What fishing trip did you take that was a bust?

SmoothOperator wrote:
July of 2012... Arrived and set up my camper and got 2 weeks of provisions to start a month of fishing on the Madison River.....Saturday night a bad rainstorm came thru and blew the awning completely off my trailer and also damaged a couple roof vents......Sunday morning I climbed up on the roof of the camper and got a damaged vent off to match up with new ons from town..... Replaced first vent no problem but the windy conditions blew the second vent back down to the ground...When I got on the ladder to go retrieve it the ladder somehow collapsed catching my left leg between two rungs and snapping my leg off ( both bones) right above my ankle...... I landed on my back on the ground and thought " damn that hurt!" ......tried to stand up and saw bones sticking out of my skin and the ends now had grass and dirt clumps in it....... That was at about lunch time and it took till 6:00 pm till a helicopter came and took me to Bozeman..... Over the next week had about 3 or 4 surgeries to clean , screw and pin my leg back together ..... My brother arranged for a rehab. location in Bozeman ( which had a 1 star rating) where I spent the worst week of my life at...... After a week of this sh*t hole I told my wife to arrange a plane ticket to come home to Pa.......I had to have my truck shipped back by car carrier ($ 1,000.00) .....The helicopter ride was $15,000.00 ..... My wife says it was a $150,000.00 vacation...... The memories......priceless......

Good luck "or bad" to anybody that can top this
I kept waiting for a punch line to smooth operators story but that is just an awful story. Did you end up recovering most of your mobility?
PennypackFlyer wrote:
I refuse to go on "Just a fly fishing trip" There is so much more to life than grabbing a trout by the lips and putting it back in the water.

Wait, you put them back? Explain. I understand the lipping part.

SmoothOperator - That’s gotta be high in the running for worst vacation ever. Period. Fishing based or not. Hope you eventually fully recovered.
I would have consumed massive quantities of alcohol sometime during that day.

What was the need for a helicopter from a campsite along the Madison?

Wouldn’t have been much faster to have an ambulance take you to the hospital?

Why did you wait from noon to 6pm?

Dang, that not a bust (SmoothOperator's story, unless he literally means his leg). . . that's a disaster.

15k was cheap for the chopper ride. November 2012 we were at our cabin and I started having heart pains. Chopper ride from Wellsboro to Williamsport was 36k.

Can't top Smooth's story, but here is one of my fun trips.

Back in the '70s during the Lake Erie salmon craze, we decided to go. We left Friday evening after work, and after a five hour drive arrived there late at night. We headed for the Walnut Creek access to find the gate closed and many other vehicles waiting.

It was still dark when PFBC opened the gate and started launching boats. We had a 16' semi-V with a 25 Mercury. Many other boats were a lot bigger. As we watched other boats go out, you could see their lights disappear and reappear from the swells. As it got light the lake looked very nasty and we decided not to go out, opting to find a high school parking lot where we got some sleep since we were up most of the night.

Sometime later the wind had calmed. We went back to Walnut and the lake looked like glass. We went out and fished, caught nothing and saw no one else catch anything. After about an hour the wind started picking up again from the northwest. Swells started getting pretty bad and we made a hasty retreat to the launch. By the time we got the boat out small craft warnings had been issued. Back to the HS parking lot.

We awoke Sunday morning to your typical nasty Fall day. Cloudy, windy and cold. We went to Elk creek to check things out and the waves were worse than the ocean. So we headed home, having fished a whole hour. Our first and last trip for salmon.
I was going to post earlier but ran out of time. Now I feel a little petty after smooth's post and some from the others. But in the spirit of the forum, I will add my 2 cents. The closest thing to a bust has to come from my Erie steelhead trips. Trip #1 had low expectations as I was only trying to find the creeks and do some fishing. Trip #2 was my first steelhead jam. No luck fishing but I had a good time with the guys. Trip #3 was this year and I brought my son to the jam for the snow apocalypse. no fish on this trip but I think I a getting close. And my son is starting to fish with me.

I am surprised that I have never been skunked surf fishing and so far my only skunks are coming from steelhead. I think this due to not having a plan B while steelheading.

