What Are You Tying Today?


Brown Drake

Tip - Gold tinsel
Body - Brown floss
Hackle - Badger
Wing - Brown turkey

Ameteur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Gray Drake

Tail - Mallard
Ribbing - Black floss
Body - White floss
Hackle - Gray or badger
Wing - Mallard or slate duck or goose quill segments

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmark
I really wanted to go out today to try to locate some carp. However, the 25 mph winds kind of put a damper on those plans.

Instead I twisted up a couple of carp bugs to chuck into the carp box.

Carp Maul pattern in Mulberry purple!


And a carp soft hackle pattern tied on a size 8 Daiichi 1530 hook


Yellow Drake

Tail - Brown mallard (aka bronze mallard)
Ribbing - Silver tinsel
Body - Yellow dubbing
Hackle - Scarlet
Wing - Brown mallard (aka bronze mallard)

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Yellow Dolly

Tip - Gold tinsel
Body - Yellow dubbing
Wing - Slate duck or goose quill segments

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Wilmarth

Blue Turkey

Tip - Silver tinsel
Tail - Red
Body - Blue chenille
Hackle - Red
Wing - Gray or mottled turkey

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
I really wanted to go out today to try to locate some carp. However, the 25 mph winds kind of put a damper on those plans.

Instead I twisted up a couple of carp bugs to chuck into the carp box.

Carp Maul pattern in Mulberry purple!

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And a carp soft hackle pattern tied on a size 8 Daiichi 1530 hook

View attachment 1641240536

Putting my recent carp tying spree to shame! Beauties.

I've started scouting; all of my carp and warmwater spots are still locked up tight with ice. Looking forward to the 2025 carpin' thread!