Why Only Trout ???

Just got home from an afternoon on the water. To answer Cz's question: I am willing to fish improved water and have worked on such projects in the past. Some of the projects have allowed trout to flourish where they could not prior to the projects. Some projects, however, get washed out by floods. The streamside plantings, though, at least on the projects I helped with, are almost universally helpful in shading streams. These are long-term projects that help the trout all year long -- for years.

I do not think these projects are like most food plots I hear/read about: Most/many of them are done shortly before a season, even along crop fields. Then a blind is set up, and on the day of a hunt, decoys are set out in front of the blind in the baited area. All of this negates the turkey's best defense mechanism: his eyesight. My son calls this murder (of gobblers). However, it is advocated and promoted by the game commission and detracts from respect for wild turkeys.

I do not think stream rehab and the construction of "food plots" (baited areas) are remotely similar.
Very interesting. As someone who takes wildlife habitat very seriously on their propert, I can assure you that nothing is planting shortly before a season starts. I’m sure you already know that, but it doesn’t fit your narrative.

That being said, I hope for your own high ethical standards, that you never fish when the water is off color, or in low light conditions, as not to capitalize on the trout’s diminished ability to see your fly.

I also hope that you don’t ever use fluorocarbon tippet, because of…… well ethical stuff.

I assume then that you don’t use camouflage, gloves or a face mask when you’re calling in your spring bird. Wouldn’t want to remain hidden in anyway.

I’m used to seeing this type of gatekeeping, and holier than thou attitude from upland bird hunters and fly fisherman, but this is got to be the first from a turkey hunter.
Really good answers by everybody but I really think it’s a “whatever floats your boat” type thing. I personally do not target trout but catch quite a few while smallmouth fishing and I personally am addicted to salt water fly fishing. Maybe instead of being consumed with catching fish I should stop and take in the environment? One thing I do know is I enjoy seeing other fly fisherman on the river or creek and shoot the sh*t for a couple minutes and maybe exchange some flies and tips with one another. Keep your rod bent no matter what is on the other end!
I wouldn't worry about it. He may still be stinging over shutdown of the "elite flyfisherman" thread.
You should note that I didn’t have much of a presence in the later days of that thread. But thanks for bringing it up. I do see many similarities between some posts on this thread as I did on that one. Many posters would consider fly fishing as the only honorable way to catch a trout.
Yo, Fred, that is a good question.

I would say my three favorite fish all fit the category that dudes mentioned above: they live in beautiful places. Trout by far, but smallmouth are second.

I would fish a lot more for striped bass except 1) I don't love to fish in the dark and never have though I did it a lot in the past and 2) the days of walking the beach alone and having a pick of fish on structure (hard or soft) are much, much harder to find these days. Now I have to worry about releasing a bass in the surf and hooking some jamokes with my next backcast because they stopped their trucks to mug me when they saw a bent rod.

Trout fishing is still a sport that provides the potential for solicitude (in the daylight).
I should add here that, if I were fishing for food - I would concentrate on Walleye and Perch.
No better eating freshwater fish IMO.
Just not my style of fishing though.

And leads me to a question I have for the OP - Fredrick.
I know you're heavy into snakeheads
Just wondering if you eat them.
I've seen some videos of people grilling them - claiming that they're excellent table fare
I fish for bowfin 2 or 3 weeks each year. Specifically travel out of state and target them. They are extremely hard fighting. My favorite fight honestly. Long strong runs like a carp, with jumping acrobatics like a smallmouth. Very woody, weedy habitat most of the time. It’s just a blast. Super underrated gamefish in my opinion.

I assume lots of people who have trout as their favorite target species, also like to fish for other species. I think ones that only fish for trout really enjoy getting dialed in and learning them. Getting completely absorbed into trout fishing is really fun. There is a-lot more to it than most other species. Certainly more into the flies and books side of things. More information to digest. More books to read in the winter. More kinds of flies to tie. More maps to study. There is enough to do to eat, sleep, and breathe trout fishing year round without ever being bored.

Bowfin are my second favorite fish though.I’m a sucker for native brook trout. They are my favorite. The places they live are beautiful. I pretty much never see other anglers. The creeks are cold all summer. I never have to worry about getting hot in the summer. A quick dunk and I’m air conditioned. They give me something to do on a hike, or a backpacking trip or a canoe camping trip. They are very challenging to catch a big one. Much harder than any other fish I can think of. Just because of the difficulty in access and rarity of big ones. There just aren’t a-lot of big brook trout in pa. Also it lets you fish a new creek every day forever. For the incredible challenge and rarity of big brook trout, they are my favorite.

I don’t only fish for trout and probably never will. But if I could only pick one, yeah I’d fish for only trout.

Tonight I got to catch some trout. I mean c'mon
Many posters would consider fly fishing as the only honorable way to catch a trout.
Which posts in this thread give that viewpoint? I see forum members professing their love for catching trout through the means of fly fishing, but I didn't pick up on anyone saying it is the only or the best way.
Which posts in this thread give that viewpoint? I see forum members professing their love for catching trout through the means of fly fishing, but I didn't pick up on anyone saying it is the only or the best way.
I’ve outlined multiple instances of posters on this site making disparaging comments about bait fishing, and even comparing bait anglers to individuals with developmental disabilities.

I’m not going rehash all the details, just to be inundated with comments from posters saying “that’s not what I meant by that”.

The bias is evident in many places.
I’ve outlined multiple instances of posters on this site making disparaging comments about bait fishing, and even comparing bait anglers to individuals with developmental disabilities.

I’m not going rehash all the details, just to be inundated with comments from posters saying “that’s not what I meant by that”.

The bias is evident in many places.
There isn't a single disparaging comment in this thread about anyone fishing bait or using spinners or fishing for other species. There is nothing.

Please don't make comments just to stir the pot.
There isn't a single disparaging comment in this thread about anyone fishing bait or using spinners or fishing for other species. There is nothing.

Please don't make comments just to stir the pot.
You’re right. Just comments about how perfectly legal forms of hunting are dishonorable, or “murder”.
You’re right. Just comments about how perfectly legal forms of hunting are dishonorable, or “murder”.
Hey Cznymph,

If you feel fly-fishers in general and specifically members of this board are snobs and are disrespectful to you and other anglers and as well have disdain for people that live in rural areas.....why do you continue to post on here? If I had that same opinion, I wouldn't post or read or be any part of such a site. Why not just find a site you feel is more friendly and respectful to your sensibilities.
Hey Cznymph,

If you feel fly-fishers in general and specifically members of this board are snobs and are disrespectful to you and other anglers and as well have disdain for people that live in rural areas.....why do you continue to post on here? If I had that same opinion, I wouldn't post or read or be any part of such a site. Why not just find a site you feel is more friendly and respectful to your sensibilities.
Then who would be here to point out the prejudice and hypocrisy?
I apologize for screwing up this thread with my turkey beliefs. I know the tread was about "why only trout," which is pretty much how I fly-fish. Anyhow, trout are beautiful, and they sometimes even take flies I tie. I think it was Vincent Marinaro who said the pursuit of trout is a constant state of excitement. I hope to catch a few this afternoon while using a size 14 Adams dry fly.

Again, sorry to have screwed up the original topic.