great-grandfather had his sawmill...


Just a guess... :)
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