Wild Trout Nuts: What have you observed since the opening?

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
Frankly, I'd wager more land has been posted BECAUSE of stocking/fishing, and the trash that follows. Stock a section of stream, and people show up in hoards for a week or two in April and trash the place. If I was a landowner, I'm not sure how long I would put up with it.
I have to agree with Sal regarding SGLs and public land. So much so, that I donate more money towards general land conservation/preservation/trusts than I do to TU.
^^ Same.. Other than my basic TU memberships, I generally donate more to Western Pa Conservancy, Clear Water and other Trusts. Seems that they are doing just as much, if not more for our wild trout streams.
JeffP wrote:
WG did you fish the Seglock? I haven't been there for a while. Just wondering how it's doing. Used to have some good days 15-20 years ago but last few times it does not seem good. Could my 1st native brook there and the second on Elders run. Can't believe they used to stock it. Maybe it had more water and I'm sure a lot less silt.

I did. Twice in the past two weeks. It's a neat stream that you can tell gets HAMMERED by rain events. I actually though it was an entirely wild brookie stream, but obviously that's not the case, as the wild brown catch rate outnumbered that of brookies. The silt I find on that stream seems far more manageable than the silt I find on streams like the Donegal!

Both hammer and segloch are becoming wild brown streams. Hammer will take longer.
Forget all that.
What a cool fly in that pic! Very nice.
Ive been using small streamers for big brookies again.
Care to share a better pic or name?
Glad to hear the Segloch is doing ok! I've always caught more more browns than others I've talked to. My brother talked to a guy today who claimed to have caught 30 brookies on worms on a Lancaster County stream today. I have seen almost no trout on this stream the last # of times I've checked it out on hike. My brother said he was believable. He had to have caught every fish in the stream.
My guess is the population in Segloch is roughly 50/50 Brookies/Browns. Agree though, Browns are increasing, and Brookies are decreasing, relatively speaking. Same thing in all of the Furnace Hills streams. One is already all Browns, the rest (except maybe one) are in various stages of transitioning.

Also, Segloch is not silty, it’s sandy. All of those streams have a lot of red sandstone in them that breaks down to well, sand.

I tried to fish it a little over a month ago. The weekend before all the stay at home stuff started. It was a nice day. I got there about 8:00 AM. I fished the bottom end of the SGL and got back to my vehicle (at the downstream most SGL parking spot) at about 9:00 and found a guy fishing right across from where my vehicle was parked. He said he came from upstream. Got in and drove upstream, past his vehicle, and found another one at the bridge. And then another one a few hundred yards above the bridge. 4 anglers on it at once. I left and went to one of its neighbors, which was empty. Segloch is quite popular for a small, unstocked stream.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Both hammer and segloch are becoming wild brown streams. Hammer will take longer.
Forget all that.
What a cool fly in that pic! Very nice.
Ive been using small streamers for big brookies again.
Care to share a better pic or name?

Sal -

Interesting story on that fly. It was given to me by "PAWoodsnWater", who is a YouTube vlogger. I ran into him and "TightliningMD" as they were leaving the stream and chatted with them for a bit. He gave me that fly, and it looked very familiar. I remembered tying something similar several years ago, but couldn't remember the name. I came to remember it was called the "trout killer", or as "PAWoods" called it, "George's Killer". It's a fairly simple tie and can be effective at times.

Here's a link to it: George's Killer Fly

It's disappointing to see the brookies being pushed out by the browns . As the earth warms and the waters become more marginal in our area, perhaps that's nature's plan. But I digress and that's a conversation for a completely different thread!

Swattie - I'd definitely agree that it's not silt in the true sense of the word and is in fact the red sandstone. It's not nearly as tricky as that farmland silt (nor as stinky when you sink in it!).
All the people I have seen along the stocked streams near me behaved just fine. No litter and most were actually practicing catch and release ( not that it matters). They were mostly spin bit a few fly too. These people were friendly and polite. Frankly I have seen more rude and obnoxious behavior from flyfishermen and guides on the Delaware and elsewhere. Before blasting the stocked trout fishermen you might want to take a good hard look at your own actions. A lot of high and mighty talk on this forum from the fly fishing crowd who certainly need to police their own ranks.
By the way the recent heavy posting on the section of Codorus above sawmill was caused by Fly fishermen.
larkmark wrote:
By the way the recent heavy posting on the section of Codorus above sawmill was caused by Fly fishermen.

The whole stretch from the dam to the sawmill will end up being posted at this rate. How far above Krafts Mill Road did it get posted?
"Georges Killer" was tied at this years tying jam and the one 2 years ago.
Pics may still be available on here.
Wgmiller. I drove a good ways up posted solid. Other guys my know more which area.
Sad. And to think a flyfisher caused it. Enough bashing of bait and spin people. The elite, conservation minded, holier than thou flyfishermen did this with their entitled attitudes.
It is possible in the realm of reality to except that bad fly fisherman got the Codorus closed and bad early season anglers are destorying populations and trashing land.
I dont see how if one is true that means the other is false.
Anything is possible. In my experience this year I am just calling it as I have seen it. polite bait and spin guys and obnoxious entitled fly guys. not all of course but it only takes a few or even one to spoil things. neighbor just posted his place because obsessed fly guys kept walking across his lawn all late winter and spring to access a 3 ft wide stream to catch sardines.