Who Wants to Fish – Bucks County & Surrounding area

I am anyone. Sooooo are we fishing?? Thanks Sean
Sucks...probably won't be able to get out for maybe two weeks...
Sean, I'm game. Thinking of somewhere new. East Branch Brandywine, Pickering Creek, or Ridley Creek

Posted a thread in the Stream section to get some info and/or if you guys have any info on those 3

Anyone else?
FYI .. Looking @ Sat Afternoon into PM
Ug, looks like I will be working on sat. Ridley Creek is fun I have fished it. The FF only area is small. The other two I have never fished but would love to. Thanks and good luck. Sean
I'm on the fence. Hurt my back taking a short cut (as in climbing) out of the Pennypack. I'll try but can't commit to being wherever you guys plan.
@ RC .. Lmao

getting old sux. My back made me cancel my plans to fish last friday
Stagger_Lee wrote:
@ RC .. Lmao

getting old sux. My back made me cancel my plans to fish last friday

I am getting old and stupid. It's not just that I should not be climbing but I'm not doing the lower back stretching prescribed by the ortho and the chiro that would prevent this stuff from happening.
Going to be @ Pickering Crrek arnd 4-ish.

No one answed my post from the 6th but ill check this in a lil if anyone wants to meet up
Glad no one took me up on the offer .. What a disaster.

Headed out arnd 3pm took me way to long to find it (pickering) and never found an entry point. Even called orvis in,downgtwn but that wasnt much help. Headed 2 valley for my first time. Ranger told me to dish near Washington headquarters .. Tough access but I got on the creek. Two hrs got skunked but it was nice getting out.

Call it a scouting trip... Part of the education Andrew. We'll get out soon.
Stagger_Lee wrote:
Glad no one took me up on the offer .. What a disaster.

Headed out arnd 3pm took me way to long to find it (pickering) and never found an entry point. Even called orvis in,downgtwn but that wasnt much help. Headed 2 valley for my first time. Ranger told me to dish near Washington headquarters .. Tough access but I got on the creek. Two hrs got skunked but it was nice getting out.

Whenever I plan to fish a new place, I use Google maps or go to the FBC site, especially for SR sections of streams. Access the County Maps section from the FBC site. Just zoom in on the area you want to look at and the SR is highlighted in blue. You can map a route right to the stream. You can also switch it to a satellite image and zoom in for more detail.

Stocked streams are highlighted in tan and Class A wild trout streams are highlighted in green. You should be able to find directions to any stocked, class A, or special regulation stream in PA using these maps.
whenever i fish a new stream i use my couzin, and i was wondering if anybody might be interested in going out to the tohickan in ralph stover. not sure about dates, but probably only on weekends.
i could also get out to tyler state park, and maybe the neshaminy, ive never fished it yet though.
Mr. Afishinado .. thanks for the info and link .. much appreciated

Anyone have anytime this week in the PM after work. I may and/or may not .. let me know. I am really interested in hitting some spots on Valley IF time and schedule allows.

Throw out some time and dates either Wed, Thurs or Fri and I cna see if I can make it happen.

Bump .. anyone the next couple of weeks???

Volks, doc, rc, toofish, (HA if we decide to head up North) anyone

Locally, small trip to a stream up north, or a lil west, etc ??

I'm in. If I don't get out to fish soon, I'm gonna esplode. :cool:

Saturday works for me....
All in...lemme just check when I can. Let's get some choices for dates/destinations?

My last outing with delta-dog mcfinn and ha was a blast...I think its time for another...
Going to check w/ the wife kn weekend schedule for next 2 weekends

Also .. May have a few open weeknights next week to hit something up
will post back
Here we go again :)

This week is out but I should be able to get out this weekend either Sat PM or Sunday with enough notice.

I'm up for anywhere.

How is the Tohickan neal?
I finally got outt today with my friend and headed over to the tohickan creek. Stepped in and it was almost 80 degrees! Pretty shallow and very clear, the bass were very active. Biggest one was a 3 pounder, we weighed it. 10 Fish total, 6 small mouths, 4 sunnies. Not a bad day.