What Are You Tying Today?


Brown Drake

Tip - Gold tinsel
Body - Brown floss
Hackle - Badger
Wing - Brown turkey

Ameteur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Gray Drake

Tail - Mallard
Ribbing - Black floss
Body - White floss
Hackle - Gray or badger
Wing - Mallard or slate duck or goose quill segments

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmark
I really wanted to go out today to try to locate some carp. However, the 25 mph winds kind of put a damper on those plans.

Instead I twisted up a couple of carp bugs to chuck into the carp box.

Carp Maul pattern in Mulberry purple!


And a carp soft hackle pattern tied on a size 8 Daiichi 1530 hook


Yellow Drake

Tail - Brown mallard (aka bronze mallard)
Ribbing - Silver tinsel
Body - Yellow dubbing
Hackle - Scarlet
Wing - Brown mallard (aka bronze mallard)

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Yellow Dolly

Tip - Gold tinsel
Body - Yellow dubbing
Wing - Slate duck or goose quill segments

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Wilmarth

Blue Turkey

Tip - Silver tinsel
Tail - Red
Body - Blue chenille
Hackle - Red
Wing - Gray or mottled turkey

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth
I really wanted to go out today to try to locate some carp. However, the 25 mph winds kind of put a damper on those plans.

Instead I twisted up a couple of carp bugs to chuck into the carp box.

Carp Maul pattern in Mulberry purple!

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And a carp soft hackle pattern tied on a size 8 Daiichi 1530 hook

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Putting my recent carp tying spree to shame! Beauties.

I've started scouting; all of my carp and warmwater spots are still locked up tight with ice. Looking forward to the 2025 carpin' thread!
few of thr colors of shrimp I'm doing to fill a box. size 6 hooks, ftd materials and pro sport fisher shell backs in small.


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