Not really a fishing trip.
But, I went on a vacation to Nova Scotia with my wife. And she agreed to let me try a little fishing for atlantic salmon.
I spent a whole day on the Margaree River. And never even saw a salmon - let alone catch one.
However, towards evening, a BWO hatch came off. And a bunch of small fish started rising to them.
I switched over to a BWO dry. And started catching wild brookies in the 6-8 inch range - on a 10 foot 7 weight rod.
At least I didn't get skunked.
Oddly enough, I never saw another fisherman the whole day.
Found out later that the salmon never really ran in the river that year - at least when I was there.

Closer to home:
I started fishing the Delaware River in the mid '80's. And got skunked my first 2-3 trips there.
Then I met another flyfisherman at the campground I was staying at, who gave me some tips on where to go.
And finally broke the ice
I like to explore with topographical maps and a compass. I never get lost. Sometimes I do get very confused, but after awhile I figure things out.

I grew up along the Yellow Breeches Creek in Green Lane Farms which is much closer to the mouth with the Susquehanna River in New Cumberland than it is to Boiling Springs.

One day I decided that I would explore with my Pennsylvania Atlas & Gazetteer(DeLorme Mapping Company) and find out just exactly where the Yellow Breeches Creek originates in the South Mountains.

I did my best. I didn't even see a fish on that exploration. I put 100% into an exploration and lost. Sometimes that happens.
acristickid wrote:

What was the need for a helicopter from a campsite along the Madison?

Wouldn’t have been much faster to have an ambulance take you to the hospital?

Why did you wait from noon to 6pm?
Ambulance came from Ennis in about an hour....(1:00 PM.) they weren't paramedics so they couldn't give me anything ( but water) .....They were scared to move me because my leg was laying on top of my foot and ankle....luckily no major arteries or blood letting was going on....only thing they did was cut off a my deck shoe( just bought, brand new)..... Them hours just dragged on....I had a 1/2 gallon of Jack Daniels in the camper so my brother got it out and I started " self medicating" ( against the ambulance peoples advice, "but hell , your not even para-medics!!!!!") .... I remember a Huey Type of helicopter landing....Talking briefly to a flight nurse who gave me a disgusting look and then a shot....They had to leave some equipment with the Ambulance people because of weight/space concerns.....I remember " interviewing" some youg kid who said he was the pilot ( said he served in Iraq) , that was good enough for me, and then I heard the whining of the engines laboring to get us off the ground .....Next time I work up I was in the E.R at Bozeman....I wanted to make sure I got a doctor who would at least put my foot on straight .... Ends up I got a Dr. who just moved his practice to Bozeman from Chicago.....(Moved there for the hunting and fishing)...... Told me I would be up and "running" in about 6-9 months...(I told him he's' a miracle worker if he gets me running..... my football coach told me I couldn't run to save my life)......
ryansheehan wrote:
I kept waiting for a punch line to smooth operators story but that is just an awful story. Did you end up recovering most of your mobility?
. Ended up getting my DOT physical in 6 months after the accident ...Then had to go to Cleveland , Ohio ( Lincoln Electric Welding School ) for two weeks to get my qualification/certs. back because of the time lapse in working.....Went back to pipeline welding till early 2018.... Retired cause that's a " young mans' trade ....IMO.... Still have a welding service/shop but I'm slowly easing out of that and doing "hot shot trucking"...... Can't work 12-14 hour days anymore and I have to take an anti-inflammatory for my ankle .... Can't wade the deep/fast water anymore or wade from one bank of the Madison to the other...... Getting old sucks from what I've seen /experienced so far.....
Wow! Some monster adventures here! Luckily I lead a more mundane and boring life. Anyhow, Afish - I got you beat: 2018 is the absolutely worst catching year of my life, since I started fishing in '57 and ffishing '59. I figger we have nowhere to but up. All that water is good for the trouts and watershed, especially since I don't think they got harassed by too many of us. Also the high waters probably slowed the herons down.
Kettle Creek. Late September. Beautiful country, parks/camping and spending time with my brother. All fish must have returned to school. Very fisherman I spoke with reported 0 trout.
I can beat the leg break story. That is horrible.

