Wild Trout Nuts: What have you observed since the opening?

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
I tried fishing hawk run in hickory run state park above 534. Ok there is that short open stretch, but then it looks like a stream with sediment in a rhodo jungle. Turns out if you go a long ways up by bypassing the rhodo... still a tiny stream with sediment below evil rhodo. Picnickers by that open stretch on way out. More cars than I have seen there before.
I caught a wild brown that had a hook a worm and about ten foot off mono hanging out of his mouth. Took the hook out and let him go but he was in bad shape. Actually caught him on the mono hanging off him. Way less pressure since opening day.
I shouldnt even say this because there are so many faucets to this thread.

Still if you live in an area with a bunch of brook trout streams that run into a bigger river, drive around all the bridge stops and bigger pools in the early to mid april. See what you find.

Bigger brook trout are out there but they get cleaned out in the early season.
Im not saying they are in big numbers but we kill them, each year our migrant brookies get slaughtered.
Except in a few select watersheds.

Just sayin.
I’ve actually done relatively little fishing this spring, even less than usual. I usually really get going in early June once most seasonal anglers have packed it in for the year. I have been doing a lot of mushroom hunting, and incidentally traveling near streams. I’ve noticed what many have posted - higher numbers of anglers on the streams I’ve witnessed. But as is usually the case, many of them would rather catch the guys line next to them than walk a few hundred yards upstream.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:

You been fishing?

Yup. I've probably fished more in the last month than I did all last year :-D Hitting a lot of Class A/Natural Repro water in the area and having a blast doing it. Mostly because I see very few people around these waterways and even fewer anglers.



So what youre sayin is stop traveling.
Ha! That's up to each person. I generally limit my travels to no more than 45 minutes or so from home. Plenty of water in that radius to fish!
Litter is a pet peeve of mine, maybe because I am old enough to remember the "Keep America Beautiful" slogan with the "crying Indian" and the "litter bag" my mom had hanging from the cigarette lighter in her car.

By the time I was a teen, I was indoctrinated and never threw another thing on the ground. Sadly, that indoctrination is lost on many and even more disheartening, many of the biggest offenders are the ones I am being constantly told I am supposed to be saving the planet for...

However, I won't be someone's mommy and clean up after them. No disrespect intended to those that do, it just pisses me off too much to do it myself. The only trash I pick up is the garbage left behind by pigs along MY property.

However, I have contacted my legislators or PennDOT and had "No Littering" signs put up (for whatever they are worth) and State & local roads cleaned up.

I even lobbied a past Governor & various disinterested heads of Fish Commissions, Game Commissions, State Park Commissions and assorted uninterested legislators trying to get the fines for littering increased and include the revocation of fishing privileges, hunting privileges and the use of State Park facilities for any offense occurring while partaking in those activities or on State property.

I don't have to tell you how that turned out....
fwiw, on sunday, I drove across a bridge over a stream with very little shoulder and a guy crossing carrying fly rod. This was a fastish busy pa state road, much approaching traffic. Note to self: dont be that guy.
I keep plastic handle bags in my day pack specifically for litter. I fish mostly remote wild streams and rarely encounter other fishermen, so I don't see much trash, but I'll pick up whatever I do see.
My conscience wouldn't allow me to leave trash in an otherwise pristine stream side setting. I despise litter bugs!
"I studied with the Maharishi for many years, and really didn't learn that much. But one thing that he taught me, I'll never forget: 'ALWAYS...' no, wait-- 'NEVER...' no, wait, it was 'ALWAYS carry a litter bag in your car. It doesn't take up much room, and if it gets full, you can toss it out the window.'"

-Steve Martin
Normally i do too but i draw the line at bio hazard watse while in regular clothes
I live near valley creek i have never seen so many people fishing it in the weeks leading up to opening day. Since opening day it looks pretty empty.
How does one know that wild trout stream anglers that one sees are harvesting fish? On average, how much time does one have to spend watching them to see them catch a legal size wild trout and then go one step farther by harvesting instead of releasing the fish? I can tell you that even on stocked trout streams I don’t see that many fish being caught and harvested because catch rates aren’t all that fast in general and I am too busy fishing to see what is going on around me with respect to other angler activities.

