What is the nicest fly shop you have visited?

Short List:

Slate Run Tackle Shop
Yellow Breeches Outfitter
Cold Spring Anglers
I usually go to Daves out in Doylestown. They have a small Orvis Outfitters section. No pressure to buy and the customer service is high quality.
Fly Fishers Paradise in State College. I feel right at home as soon as I walk through the front door. Great guys.

Angler's Covey in Colorado Springs Co. Another great shop. My friend Cody was the fly shop manager there until just recently. He graduated from Lycoming College and helped to start the fly fishing club there. When I head west we usually get a day or two to fish together.
That Mossy Creek fly shop sure does look nice.

How can they afford that building? Does the owner have other businesses in the building? In any event, sure does look nice.

I can understand beautiful big shops like Henry’s Fork Angler cause they are guiding many boats a day for months at a time. If your over Idaho way, check it out and get a sandwich at the Grub Steak Mountain Market then drive across the street and eat it on the banks of the Henry’s Fork.