What’s Your Favorite Stream No One Else Has Ever Heard Of?

Spring Creek.
Jack took mine.
I will get it started, this might a little bit of trip but this places fishes great and no one knows about it.

Ok ok, FINE! Name of the road is all you need to know.

(41.0414603, -75.9543684)

Edit: I’m kind of giving away my “Honey Hole” with this, but that’s kind of the point I guess.
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This had to be an alcohol influenced thread. I like the idea though. My spot is a little known creek called Penns. If you go there in the last week of May, you will have the whole place to yourself.
This had to be an alcohol influenced thread. I like the idea though. My spot is a little known creek called Penns. If you go there in the last week of May, you will have the whole place to yourself.
I appreciate the tip. I could use a little tranquility and peace at that time of year, so I think I'll head back. Any particular bugs that may be hatching?
Not really. Bring midges and beetles, they always seem to work
This had to be an alcohol influenced thread. I like the idea though.
61936976 63EA 48E6 B5E8 76D461882080
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

It's similar with trout streams.
This thread should have been posted on April fools day......
There is a little runoff ditch across the road from my grandparents old homestead that we used to pick crayfish out of. I all but guarantee me and my cousins are the only people to play in that crick over the last 40 years.

Absolutely no fish in it though if that is what you were looking for.
My favorite creeks are wild trout streams with fishable populations, but my favoritism toward them has nothing to do with the biomass; it’s the scenery.
This thread should have been posted on April fools day......

I considered that actually. But I just couldn’t wait to hear about all these good spots!
My favorite is a part of the river that once was.

Not far downstream was a dry channel where the river had run once, and part of the way to come to know a thing is through its death. But years ago I had known the river when it flowed through this now dry channel, so I could enliven its stony remains with the waters of memory.
One of my favorites is called Fishing Creek, and it runs along side Fishing Creek Road. Very accessible, but tiny. A few of us fish in once or twice a year.

You may think you’ve heard of it, but it’s not the one inside your brain.

Good Thread for a day when I should probably be fishing.
One of my favorites is called Fishing Creek, and it runs along side Fishing Creek Road. Very accessible, but tiny. A few of us fish in once or twice a year.

You may think you’ve heard of it, but it’s not the one inside your brain.

Good Thread for a day when I should probably be fishing.
No, but if you're telling the truth, it was certainly easy to find which one you mean.

Don't worry, though, I will practically never drive SW from MiffCo to trout fish... Out of all directions to travel, that would be my last choice from my house.