Who's going out for the first opener madness?

Going to hit east branch perk in the morning. Won't take to long for people to **** me off and then I'll come back latter once the freezer fillers leave. I hate opening day but I look forward to it every year and by every year I mean this year since I only have been fishing two years now. First opening day last year was an eye opener for me that's for sure.

Gino was a couple years older than yours at the time, but our first Jamboree, I let him take a spinning rod. He did as poorly as I did on Penns. On the way back to Hemlock acres, we stopped and observed risers up from the bridge. He wanted to stop and I refused because, as I told him, he could use a spinning rod if he wanted, but I was not about to let him fish for stockies, rising or not. We caught Green Drakes on Spruce on the way home from the weekend and he forgot about the spinning rod forever.
That's pretty cool Jack. My neighbor and his wife and kids were over, the kids were playing, the wives were hanging out and he and i were tying flies. I went out for a cigar and saw a crawler in the yard. I walked inside and said "Dude, we're doing this wrong."

I looked at the kidaroos and asked if they wanted to catch worms. None of them ever had before. Five minutes later, my neighbor, myself and 5 kids, 2 boys and 3 girls, were out catching crawlers. We got about 3 dozen in a half an hour.

I love the fact that Gino stopped bait fishing at such a young age. He always did seem a little older than he really was. Somehow you managed to do a pretty good job, sir. :)

I will always remember catching worms with my older brothers. It one of those quintessential childhood memories for me. While I hope my kids get over it sooner than later and learn to tie lots of flies for their old man, I'm glad, they got to share the experience with each other.

To those who speak poorly of the crowds, remember, those people are your brothers and sisters in this sport, and many of them are the ones who will stand beside you to defend our woods and our waters. Show them a little respect, they are people who like to go out and catch fish. I think we should all be able to relate to that.

Matt, let them catch worms-- they'll get more than the trout they'll catch with them. I used to try to catch worms on rainy nights with my Dad and brothers. I couldn't catch them anymore than I can catch trout, but I tried damned hard.
Not to get too serious or sentimental, but I look back now and think that kids just want to be like their parents and they should, in which case we should try to be like we want them to be. And that goes for appreciation of the environment and sporting pursuits that impact it.
Nevertheless, also and furthermore, I prefer red worms on opening day to nightcrawlers, even if sliced and diced into 2 inch segments.
I'm going with my dad. I started fishing 3 years ago to spend more time with him and now he never goes fishing. We're going to the Little Schuylkill which will probably be a war zone in the ATW section.
He probably won't fish long and then I'll be looking for somewhere a little less crowded.

It's sort of like a car crash. I don't want to look but I do anyway.
Leaving in 30 min for the Breeches. It would be a great day without the wind. I doubt guys will stay indoors for wind, though. Good luck to everyone and try not to take a plunge, lol. Tight lines.
I'm going w/ my dad too, WMD. We won't be far from you, actually. We kind of had a little tradition to skirt the ATW and circus and fish secluded wild streams on opening day. Been doing it for the last 3 or 4 years.
I opted for holiday Saturday duty at work. Banking a comp day for more ideal conditions...both in terms of weather (which I guess isn't all that bad today) and crowds.

Hope you boys get your limits :p
My friend and I use to take the first day off, but we did not fish the morning half. We more or less just people watched. We would help some kids if the fathers had there hands full and stuff like that. I thought that was more fun then fishing.

We then usually fished the second half of the day.
Fished til 10. Brought home 5 for the smoker.That will be my limit for the season.
I saw 5 guys near the fish counter at the Giant Eagle, in full waders. Saw a group like that last year also. May go out for some Passover fishing tomorrow.
I think opening day at giant eagle would be great, they have beer on drafts now!!
went out this morning. VERY WINDY out today, still managed to get my limit.
Only managed one on a wooly bugger, but it was a nice 16" brown.

Usually people work with each other on opening day, but had a real jerk upstream that yelled at anyone that walked within 25 yards of his downstream "drift zone."

Most people just shook their head at the guy and kept on fishing.
Letort wrote:
Only managed one on a wooly bugger, but it was a nice 16" brown.

Usually people work with each other on opening day, but had a real jerk upstream that yelled at anyone that walked within 25 yards of his downstream "drift zone."

Most people just shook their head at the guy and kept on fishing.

I did


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fox,that looks like a banana!
That's what we call them....banana trout.

The worst part is I snagged it off a redd.