What fishing trip did you take that was a bust?

MKern wrote:
... a god came out of the woods and was my pal for the day....

That seems like it ought to be a very good day.
13 hour ride to Ocracoke Island NC .(Hurricane)did catch fish caught one little silver dollar and through it right back in for bait.Came home hit the local water and out fished my hole NC week in a couple hours.
i'm glad to read that i'm not the only one to have crappy fishing trips - i guess that is how we build up the karma for the good ones.

i also got blown out in 2013 in the Nipigon area, Ontario for big brookies, so I took a three hour trip to a secret river to fish for wild steelhead.

the motel owner told me to follow the trail down the river to the mouth, so i did but the trail petered out and i spent two hours fighting brush in waders, broke my net and eventually was too exhausted to fish. rather than fight my way back through the brush i swam in my waders to a take out and walked the two miles back the long way to the truck without having made a cast.

back at the motel, the guy said 'oh you chose the wrong side - its a 20ft wide snowmobile trail on the south side ....'

the next morning, before i made the four hour drive back to Thunder Bay, i walked that trail just for grins. from truck to river mouth took me eight minutes, and i saw a guy catch two in about ten minutes.

doh !
I just returned from Western NY today and took my first skunk in over 25 years of trips up there. I fished Sunday afternoon and Monday till noon. Only had one quick on and off. Saw one fish caught and that was a small BT this morning by one of the guys I was with. I fished the best spot on the Oak (IMO), the head of the Archer's hole without touching a fish this morning. Well at least I had decent weather for the drive home. As they say, the fishing was great but the catching was not.
Late November this year, told my daughter "come on", we are going to Little Pine spillway. From Muncy we took off, Made a quick stop at Harvest Moon in Linden Pa. Got 10 pieces of fried chicken. Talked about how good the chicken was for the next ten miles. Took Pine Creek exit, told her about Tom Todd [Pine Creek Trading Post.

Told her about Poust Taxidermy, how Dana was mauled by his pet bear. Told her about all the Italian food I use to have at the Pine Creek Inn. Told her about, Boy Scout's at Camp Kline, me being there.

Explained all the water from Kline up to bend. Told her about all the Rattlesnake's on the Puederbaugh mountain. Told her about Ramsey Run.

Got to Waterville. Told her about Waterville Hotel and the giant mt. burgers they used to have. All about Jan. Stopped at O' Connell's store, got some candy. Told her about shop and about the Wheary's and about Paul and Carol up at Museaum.

Told her all about lower picnic area and the family reunion's we used to have there.

I know this might be boring. BUT, THERE'S A CATCH.

Got to the dam spillway, water was three time's higher than normal. We fished anyway. No fish. Said come on. Well go to where the trolly crosses Little Pine. Told her how nice the people were that owned the cabin on other side of creek. I caught 1 brown. Daughter zero.

Said come on. Told her about the people that used to have buffalo and cow's at bad curve bridge. Told her all about Fred at Shot in the Dark. Took off to Oregon Hill. Told her all about area and pal Muskrat who used to own gun shop. Told her about fruit stand I used to get the best spiced crabapple,s from[Zinck's}.

Asleep yet. Got to Morris, told her about snake hunt's how uncle Minor Martino and son Joseph would catch them and guide. Told her about Crossroad's Tavern that everytime i went in there i got kicked out. Told her about Babbs Creek inn. Junebug, the one man band.

Finally, close to destination. BABBS' CREEK.

NOW IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP. Told her all about Bear Camp, Smoke and Ash. Told her all about all the big bucks and every mountain i roamed. Told her about Nickle Creek ,Waterfall and a swamp 2 mile's back in that i killed big bucks at. Told her all about Landris town. Smallpox got em. The mines the acid run off the pollution. Told her about a savior to the stream Robert McCullough. Told her about Bear Run about the Springs. Told her about the white raven, the Snowy Owl"s that migrate there when food is scarce north.

Almost done. Whew, Mentioned , remember when we caught a pile and saw a huge bear at Sand Run Waterfall. Finally, arrived at the small waterfall at the Roaring 30's. Knew this was it. I said throw in. Nothing, throw in, nothing. again and again. Nothing.

Dissapointed, i said sorry, honey. As leaving i said try that small upper hole. The most beautiful, sacred, 1 of a kind, glistening with beauty in the glimmering sun, a 7 inch brookie.

We admired it for what seemed to be the blessing from above. The sky opened and an Angel all dressed in white with shiney diamond's said" welcome, did you really think we would leave you down". I dropped to my knee's and said " thank you Lord". We talked about that brookie for the next 20 miles. Stopped at the Liberty Gas station and finished with a soda and bag of chips.

Was the best bust we have ever had. But the more i think of it, never had a bust when fishing with someone you love or love to be with.

Sorry for length. Maybe you can come along with us on a Magical Trip, tour of Pa. As a friend once said over and over. ENJOY, ENJOY THE GREAT OUTDOORS OF PA.

regards: the maxima12

greenghost wrote:
My worst trip held the worst day in my life. My father died when I was steelheading in NY. It was in the 80's, so cell phones weren't the thing yet. The motel I was staying got the call. It was a long drive home to Pittsburgh, to say the least. I haven't returned to the area since.

Ghost -

Found myself in almost the same situation 6 years ago.
I was fishing BWO's on spring creek in march and things were going great - plenty of bugs and rising fish. And had another PAFF member coming up to meet me.
And I got a call from my sister - while I was literally in the water - that my mom had taken a turn for the worst. And wasn't expected to last much longer.
That was one LONG 3 hour drive home!
Let's take a moment and say a prayer for those who really have suffered a terrible event while fishing. Give blessing to those who have not. With thanks to YOU, I may go on.

-Manny Gordon
I would have to say that my trip to Oak Orchard this year was a bust for me. I hurt my back the day before the trip and tried to tough it out but I don't think the fish were interested in eggs that smelled like Ben-Gay.
Everyone that stood next to me caught fish using the same patterns I was using.
Hopefully I will get my chance at those big browns next year.