Wild Browns

I fully disagree. Here, without browns, brookies could survive in a LOT of streams. Maybe not all, but the majority.
RowJimmy wrote:
Big difference between here and out west is that without the brookies, bows, and browns the cutts can still survive in most rivers and streams. Here the brookies can't.
Not sure I understand. Can you explain?
I think he means cutts are more tolerant to poor habitat and such than brookies. So if you take out the other trout the cutts will live fine in the stream, where he's saying here in the east if you take out browns(and in some cases bows) the brookies still might not do well in some streams due to poor habitat or other factors.
Brookies do great without the competition, I know some limestone stream that have brookies you wouldn't believe where there are no browns and bows. And there are far more wild brookie streams than brownie streams.
Without brown in the big limestone streams brookies would take over in short order if they are already there, and if they aren't already there if you took some from the headwaters of those streams it would be very quick.
Farmer Dave, it could have been acid disolving the plating that was killing the browns. It's really toxic stuff.