Even on creel surveys on stocked trout streams when the observer is not an angler, but instead is a data collector, the observer can go for long periods without seeing a trout being captured except for opening weekend when there are large numbers of anglers and large numbers of gullible trout stacked up in the honey holes. Harvest is documented by interviewing the anglers and examining their fish.

Furthermore, I thought wild trout anglers here like to practice angler distancing and drive right past spots where there is evidence (parked car) that other individuals might be fishing, so when and under what circumstances is a substantial amount of harvesting being seen?
How does one know that the early season wild trout stream anglers that one has seen are catching and keeping types of anglers. 

I have never seen them harvest an angler. I have seen them harvest trout. This year, last year and 20+ years before that.

On average, how much time does one have to spend watching them to see them catch a legal size wild trout and then go one step farther by harvesting instead of releasing the fish?

Ive never timed myself but my daughter and i watch one guy for about 30 minutes this weekend. He caught and kept two wild trout.
1 brown and 1 brook.

I can tell you that even on stocked trout streams I don’t see that many fish being caught and harvested because catch rates aren’t all that fast in general and I am too busy fishing to see what is going on around me with respect to other angler activities

That would make sense. You just said the fishing on stocked streams is slow. I would imagine you would need to keep fishing rather than observe.
Most fly anglers spend more time watching water than casting to it. At least most worth a damn anyways.
But willfully not observing is not evidence they arent keeping fish, is it?

Furthermore, I thought wild trout fly anglers here like to always practice angler distancing and drive right past spots where there is evidence (parked car) that other individuals might be fishing.

Yep. We do. I was the forst one at said spot. Yet the other anglers didnt move on.
Then again we are talking about early season trout anglers and not avid trout anglers.
Different ethics with different ways.

Hence the discussion.

Generally speaking i would hope you know that the early season brook trout angler is a differnt animal than your average stocked trout fisherman. How could you not?
Its comparing apples to oranges

People are not catching and keeping that many wild fish. Come on. People hardly keep the stocked fish. And the usual tactics that catch and keep anglers are using are not all that effective on wild fish, especially the bigger ones. The catch and release guys who are becoming more numerous on wild trout streams (for reasons which I will not get into) are likely harder on that population than you might think Sal.
If you say so .

In my 20+ years doing this, ive seen enough hills brothers cans and stringers on brook trout streams to know different.

I question what wild trout streams you fish that a minnow or a worm is not effective on?
Especially for big brook trout :lol:

I think both factions you mention can be hard on populations.

But i disagree.

Many big brook trout are movers. They are coming into the systems right as trout season happens.
Since that is THE POPULATION im discussing, i feel you are wrong.

To each his own.
Fun fact:

Did you know that nearly 40 percent of all angler use and harvest on wild trout streams occurs from April 17th-30th?

Lots of usage for 13 days.
Sal-I don't disagree with protecting wild trout and not stocking over them. You apparently feel that way too. And yet you post pictures of big fish and discuss methods that are not that well known which encourages more and more people to seek the exact fish you say you are concerned about. I know at least one guy who used to frequent this site who regrets posting his big ones and sharing his methods. You never see the guy on here anymore. I guess you must assume that guys won't use whatever tactics they need, bait whatever to catch and keep these trophy fish?
Tea in China is 2 cents you say?

I have no idea what you just posted has to do with the best wild brook trout getting harvested in April.

As far as Brian, you are talking about NightStalker?
Interesting he never ever once voiced that opinion to me.
Not once.

You never see him around here posting pictures?
You mean he didnt win top trout one year and runner up last year?

You sure you frequent this site?

As far as your post, its garbage.
Yes people like Brian have struggled with talking about it.
And yes for the reasons you mentioned above.

I wonder how all that silence is about to fair for a special little creek about to be turned into a parking lot?
I wonder how all that silence will fair for fish who are thought not to exist during increased urbanism.

Oddly enough its these very guys that are trying to cause some awareness, are the ones you just mentioned.

Take your crap post elsewhere. You have wanted to argue with me about this subject for awhile.
It is apparent by some things you posted in the past.
Told you once and ill tell you again, im not interested.
You do you and ill do me.