My bad story :. Years back before websites, etc., I left my house around 4am and drove 3+ hours to the Delaware River. Arrived to find the WB and Main filthy and high. Went to a pay phone and called FF Paradise. They reported that Spring was is great shape and the sulphurs we're just starting. I loaded back up and drove 3+ hours to Bellefonte. Got my gear rigged, vest on and headed out to find some afternoon risers. Storms rolled in just as the sulphurs got going strong around 6:30pm. I scrambled for the car as things turned bad. Opened the door, tossed in the vest. Big gust of wind blew my favorite Sage 3wt over as it sent my door flying shut. Snap!

I drove around 10 hours that day, landed one 11" brown and had my favorite rod snapped into 3 pieces. Left home at 4am, got home at 9:30pm wet, pissed and exhausted.
I refuse to fish the Delaware System......First trip; arrived just in time at Deposit , Ny. to a major rain system, it rained and thundered and lightning for the next 3 days......( Friday, Saturday and Sunday) ....Power went out Saturday afternoon ...... Only good part was......I was with my wife and 8 1/2 months later I had my first daughter....... Second trip ; Stayed at a campground on the West Branch in my new RV for a week and got SKUNKED ( highlight of trip was meeting the guy who was with Lee Wulff when his plane crashed). Third and final trip : Showed up on Thursday and was slightly breezy .....Friday windy as hell couldn't even cast....Saturday... ditto.....So Sunday morning it's still windy , I have an early breakfast get a Sunday paper and head to my favorite spot ......Sitting in the car wind howling and look at paper..... Front page headline ; First time in recorded history record winds all weekend !!!!! I rolled my stuff up and never went back......
Not a fly trip but awful just the same... Went with a boat-owning friend who professed to be experienced on a trip for stripers out of Absecon Inlet in early December a few years ago. The public launch puts you into a tidal bay/marsh with a couple wider channels to the inlet. The channel markers in the bay had evidently been removed for the winter - which surprised me quit a bit. Consequently we wound around in the marsh for a while before finding a northbound channel to what appeared to be an inlet, albeit not the one we wanted. It turned out to be a rather treacherous break in a shifting sandbar and a rocky shoal. It was about this time that I began to question to seafaring abilities of this friend. But for my quick eye in reading a break in the rip, we'd have wrecked for sure. Once we cleared the shoals, we fished to no avail for about 6 hours in cold, wind, and 3-4 foot seas. The sun was shining and optimism was in the air though for most of the day. But I knew we still had to get home. Giving ourselves time, we made our way back to the real inlet. We missed the narrow opening to the channel back to the ramp though, so an hour later we were still tooling around in the bay. Sun went down. Cold air got colder. Tide went out. There we sat, with a lovely view of the AC casino lights. Longer story shorter... Did I mention that it's cold at night in December? The tide eventually came in, as it always does, but we still needed a towing service to guide us back to the ramp. Chilled to the bone and pissed off as I was, I couldn't say a word as drove 2 hours home. The final insult to injury came when I slammed the door on my rod tip as I left his house.
There are too many morals to this story to name.
My worst trip held the worst day in my life. My father died when I was steelheading in NY. It was in the 80's, so cell phones weren't the thing yet. The motel I was staying got the call. It was a long drive home to Pittsburgh, to say the least. I haven't returned to the area since.
I had a trip planned to fish some little known small creeks in southern Utah around September 11th 2014. Saw this the day before I left:


Called a fly shop and they told me stay home. Flew into Vegas anyways and went forward with the trip. Had to fish plan C and D most of the trip, but still did very well.

At the end of the day, even if I catch nothing its hard to call a trip a bust if I get to hang out with a good buddy and drink a bunch of beers for a few days.
I just remembered one time I went to a wilderness trout stream and near the beginning of my hike a god came out of the woods and was my pal for the day. Too bad he jumped in every hole over 8" deep just before I could fish it. He ruined my fishing, but the strangest part was he disappeared for like 10 minutes and while he was gone I found a patch of cheery trees that was loaded with bear droppings. Once I got past that section the dog returned.